South West Respect The Unity Coalition Elects Candidates
SW Respect | 29.03.2004 22:59
South West Respect The Unity Coalition metting elects its candidates for the European elections 10th june 2004
Email: bristolunity (nospam)
The SW Convention of RESPECT, the Unity Coalition was held on Sunday in Bristol. Representatives from Cornwall, Plymouth, Dorset, Gloucester, Exeter and Somerset joined those in Bristol to elect candidates for the South West Region in the June 10th Euro Elections.
The PR system of voting means that seven candidates will stand in the election for the region. Proportinate votes will be allocated to parties according to the total votes in the region, and those candidates topping the list will be elected as MEPs. In the Convention, attended by 150 people, many ex Labour voters and members declared their support for RESPECT as an alternative to the betrayals and war-mongering of New Labour. The Convention was introduced by a representative of the Fire Brigades Union (who are due to debate dis-affiliation from Labour at their National Conference in May), Majid Kahn (West Midlands RESPECT Candidate), and George Galloway. A Campaign plan was also agreed and a SW Region Steering Committee established. The 7 candidates chosen each presented themselves for election with the following profiles:
Active over many years in trade unions in Bath. I was chair of Bath Trades Council and Union convenor in a print factory. I am currently a member of UNISON. I have worked as a legal advocate, firstly with street homeless people and now benefit claimants. I have been active in many campaigns in Bath in the last 30 years. I am a member of Bath Stop the War Coalition. I am a member of Globalise Resistance and attended the European Social Forum in Florence (2002) and the Anti-Capitalism demonstrations in Prague, Genoa and Brussels. I have a partial disability and have practical experience of the problems facing people with disabilities.
Daughter of a Vietnamese father and a Jamaican mother. Teaching in inner city schools since 1977. Prominent member of Bristol Defend Asylum Seekers Campaign who has led three successful high profile campaigns against family"deportations. Assistant Secretary of Bristol NUT. Parent governor at Portway School. Member of the Socialist Workers Party.
I am a 23 year old student at the University of the West of England in Bristol. I was a member of the Labour Party until recently, and was a local Labour Party youth officer and parish councillor in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire.1 am president of my university's STW group and have been active in the anti-tuition fees campaign.
I'm currently involved in Weymouth STWC & RESPECT and active within UNISON. My politics & activism are rooted in my green-socialist perspective, and previously underpinned through Labour Party membership (1987-2002). I was an elected councillor on Merseyside. Labour has betrayed us & I see RESPECT as the broad radical ,alternative.
Arrested and tried for leading "Illegal" march against the War last year. Founder member of Nuclear Free Coalition against Trident in Plymouth. Led local strikes against privatisation and Council cuts. Led delegations to Nice and Genoa anti-Capitalist protests, European Social Forums in Florence and Paris, and the World Social Forum in India. Secretary of the Council UNISON Branch, Secretary of Plymouth TUC and elected memberof the TUC South West Regional Council and Executive Committee. Works in a Social Services Family Centre with a 30 year background in Children's Rights. Parliamentary Candidate for Socialist Alliance in Plymouth 2001 and long standing member of the Socialist Workers Party.
1979-90 Labour Party member and Bristol City Councillor for 3 years. Chair of the Women's Committee. I was one of the councillors who fought the campaign to refuse to pay poll tax and resisted the attempts to privatise the docks.1990 I was disciplined for speaking out against the right wing drift of the Labour Party, and finally quit. I have actively supported the firefighters, opposed student fees and campaigned against the war in Iraq. I have been a teacher for the last 30+ years in Bristol and currently teach at the City of Bristol College. I am a member of the SWP
Born in Iraq in 1965, and now living in Bristol. In 1986 I graduated from Mosul University where I obtained a BA in Economics. Prior to my studies I was training in the Iraqi special back up forces army, part time over a period of 3 years. At the end of 1986 I was instructed to join the army to fight in the war against Iran, a war I did not believe in. So I fled from Iraq. After that I lived and studied in a few count,ies. I became a British Citizen in 1999. I am now working on a project for conflict resolution, transforming and peace building. My goals and ambitions are saving lives, helping people and delivering peace to our troubled world.
Any support for RESPECT is welcome. Please contact bristolunity (at),
or ring 0779 092 9708
See also:

SW Respect
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