Something Evil This Way...Oh No, It's Here!
Jack Dalton | 27.03.2004 23:51 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | London
The militaristic posturing of the U.S. world-wide threatens more than just the rest of the world. It threatens the very foundations of Democracy in the country I once fought for.
Something Evil This Way…On No, It’s Here!
By: Jack Dalton|
“I’m the commander--see, I don’t have to explain—I don’t need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.” (George W. Bush—Washington Post, 11-19-2002)
By March of 2001, the Bush cabals power grab was more than evident to those paying attention. Who can forget Bush telling us, “[T]here ought to be limits to freedom,” or [T]his would be much easier if this were a dictatorship, as long as I was the dictator” (Business Week OnLine, 7-30-01; Newsday, 12-18-00), and then there was, “I just don’t understand how poor people think” (NY Times, 8-26-03). What does he mean by those statements? We’ll never know (Ha!) as he doesn’t “feel like I owe anybody an explanation.” Out of the mouth will always come what is in one’s heart!
On March 25, 2001, the Washington Post ran an article which quoted White House officials as saying, “President Bush is “quietly” building the most conservative administration in modern times, surpassing even Ronald Reagan in the ideological commitment of his appointments.”
To call what Bush has put together merely as “conservative” is a gross misuse of the term and an insult to true conservatives. The methodology “King George” utilizes to insure “installation” of his “appointees,” as well as who they are, should be triggering alarms from one end of the country to the other, which is something I do not see taking place anywhere near enough. Coercion, intimidation, and “midnight” executive orders are the methods, with ultra-right wing, political ideologues being the recipients of those appointments. John Negroponte, Elliott Abrams, Otto Juan Reich of Iran/Contra infamy just to mention three, (see for profiles on these three and others).
In the Federalist Papers (#47), James Madison warned that, “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
The chief talking head and defender of the Bush party line in the House of Representatives, Tom DeLay (R-Tx), during a recent press conference, didn’t mince words when he let it be know that, “With a Republican majority in the House, 5 more seats in the Senate, George Bush in the White House, you ain’t see nothing yet.” The very thought makes my blood run cold!
Why would “King George” go to such lengths to insure an extremist, ultra-right political and ideological take-over of all three branches of government, legislative, executive and judiciary, if not for the purpose of solidifying (or creating—depending on who you choose to interpret what is being done) a top-down, autocratic oligarchy—governance by the “elite.”
Question: In a truly democratic of the people, by the people, for the people country (America), would the terms un-American, disloyal or un-patriotic even exist? I think not!
So what does that say about us as a people, and the autocratic form our governance has become under “King George” and his “royal court” of “party loyalists?” We must always keep in mind that it is most assuredly possible to have the “trappings” of democracy (the outward appearance) without being a democracy in actual fact and practice.
With absolute control in the House, Senate and the Judiciary, coupled with the power and control Corporate America has over Washington, D.C., it won’t really matter who is in the White House come January 2005. What has been started (for lack of a better word as the mess we are in started well before the Bush cabal—they have just openly elevated it to the most extreme level) by the Bush cabal will continue to dominate what comes out of “Imperial Washington.”
If John Kerry and the Democratic Party, by some miracle, manage to win the November election (I question our elections and make no assumptions of them being “fair”---see ), and “capture” the White House, I don’t think much will change. Even a cursory look at the Democratic Party platform being articulated will show we will have more of the same, only sugar coated. “Muscular Progressive Internationalism” (see: ). I ask, what is the real difference between the two parties? What I see is opposite ends of the same pole—the one being stuck to us, the people. Be that as it may, Kerry will be getting my vote come this November—although I wish it were Dennis Kucinich. There will be a better chance at chipping away at the Bush madness with Kerry in the White House, especially if he dumps the Bush appointees.
“The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.” (Jefferson)
If Bush manages to stay in the White House, he and his “rat pack” will not only escalate what they have put in motion, but will, at the same time, start their push to do away with the two term limit on the Presidency! This is already under serious discussion within the upper echelons of the Republican Party and a matter of public record. It was on C-Span where I first heard it. This was at the same time the topic of allowing a naturalized citizen to run for the Presidency was brought up (there was King George and Ah-nold side by side at the same function). Out of the mouth of babes and all that, ya know. I’ve learned one thing about this cabal, when they “mention” something like this; it’s not just to hear themselves talk.
Quite frankly, I do not see much difference between the methodologies being employed by the Bush cabal to create and sway public opinion for the purpose of “winning” the “hearts and minds” of the American people, and those employed by Hitler and Joseph Goebbels to “win” the “hearts and minds” of the German people prior to the outbreak of WWII.
