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This posting has been hidden because it breaches the Indymedia UK (IMC UK) Editorial Guidelines.

IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

what is news...

mozaz | 13.03.2004 14:28 | Sheffield

what is news?

is not news acordeing to this

could be said to be spam ... seems to be more about promoting another
web site which if you check the link, is nothing more than a random
collection of poor quality images.

i'd vote to hide it


saying this is spam..


lifted from here

of course this could be said to be non news..
however it is a image report so there is a link to all of the images agreed some are not that good however look at them in context..

read some of the comments below.. the articall..

what are your thoughts?




Display the following 6 comments

  1. this article is non-news and should be hidden — jeremy paxman
  2. news is — karen elliot
  3. yawn... — bored with mozaz spam
  4. I'm with Karen here — Smile{r}
  5. journalistic freedom anyone? — kev
  6. use a wide open mind when applying the guidelines — f