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BNP election result in Calne (Wilts)

Concerned | 28.03.2004 22:00 | Anti-racism | Oxford

Nazi BNP vote doen (sorry for late posting)

Robert Baggs, candidate for the BNP in Calne Abberd ward (Wiltshire) secured 85 votes (13%) in a council by-election on March 18th.

Although still alarmingly high, it is good to note that this is less than they got last year. On 1st May 2003 the BNP got 101 votes (17%) in the same ward.

9 or 10 activists from Calne, Swindon and Bristol (presumably heard about it through Indy-media – thanks for coming!) leafleted the whole ward on the Saturday before the election. The leaflet pointed out the criminal and Nazi connections of the BNP. In the spirit that a picture is worth a thousand words it showed three pictures:
i) Nick Griffin (BNP leader) in Libya getting money from Gaddafi.
ii) BNP organiser Tony (bomber) Lecomber being arrested, pointing out his convictions for bomb making and assaulting a Jewish school teacher.
iii) Former BNP leader, and still a BNP member, John Tyndall wearing a Nazi uniform in front of a picture of Hitler.
All of these pictures came from the excellent Searchlight web-page:

We handed the leaflet to Baggs personally in his front garden, and he was furious. The BNP were absolutely rattled and put out a leaflet in reply, which was a rabid rant, accusing us of “defecating on democracy”. Somewhat ironic you might think! The BNP leaflet also accused us of all being from outside the area (not true – Calne people were out leafleting against the BNP and Swindon is hardly “outside the area”).



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Clowns United

28.03.2004 23:27

Interested to heat that Griffin got to Gadaffi before Blair. Oh what aspirations! How this intelligence-led kleiner Fuhrer could be like his soon-to-be-deposed model
What a circus of New (world) Order poseurs


stop the BNP

29.03.2004 10:49

Unite Against Fascism:

Stop the BNP (Searchlight):


Leafleting aginst the BNP in Calne

20.04.2004 09:59

The irony of this was that Mr Baggs then sent another leaflet round stating that the Calne resident involved (my Dad!) was a "green party activist" with "imported heavies"! We were rather proud actually!

Hannah Quinn
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