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Boycott Marks and Spencer!

Neil and Keith | 12.03.2004 10:11 | Anti-racism | London

Boycott of Zionist Marks and Spencer continues on the Streets of London.

Yesterday saw another successful day of protest against Zionist Marks and Spencer - Britains biggest corporate sponsor of Israel which does trade with the apartheid state to the tune of over £230m on average every single year.
Noticeably the police had changed their tune and were much more 'chummy' tonight after last weeks victory by the protesters concerning our legal right to be there and use a megaphone.

Still it was difficult at times, not because of the cops or the fascists (who this week, like last, were outnumbered by Palestian supporters) but because of the general gloomy weather and almost deserted Oxford St. However, considering how few people were on the street there was relatively a lot of support and interest from the public, a few of whom joined the picket, handed out literature and joined in the slogans. We also had a minutes silence for all those killed in Palestine and in Spain yesterday - both of whom were direct or indirect victims of the imperialist state terrorism which Israel and western governments stand for and spread.

We have made our stand and will continue to fight outside the apartheid store. The only thing that will stop these pickets would be Marks and Spencers decision to stop trading with Israel - when they do that we'll stop protesting against them.

We will not however end our protests against Israel until they end their brutal occupation of Palestine. The situation is now desperate. Only 11-15% of historical Palestine remains. The apartheid wall twice as high as the Berlin Wall has now been completed with the effect of ghettoizing and isolating the Palestinian people. Last year over 850 Palestinian civilians were directly killed by the Israel army (this is over 4 times as many killed than Israelis last year) and Israel continues to receive at least $15m in U.S aid every single day and continues to breach international law - breaking as it does moire U.N resolutions than any other country in the world.

Though the situation is desperate there is also room for optimism. Israel is becoming increasingly isolated by the international community and faces economic meltdown. The so called 'strength of Zionism' is a myth. They have lost the propaganda war and have been reduced to the status of a beggar state dependent on handouts from the West.

The fiction of the two state solution has also now been discredited. It is time to get get serious once and for all and free mankind from the racism of Zionism, show our solidarity for the Palestinian people and help in what way we can in this country to bring about the reality of a Palestinian state where Arabs and Jews can live in peace and justice side by side. Something which can never happen under the racism and apartheid of Zionism which doesn't treat all human life equally.

Join the pickets of Marks and Spencer every Thursday on Oxford Street (Marble Arch end) from 6 till 8pm.
Victory to the Intifada!

Neil and Keith
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Hide the following 23 comments


12.03.2004 11:15

>Only 11-15% of historical Palestine remains<

Might that be because 76% of it is now called Jordan?


Racist Israel

12.03.2004 11:39

...err no, because 85% of it is now called Israel, which didn't exist before 1948...Oh except of course about over 3000 years ago which therefore means it's perfectly fine to ethnic cleanse people in the present day...because the Old Testament says so. Get a life idiot and get your facts straight at the same time.


disgusting antics of the jew hating VTI

12.03.2004 17:16

i suggest you never spit at jews again yesterday my son went to the demo to oppose the disgusting supporters of terror neil and keith? good arab names there what part of gaza are you from?
anyway my son was spat at in the face i would suggest you refrain from doing that ever again.



12.03.2004 17:19

why do you lie
last night the jews had about 30 people you had at the very most 15 and yet you say you had more.

you will not win this battle we will beat you

israel for the jews



12.03.2004 22:29

"there would be no Israel today if the left and anarchist movement had stood up to defend the Jews"
So now us anarchists are responsible for the holocaust!

Don't believe the hype!


is that the best you can do?

13.03.2004 03:20

so i read about this demo and the zionist one and thought id come down as i work near oxford street and ive now been 3 weeks running i find it an amusing end to my day can you explain this to me....
you claim to have a succesful picket and represent the palestinians?? is this a joke ?
i ahev been as i said for 3 weeks and i have seen the same people on your side each week
some moody old bloke walking his dog, a couple of scruffy kids, a loud mouthed lesbian on a megaphone, a tall weird looking fella with long unkept hair a couple of student short haired type leftys oikes, a big fat steward looking she/man , and a couple of token muslims thrwon in to make you look hard!?.
with 3 million muslims in this country and loads of communists is this the extent of the palestinain support ? god help them if it is.
i look at the israeli bit and see young people ols people dressed well debating with the public i hear humour on the megaphone where they rip you to bits every time, i see good looking girls and fit stron men.
so it looks to me a passer by like they are totally beating the crap of your pathetic demo. what do you think?


I think you can't spell

13.03.2004 19:24

If you are an impartial bystander, I am the Queen of Sheba. I assume you have swapped your notes on the personnel attending the VTI picket with Marylebone police, who have also been writing down little descriptions.

counter watcher

Come to think of it....

13.03.2004 19:28

Come to think of it, 'zionist', 'watcher' and 'baruk' all seem to have exactly the same lack of finesse when it comes to spelling and grammar. Who is outnumbered and pretending to be numerous now then????


What are we?

