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"Tell The World It Was A Coup!"

imc uk | 16.03.2004 19:23 | Repression | World

"My picture was taken with President Aristide when he visited and it was put in the front of the school office. The men came with guns and took the picture. They said they will kill me." Haitian domestic servant

"During the night of the 28th of February 2004, there was a coup d'etat. One could say that it was a geo-political kidnapping. I can clearly say that it was terrorism disguised as diplomacy." Ousted Haitian President Aristide

As the dust settles in the aftermath of the ousting of Haitian president Aristide, it appears that far from being the product of a popular uprising the change of government is another instance of US sponsored 'regime change'. Speaking in exile from the Central African Republic Aristide has claims he was kidnapped in the course of a coup d'etat, a claim supported by eyewitness reports that Aristide was forced out of Haiti at gunpoint by American soldiers. In a telephone conversation with Congressmember Maxine Waters, Aristide also claims he was threatened by US diplomats.

Indymedia has as yet few reports of events on the ground, but one disturbing report has echoes of previous brutal episodes in Haiti's recent history. One of Haiti's 400,000 restaveks (unpaid domestic servants) is reported in hiding in Northern Haiti after death squads targeted her. They looted her school where they found a photograph of her giving flowers to President Arstide. The girl is 12 years old.

In Kingston, Jamaica in early March, the 15-nation Caribbean Community, CARICOM, called for a United Nations investigation into the circumstances of Aristide's departure from office and from Haiti. They were joined shortly after by South Africa. Whilst Democracy Now! reports that the Consul General of the Haitian government in New York insists on recognising the Aristide government as legitimate.

Aristide Speaks From Captivity : Audio | Transcript

"The inability of U.S. strategy to break the base of their movement has led many in Lavalas to begin to openly speculate that the ongoing attacks in the Central Plateau represent the second phase of the plan. If they are correct this second phase is likely to result in an escalation of armed incursions against Haiti with the intention of overthrowing the constitutional government." Kevin Pina on Otto Reich in Haiti

External links: Reuters: Thousands take to the streets | Haiti Action Committee | Bush's Latest Coup Against Democracy | Democracy Now!



imc uk


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Aristide Returns To Carribean. Updates from Haiti. Links

16.03.2004 23:29

Updates on Aristide's Arrival in Jamaica despite US govt.
opposition at

Updates on continuing violence and CIA backed death squads
in Haiti at

Flashpoints radio has been doing 1 hour of live indepth
reports from correspondents on the ground in Haiti
every weekday (1am-2am GB time)at continues to provide pro-democracy
news from Haiti.
