Metropolitan Police Authority backs police against grieving family - please read
Ewa J | 24.03.2004 16:07
The metropolitan police authority backs the Police's union - the Police Federation - in giving money to officers found guilty of the unlawful killing of Roger Sylvester so that they can try to overturn the decison. Please come and support the families of those killed by police in custody at the open MPA meeting to be held tomorrow. Please come and show your respect for the dead, and solidarity for the families still struggling for justice and getting screwed over by a corrupt, pro-police, murder-condoning system.
Metropolitan Police Authority backs police against grieving family
>Dear Friends,
>On Monday 15 March, a sub-committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority
>took the astonishing and disgraceful decision to give funds to an appeal by
>eight officers against an inquest verdict that the death of Roger
>in custody was an unlawful killing.
>That decision was taken beyond the public gaze but on 25 March, the full
>meeting of the MPA will be open to the public. Members of Roger's family
>will be attending to hear MPA members try and justify giving public money
>help the police officers' trade union, the Police Federation, overturn the
>verdict of a jury of Londoners, who carefully considered four weeks of
>evidence before deciding how Roger was killed.
>How can London's supposedly independent police authority claim to be
>even-handed and to "increase community confidence and trust in London's
>police service" when it takes sides against a grieving family who are
>to have no access to public funds?
>The United Families and Friends Campaign and INQUEST
> is demanding that this disgraceful decision is
>overturned at the meeting on 25 March.
>We urge everyone who can be there at 10am to come along and support the
>Sylvester family.
>Thursday 25 March
>Metropolitan Police Authority
>Meeting Room 1 (ground floor)
>10 Dean Farrar Street
>London SW1
>Nearest tube: St James Park
>You can contact UFFC at or ring 0845 330 7927 or 07770 432
>Dear Friends,
>On Monday 15 March, a sub-committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority
>took the astonishing and disgraceful decision to give funds to an appeal by
>eight officers against an inquest verdict that the death of Roger
>in custody was an unlawful killing.
>That decision was taken beyond the public gaze but on 25 March, the full
>meeting of the MPA will be open to the public. Members of Roger's family
>will be attending to hear MPA members try and justify giving public money
>help the police officers' trade union, the Police Federation, overturn the
>verdict of a jury of Londoners, who carefully considered four weeks of
>evidence before deciding how Roger was killed.
>How can London's supposedly independent police authority claim to be
>even-handed and to "increase community confidence and trust in London's
>police service" when it takes sides against a grieving family who are
>to have no access to public funds?
>The United Families and Friends Campaign and INQUEST
> is demanding that this disgraceful decision is
>overturned at the meeting on 25 March.
>We urge everyone who can be there at 10am to come along and support the
>Sylvester family.
>Thursday 25 March
>Metropolitan Police Authority
>Meeting Room 1 (ground floor)
>10 Dean Farrar Street
>London SW1
>Nearest tube: St James Park
>You can contact UFFC at

Ewa J