Adopt An Israeli Refusenik
Brecon Peace & Justice Group | 28.03.2004 14:00 | Anti-militarism | World
³Adopt a refusenik.² Appealed Peretez Kidron, refugee from Nazi Germany and
a founding member of the Israeli Refusenik movement to a large audience at
the Bear Hotel meeting last week sponsored by Brecon Peace & Justice Group.
³Some two and a half thousand young Israelis have refused to serve in the
Occupied territories of Gaza & the West Bank because they believe that what
the are asked to do is illegal under the Geneva Conventions and
International Humantarian Law.² Said Peretz who grew up in Birmingham, and
spent some time in North Wales. ³The campaign slogan is ŒYesh Gvul¹
meaning ŒThere is a limit¹². He said
The UK equivalent would be that if England had occupied Wales for 37 years
then today some 25, 000 young English men & women would have refused to
serve in Wales, and face a prison sentence.
Eilat Maoz a 17-year-old refusenik went on to tell of her well reasoned
reasons to refuse to serve because of the terrible illegal actions of the
Israeli Government against innocent Palestinian women and Children living in
extreme poverty on under $2 a day, with curfews, houses bulldozed, farm land
destroyed, water restrictions and killings by Israeli soldiers all illegal
actions by an occupying army under the Geneva Conventions. The Israeli army
has killed three times as many Palestinians as have the terrible suicide
To adopt a Refusenik which simply means writing to them and if possible
making a donation - go to

Also see the ~Welsh web site about the situation in the
Occupied Territories, or
Peretz book REFUSENIK! a collection of personal stories by Refuseniks can be
bought from

Brecon Peace & Justice Group