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Update on Ramallah armed bank robbery by Israelis

panther | 18.03.2004 12:39

Latest developments

Remember the millions taken from the vaults of several palestinian banks at gunpoint by the Israeli army ?
The claims that Israel would spend them on humanitarian projects for palestinians (albeit set up and chosen by them) ?

Looks like it won't happen:

original report:



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Just found more details

18.03.2004 12:49

I hadn't realised that the robbery took place holding back hordes of palestinian protesters, and that 42 people were injured.

Just try to picture the scene as huge amounts of cash are loaded into vehicles and driven away. How everyone feels when they are gone. What is the real purpose?

I think it is all about humiliation, humiliation, humiliation.


It's a great idea !!!

18.03.2004 15:24

the israeli's are at the sharp end of the errr war on terror , and they obviously need a few bob to keep
their bull dozers well maintained and full of gas oil .
what a great idea for the peace movement london is full of dodgy banks many of them owned by Israeli's or folks who are into arms / drug dealing. Any budding Robin Hoods out there ?
