Demonstrate against Israel today (Tuesday)
Ritchie | 23.03.2004 10:34 | Repression | Social Struggles | London
Called by Stop the War Coalition
This is in response to the Israeli government's killing today of Sheikh
Ahmed, the spiritual leader of Hamas. In the past, the Israeli government
has assassinated key Palestinian figures. Home Secretary Jack Straw has been
an important figure in the EU pushing for Hamas to be categorised as a
terrorist organisation, giving the green light for the targeting of their
leaders. Please forward this to others you think may be interested.
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23.03.2004 12:13
maybe the tv camaras will be there
identify that which is israeli produce and destroy it
noooo no no
thats bad
remove this post for legal reasons
caged animals roar pitifully
karen elliot
why didn't you
23.03.2004 14:50
Reap what you sow.
Israel is determined to do everything it can to strengthen the hand of the extremists and the religious fanatics.
At everyturn it has attempted to undermine and destroy the nationalistic aspirations of the Palestinian people, especially those that are secular, moderate or pluralistic.
At everyturn it has attempted to humiliate and etnically cleanse an entire people - a people who, if you take at face value the accepted provenance of the jewish tribes, are most closely connected to themselves.
Through deception we wage war IS the motto of mossad - like it or not - and scholars of various leanings and religious cult have repeatedly reiterated the basic facts about what exactly zionism is and isn't; NOT jewish, and ANTI democratic.
The ugly construct that is given the clumsey name 'truth' is that israel thrives on it's bad boy reputation, encourages powerful reactions against itself to ensure a steady base of reciprical and predetermined responses.
I really hope - and given the pronouncements of many in the PA, this is within the boundries of possibilty - that the international route is followed, and some kind of UN intervention/oversight/censure/embargo can be moulded from the growing concensus that israel is a terrorist state and the Palestinian people need protecting.
However, I get the uneasy feeling that some other schedule is to be played out - culminating in a wider conflageration, from which we will be forced to pick from the old good guy/bad guy routine - in the meanwhile paying for it through the nose and the noose of facism.
Israel is a shiity little state, but it could just be pulled back from extinction by the one card in the pack that lies quitely in wait - namely the ONE state solution.
Why, given the meeting of interest of the majority of israeli and palestinian civil society (ie the poor, the common, the working classes, the landles etc), shouldn't the idea of these two people living side by side, sharing their land and religious spaces work?
It's only this idea of racial/religious/tribal purity that stands in the way (and that IS a big'n!). For the governing tribe of israel (zionist not jewish) this would be the worst possible solution. Anything they can do to put this off, they will do - and have done.
Now is the time to start defusing the rhetoric of confrontation and to start putting forward the rational humanist line that one state for all people run as a secular entity and with separate religious arrangements (including for the sizable christian minority).
Alternatively you could have a big fight and destroy yourselves - and others around you!
11.05.2004 21:37
Mary Thornton