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Poster for "Afghan Massacre" film screening

IMC Cambridge | 29.03.2004 22:16 | Cambridge

Cambridge Indymedia is showing this documentary on 4th April, at 7.30pm in the Locomotive, 44 Mill Road.

‘Afghan Massacre – The Convoy of Death’ tells of the horrific forced journey undertaken by thousands of prisoners who surrendered to America’s Afghan allies after the siege of Konduz. Bundled into containers, many of the captives were shot within minutes. The rest suffered an appalling road trip lasting up to four days. American special forces took control of the operation, redirected the containers carrying the living and dead into the desert and stood by as survivors were shot and buried.

The film details how the Pentagon lied to the world in order to cover up its role in the greatest atrocity of the entire Afghan War. This is the documentary they did not want you to see.

IMC Cambridge
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29.03.2004 23:43

IMC Cambridge

useful links

05.04.2004 00:01

good work - as Afghanistan is hardly ever in the mainstream news it is important that alternative media make sure the issue is kept alive:

Afghan news and useful sources:

older stories and some analytical pieces:

These are just some of the lies told by New Labour politicians justifying the Blitzkrieg on Afghanistan, pretending this was a humanitarian intervention:

14 October 2001 - John Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister, said that Britain was determined to "win the peace" in Afghanistan through a massive aid effort and the creation of a democratic, post-Taliban government.Mr Prescott, who was in Moscow for talks on terrorism and the environment, called for the international coalition to be turned into a wider campaign against global poverty once the conflict was over.

05 October 2001 - Jack Straw sent a direct message to the people of Afghanistan promising help from the outside world once the Taliban were overthrown and Osama bin Laden faced justice. In a text broadcast on the BBC World Service, the Foreign Secretary promised generous assistance to provide schools, clinics, roads and secure livelihoods in the future. He said: "Our commitment to the Afghan people is simple and sincere. You have been ill-served by those who made your country a haven for terrorists across the world. … As soon as this stops, the world will work with you to build a better future for you and for your children."

Peter Hain - 06 October 2001 "Let's use this great coalition to fight world poverty. The solidarity shown to the US could promote an end to unilateralism and isolationism. The international community must work together to minimise the suffering of the Afghan people and to ensure them a peaceful, stable and free future in their country. That means helping to rebuild Afghanistan after its terrorist bases have been eliminated, not just with food aid but with development assistance for infrastructure, jobs, hospitals, schools and homes."

Tony Blair 02 October 2001
"With every bit as much thought and planning, we will assemble a humanitarian coalition alongside the military coalition "

Swindon stop the war coalition
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