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!!! Sheffield IMC needs your dosh !!!

imcista | 12.03.2004 19:12 | Indymedia | Sheffield

Sheffield Indymedia has now set-up a bank account and needs donations of money from you, yes you, as soon as possible to help pay for publicity materials, hiring venues, films, equipment and a whole buncha stuff.

we want yer wonga !!!
we want yer wonga !!!

After months of soul-searching and a fair amount of procrastination, Sheffield IMC have finally got a bank account sorted with the Nationwide Building Society (

We have decided to emulate how the UK Network account has been set-up - - with open accounting procedures and we have some pages about the account here:

If you want to give us yer hard-earned wedge then please direct it all to here:

Nationwide Building Society
16-18 Barkers Pool
S1 1EQ

sort code: 07-00-93
account #: 33333334
accout name: Sheffield Independent Media Centre
savings account # [use as reference]: 0838/703 782 124

We didn't know whether we should have a newswire article about this event but we've been spammed with a bit of non-news recently which we have allowed through, so why not. Here's some of the debate here:

For other IMC's wanting to open an account, at least two people have to visit the building society branch with proof of ID (e.g. passport) and proof of address (e.g. utility bill). We then we showed them print outs of the Indymedia mission statement and Sheffield IMC's homepage and left them with a flyer - sorted.

Now all we need is for loads dosh to come rolling in to be put to good use, innit :o)

- e-mail:
- Homepage: http://


Hide the following 5 comments


13.03.2004 08:44

so you're investing in arms dealers, tobbaco companies and opression, why didn't you get an account with the co-op or triodos?


I'm with Paul on this one

13.03.2004 08:50

Nice to see you put a lot of thought into where to invest your money........ Y not gettin any from me then!


Good idea

13.03.2004 12:01

IMC Sheffield do fantastic work. I'll definitely be donating. Thanks!

Serious Roy


13.03.2004 19:53

At last Sheffield folk can donate to this great resource!

Glad the details are up so I can set up a Direct Debit with my online banking - wicked!

As for the choice between Nationwide and banks like the Co-Op - all banks are tainted by dodgy investments. At least Nationwide is mutually-owned and not in hock to a bunch of shareholders. And surely a building society's greatest assets are its investments in its customers property - that's why they were set-up in the first place.

So, pats on the back all round for Sheffield IMC and let's all dig deep and help them keep this resource going - it must cost a fortune.

Mr MoneyBags


13.03.2004 22:39

Nationwide Building Society is a mutual and not a bank.

Co-Op is the biggest butcher in the UK.

If you have to put your money in a "bank" then far better to put it into
a mutual Building Society...
