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Hamid al Roid | 24.03.2004 08:52 | Repression | London | World

religious instruction pertaining to post #2 cleanliness

one must sit on the toilet not facing the Holy Kabeh in Mecca, also not to show his Moameleh (tools) towards the Mecca in Saudi Arabia, cause showing your Haji Koochike or schlong towards Mecca is Haram (Religiously Forbidden), however if sitting down towards Mecca & showing your Shoombool towards it while doing number two or one, yet covering it with your hands while doing your business, is Macrooh (Religiously not recommended, yet fine). It is also not OK to turn your back to Mecca while taking a dump! It is not polite to show your Anus to House of Allah! so technically one should first find out in what direction is Mecca, it all depends that where you are taking the dump in the world!
If you are in San Diego for instance, you need to know not to face the South East nor back to the South East while Shiiting all over the bathroom! Other wise it might be Macrooh even Haram (Religiously forbidden)! So if you want to take a Halal (Religiously OK) dump, you need to study & know your Geography of the bathroom, which you are about to take the dump in! Now all this is fine, but what if you are vacationing or in a Foreign land, or city?! You need to somehow know the Geography of the Toilet!
I guess Ayatollah means that all should carry a compass or Thomas Guide Map Book, before entering a strange bathroom! Do not worry about the toilet paper, or soap or water, yet make sure that you got your compass & map when visiting a strange toilet!
Then The Great Saint of Islam, Imam Holy Khomeini, continues about the way to wash the Ass Islamic way!
He expands that when taking the dump & ready to wash your Ass, either with the Aftabeh (Islamic Toilet Pitcher) full of water, or a Water Hose connected to the wall (modern Ass Wash), one must first make sure that he caresses his hand movements from the back of the Ass between the Ass Cheeks towards the front until he hits the balls! Cause if he does this gentle movement vise versa, he might not properly clean himself & take pieces of Doodoo to the back area of the buns! And the wrong method might not truly clean the between cheeks area therefore, if he does prayer (Salat) later, the prayer will not be true, & it might become false (Batel)!
Also when holding the toilet pitcher with one hand & washing your Hiney with the other one, you need to make sure that first you must use "The Middle Finger" & for sure recommended to stick 2/3 of your middle finger (Do Sols) in your butt hole, three or so times & then cress your between butt cheeks forward towards your balls three times!
2/3 of the middle finger, then with full hand rubbing towards the front area between your butt is crucial religiously! If not, your cleaning, Ghosl (Islamic shower), or Vozu (Wash before prayer) or Taharat (Islamic Butt Wipe) will not be done properly therefore, your prayer might end up being False (Batel), so you shall read it again!
OK now imagine a few things:
By the time a good Muslim in a foreign Land studies the Geography of the Bathroom & the angle of the toilet in relation to Mecca, his number two or number one might go up & he might not even have to nor can go any more! Or worst, he might dirty his pants & underwear!
Then there is the issue with 2/3 of the middle finger! Imagine sticking that much finger in your butt holio, everytime you go to bathroom! Boy, one can become Gay by sticking them fingers up & down his rectum! He might actually like it, you know, men have prostate there & it is gentle, why do you think Gays enjoy doing it that way so much!? Hey no wonder all the holy Tolab students, Hojatol Eslams, & Ayatollah's are all in to homosexual Activities, it is all according to The Book!
See people, I bet with you, if the Great Saint & Martyr of Islam, The Great Shit, Oops I mean The Great Shiite, Ayatollah Khomeini would have only talked half of what he mentioned about Sex with Under Aged Girls & Children, How to Repair Children's Damaged & not fully grown Vaginas, how sodomizing little girls in the butt is Halal but in small vagina is not, how to enter, sit, dump, & clean your Ass in the Bathroom, & on & on....... Now only if he would talk as half of all this only about The Economy, Society, Politics, Philosophy, etc. Maybe Iran, other Shiite Nations, & other Islamic Nations in middle east & north Africa would have not been so Screwed Up & Backwarded!
Only if the Great Saint Imam Khomeini would have talked a few chapters about Economical problems, instead of little girls poons & Guys Corn Hole & 2/3 finger issues, maybe Iran's Economy & Social Status would have been semi sufficient!
But then what do you expect from a group of Religious Mullahs of Uneducated & Horny Toads?! Did you possibly expect them to write about Actual Social Issues.
Just a thought, imagine A Founder of a new political or Social Ideology like Marx, Engels, Mussolini, Hitler, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, or others would have talked about the issues that Khomeini talked about in their books! Imagine if Marx would have talk about how to wash Ass in German Society Proletariat Way!
Yes, my friends, these are the reasons that Europe is Europe, America is America, Japan is Japan, & United States is going to Land Human on Mars soon......
US is seeking salvation in "Space Exploration" for human's future ecological space & resources to live & survive, & then Iran is seeking salvation in "Rectum & 2/3 fingering the hole" or "Banging 9 year old girl's vagina the correct & Islamic way" according to joke of the books like Quran, Nahjol Balagheh, Resaleh, & etc.
Yes, my friends this is why the civilized world is going to the Mars & Iran is going to the Rectum! US is discovering the universe, expanding robotics, completing computer science, & Iran is concern about women covering their hair & legs with Chador & Hejab so the men will not get an instantaneous combustion of orgasmic climax & wet themselves! Lets spend half of the budget on buying used up Military junk from China & Russia & send the other half to Mullah's Bank Accounts in Swiss & lets see how fast can we Absolutely Screw Up & Deform, Degenerate, & Transform an Industrrial/Progressive Imperial Iran back to 14th century & to The Backwarded Islamic Iran?!
The Degeneration of a Nation, how fast & how long does it take, is 22 years enough to Destroy a Nation?! Or do we need to give Mullahs more time?!
This is the present Iran, thanks to Glory of Islam!

Hamid al Roid


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an outstanding contribution to world peace

24.03.2004 09:33

toilet humour-how original.
Fucking grow up you hate fueled moron.



24.03.2004 09:58

Please dont delete this, as it is a prime example of how puerile an "adult" human mind can be.

Timmy Mallet