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Not the Official Photos from Manc tonight

heather | 13.03.2004 21:29

You'll get your demo photos if you want them....


Hard work
Hard work

They cordoned off the stone in the "Official Protest Area". (I watched it but it didn't move once)

And the other picture is because they did work hard...
I am so impressed by their response time when needed. About 12 minutes. Shouldn't it be in some kind of best value report and on a pie chart in nice colours, maybe?



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Lack of coverage of Manchester protest most disappointing

15.03.2004 02:46

I have looked all weekend for an update on the Manchester anti-Bliar protest and found nothing on Indymedia. This was a significant event with a turnout, according to the Scotsman, of 3,000. Also, Bliar cast aspersions on the truthfullness of the newly released Guantanamo prisoners. What is going on? Why wasn't it covered? Isn't this what Indymedia is supposed to be all about or have I missed something?



15.03.2004 07:23

its only covered if people put it there and i assume the press officer for the stwc is having a day off. and if you aren't the press officer, maybe you can't post without authority..

not the official press officer

What a pain

15.03.2004 08:23

It was a complete waste of time only about 10 of us turned up. even the filth ignored us after a while.



Lack of coverage?

15.03.2004 10:07

For Leeza. I thought the point of Indymedia was DIY. You evidently have access to a computer. Get Typing. If you have a camera take it with you you on the next protest.


Stone pictures

17.03.2004 19:57

the point is that the stone outside bridgewater hall normally sits on the pavement in public space and can be touched. (i know it cost a fortune - and i'm not going to get into that in this post - but it has always been absolutely accessible to the public in its physical place, as far as i know). then when the labour circus rolls in, you cannot touch it anymore. it had its own little tiny security fences inside the bigger fences.

It was always property but it was intentionally made during the circus into a bigger statement about power and property because the tiny fences would not have stopped a five year old.

what they did in fencing the stone off is political and ridiculous.
i'm not explaining this very well i think, but it just summed up the day for me.