“Political leaders sometimes “seize upon incompetence as a cover”—that is a way to deny their actual involvement in some illegal operation. This admission is then eagerly embraced by various commentators, because they prefer to see their leaders as suffering from incompetence rather than deliberate deception.” (David Ray Griffen quoting Michael Parentis—The New Pearl Harbor—Olive Branch Press, 2004). Couple that observation with William Colby’s statement (Colby is the former Director of the CIA) where he stated, “The CIA OWNS everyone of significance in the major media”…and what do you have? Something evil this ways does not come, it’s here. What Democracy?
It follows that it is also easier for us to think of “King George” as an intellectual midget, a bumbling fool with the articulation skills of a dried prune. I view this as one of the biggest mistakes that has been made in assessing Bush. Granted, he is no intellectual giant by any stretch of the imagination, but, we must not allow that to cause us to dismiss him so easily. While he may be an academic moron and an intellectual pea-brain, he is politically savvy and in that context is not a stupid man.
A “stupid” man would not have been able to carry out the vast array of lies, distortions, cover-ups and the by-passing of Congress with so many political appointments by executive order as what he has done (all of which are a matter of public record for those who are willing to look). And at the same time being able to “control” the media to the point where “real” public discourse and dialog is all but shut down with and by “contrived” issues designed to distract. Good grief, this is the man (Bush) that hires scripted actors to pose as reporters and firemen for his televised “photo-ops” and speeches. All one has to do is a google search on “George W Bush and his actors” and you will find plenty of information about this. (Also see: Robert Pear, U.S. Videos, For TV News, Come Under Scrutiny, NY Times, March 15, 2004)
Anyone and everyone that is willing to take the time to read and study the wide body of writings and research by such people as: Nafeez Ahmed, Thierry Meyssan, Greg Palast, Barrie Zwicker, Michael Chossudovsky, John McMurty, David Ray Griffen, Noam Chomsky, Paul Krugman, Steve Aftergood, Mike Rupert, Paul O’Neil, Chalmers Johnson, Karen Kwiatowsky, Ray McGovern, The Center for Public Integrity, and way to many more to mention here, cannot help but come to the conclusion that—“Something evil this way comes” and it has a name—George W Bush & Co., Inc! And that “behind his war on terrorism” Bush and Co. “is preparing to pursue it’s strategic and economic goals by unleashing a wave of state terror and militarism, not just in Afghanistan and Iraq, but also in Latin America (especially Colombia and Venezuela) and world-wide.” This also includes the militarization and weaponsation of space (see for information on weapons and nukes in space).
The heart and power, the very legitimacy of a Democracy is in and by its people—us, the people. But when we are marginalized and relegated to spectators of the political process, as is happening here, there is no longer a democracy – what you, we, are left with is tyranny, pure and simple. What we are faced with right now is typical “corporate” style of “management” which simply put is; Sit down, shut up, agree with everything and do what you are told—we’re in charge and know what is best, after all, the “grown-ups” are in charge now.” “I am the government,” so says Tom DeLay (R-Tx), House Majority Leader and chief talking head for Bush in the House of Representatives). Amazing how pompous people with power can get and how much they seem to loose sight of-- like participatory democracy!
This little “rant” of mine doesn’t come close to what I think needs to be discussed, like who were the people that on Sept. 6, 7, 10, 2001 bought up the huge number of “put options” on American Airlines, United Airlines and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, which represented a 1200% increase in “puts” (simply put, a Put Option is a “bet” that a particular stocks share price will fall in a specific time period)? Does anyone remember what airlines flew into the WTC on Sept 11, 2001?
And, in the meantime, the dead and maimed in Iraq keep growing, and growing, and, and, and……….
And in the meantime, more troops being sent to Afghanistan where the dead and maimed will continue to increase in numbers, growing, and growing and growing……….
And in the meantime more U.S. troops being sent to Colombia where the dead and maimed will grow and grow and grow………..
And in the meantime, Hugo Chavez and Venezuela are added to the Bush cabals hit list
(see: to look at the “real deal” as to what is really going on there).
When will it ever end? When corporate America is no longer allowed to finance, and thereby dictate “policy” to the “Empires” capitol city, Washington, D.C. Big is not bad, but consolidated big is bad especially when “big” refers to the Military/Industrial/Energy complex. They gave us “King George and his Royal Court.” Who will they allow to sit on the “Throne” next?
