The confederation or the proudhoniana federal structure
Francisco Trindade | 26.03.2004 19:46 | Globalisation | Repression
The confederation or the proudhoniana federal structure
The confederation or the proudhoniana federal structure
Proudhon ignores completely the characteristics of the political model that permits estender the State of right to the relations between the nations. The operation from the American Union is for evil known: does not know as organize the power to several independent levels, coordinated between them and that be limited reciprocaly. For beyond that, Proudhon uses indifferently the words federação and confederation, that have today in the opposite hurt, more more rigorous, scientific language:
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The confederation or the proudhoniana federal structure
Technical responsible for the totality of the site
The friend always José Carlos Fortuna

The confederation or the proudhoniana federal structure
Proudhon ignores completely the characteristics of the political model that permits estender the State of right to the relations between the nations. The operation from the American Union is for evil known: does not know as organize the power to several independent levels, coordinated between them and that be limited reciprocaly. For beyond that, Proudhon uses indifferently the words federação and confederation, that have today in the opposite hurt, more more rigorous, scientific language:

Update of the site
With a new text
The confederation or the proudhoniana federal structure
Technical responsible for the totality of the site
The friend always José Carlos Fortuna

Francisco Trindade