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The Sinister Regimes

RAKMEENAK | 14.03.2004 04:39 | Social Struggles | London | World

Right from the days when the man was living in caves; the betrayal, prevarication, jealousy, avariciousness has remained glued to his soul and he has promised to shower this heritage to its posterity. The indomitable spirits kept honing these skills generations after generations without forfeiting the slightest surge of this possession.

The Sinister Regimes

Right from the days when the man was living in caves; the betrayal, prevarication, jealousy, avariciousness has remained glued to his soul and he has promised to shower this heritage to its posterity. The indomitable spirits kept honing these skills generations after generations without forfeiting the slightest surge of this possession.

The perpetual necessities led to the mental development and he started perceiving the essence of livelihood and struggle. He perfected himself in finding the areas to hunt for his survival and migrated from place to place to gratify his wants. Certain transformations surrounding his inhabitance and the transgressive metamorphism remained as the intrigue parts of the evolution. He kept on brooding over the perplexities of life while the nature was taking its own course.

Killings and manslaughter once might have been necessary for his survival when he was dominated by voracious appetite and viciousness.

Centuries after centuries, except the intrigue parts of evolution, everything remained same.

The earlier battlefields were the icons of excellence. The crown of excellence was awarded only after millions of lives were perished by one’s duly hands. One would sit on the throne only after he fulfilled his conscientious pledge of killing few million innocents. The man who commanded the frenzied killings in human history became the true model.

Every regime was frantically attacking every other regime leaving the people on both sides in despair and giving birth to more sinister regimes.

The hobby turned into passion and passion into the hobby. The killings were publicly watched for the entertainment. The gladiatorial combats were fought to amuse the audience and one has to prove his worth by killing few fellow beasts. Every regime wanted to oust every other regime by calling them traitors and slit their throats under the guillotine. The sinister regimes were prevailing everywhere that had had build their empires on the graves and had drenched their baileys with the blood streams.

Centuries after centuries, except the intrigue parts of evolution, everything remained same.

There is no need to wonder if the remnants of this civilization still exist.

The world is heading for a third world war. In fact it has already started. September 11, Afghanistan war, Bali killings, Iraq war, everyday killings in Israel, killings in Turkey and now Madrid carnage in Spain are the preliminary trials. We have lot to see.

What are we doing? What is our responsibility?
We have enslaved ourselves while we talk about world slavery. We terrorize our lives every moment, still we hunt for terrorists. We have embraced racism while we talk about other racism in world. We despise other religions even though we know no one is born with the religious feathers.

A half a million dollar house, a thirty thousand dollar car and a healthy portfolio are the things one is striving hard for. A system that has been set for us by the indomitable spirits and which we got in the heritage is dominating our lives with the utter chaos. We call ourselves literate and the system which we are following was set by the illiterates.

We need to rise and contrive for our healthy survival because if we don’t do it now, we may sooner or later vanish in the oblivion. We can’t keep on blaming some cults, some factions, some societies, some religions or some countries because we are the only ones who are going to suffer either way.

Learn brotherhood, listen to the heart,
Don’t break your bodies apart;

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and meanwhile...

14.03.2004 14:58

while this was going on, women learnt how to grow plants from seed,to cook,make textiles and clothes,and brought up the next generation.
When men took control of the women so they had control of their off spring women spent millenia being subservent and subversive until they regained some human rights in some parts of the world.
Women have the power to stop wars ,dont mate with aggresive men,dont support men who go to war.those men who oppose aggression, join women and follow their lead.
Dont for humanities sake join anything that calls itself a brotherhood!!!


¿don't mate with aggresive men?

14.03.2004 17:31

are we to take it that aggresive women don't breed agressive children?


Women Contribution during evolution of Savagery

18.03.2004 03:42

Meanwhile the woman learned how to bear the savages and depravity imposed by men folks. Certain customs forced her to leave her parental place and look for a new life with an unknown man, who was only interested in his lust. Certain customs burned her alive at the death of her husband as she was not having any right to live after her husband’s death. She has been always treated as a menial object and dominated from time to time.

Certain religions prohibit women to enter a religious place or a holy shrine. She has been contemplating the stars of her fate and detesting her birth in this sinster world.

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