Only we the people can change this and create the conditions needed for a true representative and participatory democracy. It will not be easy, it will not be quick, but as Howard Dean loved to say, and with which I agree, WE HAVE THE POWER! But it will take a much higher level of public mobilization that, like years ago, is out there everyday and that will not go away. The one thing these people fear the most is an informed, mobilized populace that will not go away. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
We have the power. We need only the determination and daily commitment in the exercise of that power. It can be done and we the people can do it.
Again I say, POWER TO THE PEOPLE, and that not some of the time but all of the time.
By: Jack Dalton|
“I’m the commander--see, I don’t have to explain—I don’t need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.” (George W. Bush—Washington Post, 11-19-2002)
By March of 2001, the Bush cabals power grab was more than evident to those paying attention. Who can forget Bush telling us, “[T]here ought to be limits to freedom,” or [T]his would be much easier if this were a dictatorship, as long as I was the dictator” (Business Week OnLine, 7-30-01; Newsday, 12-18-00), and then there was, “I just don’t understand how poor people think” (NY Times, 8-26-03). What does he mean by those statements? We’ll never know (Ha!) as he doesn’t “feel like I owe anybody an explanation.” Out of the mouth will always come what is in one’s heart!
On March 25, 2001, the Washington Post ran an article which quoted White House officials as saying, “President Bush is “quietly” building the most conservative administration in modern times, surpassing even Ronald Reagan in the ideological commitment of his appointments.”
To call what Bush has put together merely as “conservative” is a gross misuse of the term and an insult to true conservatives. The methodology “King George” utilizes to insure “installation” of his “appointees,” as well as who they are, should be triggering alarms from one end of the country to the other, which is something I do not see taking place anywhere near enough. Coercion, intimidation, and “midnight” executive orders are the methods, with ultra-right wing, political ideologues being the recipients of those appointments. John Negroponte, Elliott Abrams, Otto Juan Reich of Iran/Contra infamy just to mention three, (see

In the Federalist Papers (#47), James Madison warned that, “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
The chief talking head and defender of the Bush party line in the House of Representatives, Tom DeLay (R-Tx), during a recent press conference, didn’t mince words when he let it be know that, “With a Republican majority in the House, 5 more seats in the Senate, George Bush in the White House, you ain’t see nothing yet.” The very thought makes my blood run cold!
Why would “King George” go to such lengths to insure an extremist, ultra-right political and ideological take-over of all three branches of government, legislative, executive and judiciary, if not for the purpose of solidifying (or creating—depending on who you choose to interpret what is being done) a top-down, autocratic oligarchy—governance by the “elite.”
Question: In a truly democratic of the people, by the people, for the people country (America), would the terms un-American, disloyal or un-patriotic even exist? I think not!
So what does that say about us as a people, and the autocratic form our governance has become under “King George” and his “royal court” of “party loyalists?” We must always keep in mind that it is most assuredly possible to have the “trappings” of democracy (the outward appearance) without being a democracy in actual fact and practice.
With absolute control in the House, Senate and the Judiciary, coupled with the power and control Corporate America has over Washington, D.C., it won’t really matter who is in the White House come January 2005. What has been started (for lack of a better word as the mess we are in started well before the Bush cabal—they have just openly elevated it to the most extreme level) by the Bush cabal will continue to dominate what comes out of “Imperial Washington.”
If John Kerry and the Democratic Party, by some miracle, manage to win the November election (I question our elections and make no assumptions of them being “fair”---see ), and “capture” the White House, I don’t think much will change. Even a cursory look at the Democratic Party platform being articulated will show we will have more of the same, only sugar coated. “Muscular Progressive Internationalism” (see:

“The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.” (Jefferson)
If Bush manages to stay in the White House, he and his “rat pack” will not only escalate what they have put in motion, but will, at the same time, start their push to do away with the two term limit on the Presidency! This is already under serious discussion within the upper echelons of the Republican Party and a matter of public record. It was on C-Span where I first heard it. This was at the same time the topic of allowing a naturalized citizen to run for the Presidency was brought up (there was King George and Ah-nold side by side at the same function). Out of the mouth of babes and all that, ya know. I’ve learned one thing about this cabal, when they “mention” something like this; it’s not just to hear themselves talk.
Quite frankly, I do not see much difference between the methodologies being employed by the Bush cabal to create and sway public opinion for the purpose of “winning” the “hearts and minds” of the American people, and those employed by Hitler and Joseph Goebbels to “win” the “hearts and minds” of the German people prior to the outbreak of WWII.
