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first demonstrations break out against Asnar- mood angry/ four muslims arrested

djome | 13.03.2004 19:21

hundreds of spaniards are said to have taken to the streets of madrid in protest at the asnar governments misinformation with regard blaming ETA.

this comes as reuters are reporting the arrest of 'four muslims'.

reports on radio scotland news are reporting angry demonstrations in madrid as people gradually come to realise that ETA are not guilty.

this follows spannish radio stating that spannish intelligience is '99% certain' that suspects are 'islamic militants', not basques.

Spain's Interior Minister Angel Acebes has called a 7pm press conference to discuss the arrests of the four 'muslims'.



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13.03.2004 23:03

The millions of Spaniards who demonstrated against Aznar arse-licking the War Coalition are now protesting against the terrorists, aka "Muslims."

These evil G8 Bilderberg bastards will do anything to justify WWIII and blame Islam.

The UK is next and watch support for Bliar soar as he vows to take a "tougher stance" with terrorists, by stripping us of human and civil rights.

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