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Euro Election Deal

pingupete | 27.03.2004 10:40 | Liverpool

Deal struck in South West Euro region

An historic and wide-ranging election deal was agreed this week between Mebyon Kernow - the Party for Cornwall - and the Green Party. In summary, Mebyon Kernow are supporting the Greens at the Euro Elections and Greens will be backing Mebyon Kernow candidates at local and parliamentary level.

Full story at

Can a similar deal still be struck in the North West region between Greens and Respect? It needs to be. Otherwise the BNP may end up getting a Euro MP elected.

Comments please.

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Display the following 5 comments

  1. nah — realistic
  2. Euro election voting — bolshevik
  3. keep the dialogue going — pingupete
  4. Respect standing doesn't necessarily disadvantage the Greens — Andy newman
  5. Make 4th party seat difficult — pingupete