“Political leaders sometimes “seize upon incompetence as a cover”—that is a way to deny their actual involvement in some illegal operation. This admission is then eagerly embraced by various commentators, because they prefer to see their leaders as suffering from incompetence rather than deliberate deception.” (David Ray Griffen quoting Michael Parentis—The New Pearl Harbor—Olive Branch Press, 2004). Couple that observation with William Colby’s statement (Colby is the former Director of the CIA) where he stated, “The CIA OWNS everyone of significance in the major media”…and what do you have? Something evil this ways does not come, it’s here. What Democracy?
It follows that it is also easier for us to think of “King George” as an intellectual midget, a bumbling fool with the articulation skills of a dried prune. I view this as one of the biggest mistakes that has been made in assessing Bush. Granted, he is no intellectual giant by any stretch of the imagination, but, we must not allow that to cause us to dismiss him so easily. While he may be an academic moron and an intellectual pea-brain, he is politically savvy and in that context is not a stupid man.
A “stupid” man would not have been able to carry out the vast array of lies, distortions, cover-ups and the by-passing of Congress with so many political appointments by executive order as what he has done (all of which are a matter of public record for those who are willing to look). And at the same time being able to “control” the media to the point where “real” public discourse and dialog is all but shut down with and by “contrived” issues designed to distract. Good grief, this is the man (Bush) that hires scripted actors to pose as reporters and firemen for his televised “photo-ops” and speeches. All one has to do is a google search on “George W Bush and his actors” and you will find plenty of information about this. (Also see: Robert Pear, U.S. Videos, For TV News, Come Under Scrutiny, NY Times, March 15, 2004)
Anyone and everyone that is willing to take the time to read and study the wide body of writings and research by such people as: Nafeez Ahmed, Thierry Meyssan, Greg Palast, Barrie Zwicker, Michael Chossudovsky, John McMurty, David Ray Griffen, Noam Chomsky, Paul Krugman, Steve Aftergood, Mike Rupert, Paul O’Neil, Chalmers Johnson, Karen Kwiatowsky, Ray McGovern, The Center for Public Integrity, and way to many more to mention here, cannot help but come to the conclusion that—“Something evil this way comes” and it has a name—George W Bush & Co., Inc! And that “behind his war on terrorism” Bush and Co. “is preparing to pursue it’s strategic and economic goals by unleashing a wave of state terror and militarism, not just in Afghanistan and Iraq, but also in Latin America (especially Colombia and Venezuela) and world-wide.” This also includes the militarization and weaponsation of space (see

The heart and power, the very legitimacy of a Democracy is in and by its people—us, the people. But when we are marginalized and relegated to spectators of the political process, as is happening here, there is no longer a democracy – what you, we, are left with is tyranny, pure and simple. What we are faced with right now is typical “corporate” style of “management” which simply put is; Sit down, shut up, agree with everything and do what you are told—we’re in charge and know what is best, after all, the “grown-ups” are in charge now.” “I am the government,” so says Tom DeLay (R-Tx), House Majority Leader and chief talking head for Bush in the House of Representatives). Amazing how pompous people with power can get and how much they seem to loose sight of-- like participatory democracy!
This little “rant” of mine doesn’t come close to what I think needs to be discussed, like who were the people that on Sept. 6, 7, 10, 2001 bought up the huge number of “put options” on American Airlines, United Airlines and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, which represented a 1200% increase in “puts” (simply put, a Put Option is a “bet” that a particular stocks share price will fall in a specific time period)? Does anyone remember what airlines flew into the WTC on Sept 11, 2001?
And, in the meantime, the dead and maimed in Iraq keep growing, and growing, and, and, and……….
And in the meantime, more troops being sent to Afghanistan where the dead and maimed will continue to increase in numbers, growing, and growing and growing……….
And in the meantime more U.S. troops being sent to Colombia where the dead and maimed will grow and grow and grow………..
And in the meantime, Hugo Chavez and Venezuela are added to the Bush cabals hit list

When will it ever end? When corporate America is no longer allowed to finance, and thereby dictate “policy” to the “Empires” capitol city, Washington, D.C. Big is not bad, but consolidated big is bad especially when “big” refers to the Military/Industrial/Energy complex. They gave us “King George and his Royal Court.” Who will they allow to sit on the “Throne” next?
Only we the people can change this and create the conditions needed for a true representative and participatory democracy. It will not be easy, it will not be quick, but as Howard Dean loved to say, and with which I agree, WE HAVE THE POWER! But it will take a much higher level of public mobilization that, like years ago, is out there everyday and that will not go away. The one thing these people fear the most is an informed, mobilized populace that will not go away. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
We have the power. We need only the determination and daily commitment in the exercise of that power. It can be done and we the people can do it.
Again I say, POWER TO THE PEOPLE, and that not some of the time but all of the time.
Jack Dalton
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