Formation of South West London Anarchist Group (SWAG)
pingtiao | 22.03.2004 16:38 | London
::::South West London Anarchist Group::::::::::
This is a call-out to notify anyone interested of the formation of an anarchist
group in the South West London area. Based in the communities in which we live, we
will organise around issues that matter to us and our neighbours. Housing, schools,
transport, gentrification etc.
We aim to be a group that:
1/ furthers our understanding of anarchism through self-education
2/ engages in political direct action
3/ encourages working class self-organisation through our propaganda activities,
4/ provides solidarity to other groups fighting for similar aims
The specific political orientation of the group can be worked out among us, but the
general affiliation is with anti-authoritarian, libertarian politics.
Anyone who would like to get involved, or just meet up, email for more info.
For an end to oppression of all kinds,
This is a call-out to notify anyone interested of the formation of an anarchist
group in the South West London area. Based in the communities in which we live, we
will organise around issues that matter to us and our neighbours. Housing, schools,
transport, gentrification etc.
We aim to be a group that:
1/ furthers our understanding of anarchism through self-education
2/ engages in political direct action
3/ encourages working class self-organisation through our propaganda activities,
4/ provides solidarity to other groups fighting for similar aims
The specific political orientation of the group can be worked out among us, but the
general affiliation is with anti-authoritarian, libertarian politics.
Anyone who would like to get involved, or just meet up, email

For an end to oppression of all kinds,