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Nazi Scum meeting in Exeter on 28th March - Anti WNP posse required

Trainspotters Against Nazi Filth | 16.03.2004 17:37 | Anti-racism

The White Nationalist Party scumbags are organising to meet at Exeter Railway Station on March 27th, meeting on Platform 1. From there they intend to go onto council estates to peddle their racist filth in the hope of recruiting new members.

Anyone up for a welcoming party at Exeter train station?

Trainspotters Against Nazi Filth


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which day

16.03.2004 19:28

in the heading you say 28th, in the article 27th. which is it?

no body in particular

They are not Nazis!

17.03.2004 10:01

Calling them Nazis is an insult to all those who died under the Nazi regime. I have read loads of nationalist literature and nowhere does it resemble Nazi Party literature of the 1930s! The left call all nationalists and racial seperatists Nazis regardless of their politics, Israel for example is labeled a Nazi state by the left because they oppose Zionism, ie the attempt by nationalist Jews to build a homeland for themselves in the Middle East. Not only are the left and anarchists misleading but are also stupid. If Nazism is nationalism then why not have a go at the Scottish National Party and Irish Republicans. You can't simplfiy Nazism as nationalism, Nazism is a complete ideaology which contains within it lots of different elements. It is unique and totally unlike the popular nationalist movements of today.


Zionist is wrong

17.03.2004 11:09

Zionist, you are wrong on so many counts. No, Israel is not labelled, "Nazi" by "the left". *Some* on the left think that what the Israeli is doing to the Palestinians - such as the systematic destruction of property, of farmland, and ethnic cleansing for specifically Jewish "living space" resembles the Nazi project. You only need to listen to the more extreme Russian immigrants to Israel who, in a very similar way to that in which the Nazi's talked of a mythical right to "German" land that wasn't theirs, talk of their mythical right to land that isn't theirs.

The second instance in which you are wrong is that the BNP and other White nationalist groups, despite the propaganda that you seem to have submitted to, are not nationalists like the SNP or Irish republicans. Most of their leaders - and you will see this if you do a little research - are admirers of Hitler and the Nazi regime, and base their nationalism not on anti-imperialist grounds (as do the SNP and Irish republicans), but on the grounds of race and ethnicity - which is rather strange, as A. there is no British Nation (only a state that encompasses the Welsh, English, Scottish and Northern Irish "nations"), and B. the (white)English are one of the most ethnically diverse groups on earth.

Don't forget, Hitler's anti-Jewish crusade was built upon lies first. He didn't come straight out with "I am going to exterminate Jews". In fact, it is reasonably clear that most Germans didn't know about the extermination of Jews (and don't forget the liquidation of 5 million "politicals" and even more gays, Slavs and gypsies).

Perhaps you should be a little more cautious is subjecting yourself to propaganda in the future, becuase if the BNP and similar *White* (i.e. not black, Asian, Indian, Jewish, Slavic etc) Nationalist groups were to get into power, their "populism" would seem very different to how it seems now.


Stop the Nazis

17.03.2004 11:09

'Zionist' is a troll, and not I suspect a Zionist.

For the record: WNP, like BNP, NF + EFP are indeed Nazis. They are all splinters from the NF of the 70s, which in turn grew out of Oswald Moseley's British Union of Fascists who were explicitly allied with Hitler + Mussolini.

And they may not shout so loud about it these days, but they still hate Jews with a fury.

Unite Against Fascism:


It's the 28th......

17.03.2004 15:52

If you really want to find out more why not email the scumbag on email address -

He seems to be the one moving their agenda in these parts
