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SPAIN- SO far PP loosing election

sara | 14.03.2004 21:08

PP party is paying in the election for their lies and deception.

After three days of an all-times manipulation campaign by the PP government in Spain, so blantant than even the mass media have reported (not in the spanish state of course! but all over Europe), Mr. Aznar who seems to think himself untouchable no matter how much he disregards public opinion, seems might pay a higher price than expected. At 61% of votes counted, they are loosing the elections (PSOE-165, PP-144) Of course, those winning are not any better, but somehow it just feels good to know Mr. Aznar and his buddies are being punished for manipulating information, lying and trying to use peoples genuine emotions after the attack to win votes. As many shouted on the streets yesterday the bombs drop on Irak have fallen ono Madrid, "your war, our dead" people shouted angry and feeling insulted, and today they have expressed their anger on the ballot-box...and you can tell me now and i know this not gonna change anything but ohhh, it feels good that for once their lies and manipulation get an answer from the people...(fingers crossed!)



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Still looking good..

14.03.2004 22:42

one big step forward, greetings and thank-you to all Spanish People for this result. OK the 'new' government will only be a copy of the present one, but in rejecting Aznar they have expressed (again) their verdict on the war in Iraq and questioned the 'official' explanation of who are the terrorists!?!?

It's not the revolution but it is the defence of the will of the people - well done, we are in your debt for such bravery so soon after such a terrible attack.


Congratualtions Spain

14.03.2004 23:40

Congratulations to all the Spanish people who voted out the right wing government of Anzar during these expectional circumstances. About 90% of the population of that country opposed the war against Iraq and were ignored by their government, they also recognise that the horrific train bombings last Thursday would not of happend if it wasn't for the previous governments support for Bush.

I only hope that the overthrow of the Anzar government is the start of a chain reaction of people all over Europe punishing their governments for supporting that totally unprovoked and unjustified war, including our own Labour Party.

mail e-mail:

Oh please.........

15.03.2004 01:44

Oh please socialism is so great! Yeah right! Under socialism you're nothing more than a prostitute of the collective with no individualism. Thank goodness in America where I'm along with 40 million other people small business owners. Under capitalism I answer to no one but myself and Uncle Sam in April to pay my taxes on the profits from my business. Under socialism I would be nothing more than a slave of humanity with no INDIVIDUALISM AND INDIVIDUAL CHOICE unless the "COLLECTIVE" lets me! How is this (socialism) freedom? It is slavery imposed by the collective!!!

Daniel Beruvides
Atlanta, GA (USA)

Stock Market Crawler


15.03.2004 09:12

You're confusing socialism with communism. Wake up Rumpelstilskin, it's not 1950 anymore.


Life exists outside of the USA

15.03.2004 15:20

"Under socialism you're nothing more than a prostitute of the collective with no individualism."

Have you ever lived under a socialist government, in France, Spain, etc? Life is actually rather good. You should go and see for yourself, before passing judgment. And having been born and raised in the USA, and lived and worked all over the world, I have to say that the USA is the least individualistic, most conformist society in the industrialised world.

And slavery comes in many forms: corporate healthcare is used as a weapon in the US: if you don't have a decent corporate job (and sometimes even if you do), you get to join the 45 million Americans with no health insurance. Living in constant fear of illness is another form of slavery.

Then there's the right to beatings and torture from the police, the right to wiretaps without warrant, the right to be stripped of your citizenship and deported on the pResident's whim, and the many other rights and freedoms to be enjoyed in the USA.

So Mr. Stock Market Crawler, when you finally get tired of being a prostitute of the corporate state with no individualism, do a little travelling, and you'll find that reality is a bit different to what you've been shown on FOX News.


oh Daniel......

16.03.2004 16:42

Oh Daniel,

I can only say you are guilty of the ignorance and arrogance so prevelant in our country.
Since our media is censored (that's right - censored!) we don't learn about history in school or study foreign languages, how could I blame you? You probably think we live in
a democracy instaed of a plutocracy! WE are slaves to big business, multinational corps.
pharmeceutical corporations, and are being spied on constantly. Have you noticed the surveilence cameras in city busses, downtown areas, the DC Mall, in public schools, maybe even in your neighborhood?!

I feel for you, Daniel, but I feel for all of us. We will be the last ones to take back our country. We will have to watch as Spain, Venezuela, and many other countries do it first. It's not easy to wake up millions who are asleep.

Blessings to all of you inn Europe!! Your victories fill me with hope.

Keep reading inymedia, Daniel.