14.03.2004 00:35

These pathetic comments from Zionists show only their ignorance while their sexism, homophobia, racism, xenophobia and intolerance is clear for all to see. Why is it that they can only resort to trying to slag off those who consistently actively show their support for the Palestinian struggle against the State of Israel?
While the Zionists resort to name-calling and stink bombs the Victory to the Intifada picketers are busy telling people of the oppression that Palestinians are suffering at the hands of a State whose violent racism can be clearly seen amongst its supporters.
Zionists – you can call us what you will, please do, you expose yourselves only, and neither ignorant judgements nor threats nor violence will prevent the reality of the situation that Palestinians face from being communicated so that knowledge will spread.
The Zionist picket was set up solely in order to stop the information about Israeli brutalities from reaching more people. Their aim is to disrupt and ultimately close down the picket that has run for 3 years to support the Palestinian people. But in fact many people have joined the picket because of the Zionists’ inability to hide their aggressive prejudices or convincingly put forward counter-information. They are unable to debate, preferring to use threats or sling mud if people express humanity towards the Palestinians. The propaganda they distribute surely encourages people to investigate for themselves more about Israel which can only help build support for the Palestinian struggle, because Israeli Zionist leaders themselves have spoken and written extensively, mostly proudly, about their policies of and involvement in ethnic cleansing, how Israel is a settler state established through colonialism with problems of attaining and maintaining its Jewish character when so many of the indigenous people were/are not Jewish, and their desire for expansion.
So I would really like to thank the Zionists for their thoughtful contributions to this website and their efforts on Oxford Street, thank them for demonstrating the values of the Israeli state so we can all understand better how and why Israel has committed so many crimes against humanity.


Little Support for Zionists

14.03.2004 11:11

I agree. Anyone notice the similarity between all the Zionist comments? I don't just mean in racist content but in structure, grammar and spelling. The truth is obvious, there's only a handful (or 1 or 2!?) of Betar Zionists going under different stupid names spouting the same mindless nonsense.


You terror supporting scumbags

15.03.2004 00:37

you can demonstrate all you want against israel but you are scared , you have never been opposed to the extent you are now you must really hate it, and to accuse the BNP of being there because we fly a british flag shows what complete pricks you really are.
you hate israeli flags and american flags haha they fly with joy on our demo while you fly the flag of the homocide bomber.
you can argue all you want here the fact is you support a people who murder, kill their own gay men, put kids in the front line, oppress women, and want the whole of israel as an islamic state.
when you have no answers you take the micky out of our spelling, who gives a shit about grammer when babies are being blown up, more arab terror in madrid this week and still you support them.
you are losing this battle and you will be beaten

freedom man


15.03.2004 10:30

This is the kind of comment indymedia is supposed to remove as it is just plain abusive; however I hope it will be left on there, so anyone reading this who is not the lone betar mis-speller will be able to see how sad the opposition is.

A luta continua

israel will never surrender

15.03.2004 15:45

all you mugs can do is comment on spelling and ask for the truth to be removed, victory to the intifada you say, how about these things.
1) we report you to the anti terrorism squad for incitment because you are chanting victory to the intifada which is inciting death and murder.
2) we sue you for the BNP comments
3) we just keep taking the piss beating you for numbers every week

tell me something are you a brave man/woman why dont you go and help the intifada and blow yourself up?, dont rely on other poor palestinains to do it go kill some jews be a brave person go on you chant it in public every week in the stree, why dont you do something about it?

another jew

The Unbearable Lightness of VTI

15.03.2004 21:45

There is nothing funnier than watching grown up white men wearing Arab head scarves around their necks, shouting and screaming against a departments store.

Even more comical is the reasoning behind their protest. According to them Marks and Spencers is a supporter of Israel. Unfortunatly, M&S dosn't give Israel aid (or hasn't in many years). The money Israel receives from M&S comes from trade and 40 million a year is nothing compared with how much Egypt receives from trading with M & S. Look Egypt up in Amnesty International's annual report why dont you?

VTI must be playing a joke on the publc when the distribute leaflets that say the BNP are at the counter picket. The counter picket is full of young jewish kids giving out leaflets, pamphlets and DVDs (we Zionists are tech) and having fun.

But what is not funny is the pro Palestinian's big banner proclaiming "Victory to the Intifada". The latest poll (Feb 2004) showed that only 22.9% of the palestinians are in favour of continuing the Intifada. If the boycott M&S picket claim to be representing Palestinian interest they are mistaken. They are doing the Palestinians more harm than good. There is nothing less funny than this.


one man and his dog

16.03.2004 03:46

i agree samson these people are just like the nazis trying to boycott jewish goods,
they are evil bastards but cowards too if they are so hard why dont they attempt an intifada on the zionist pickett?.
also is the old women and the tramp with the dog a couple?
actully we are having a giggle samson but these people vti and the anti war lot and galloway, livingstone, benn, redgrave they are nasty people we have to keep an eye on.
let me give some facts about israel to the idiots here and lets see if they can argue these facts.
1)jews have lived in the west bank and gaza for thousends of years so are not occuping it.
2)arabs have kicked out many more jews then the other way around form arab lands.
3) syria has killed more palestinians then israel.
4) hamas and other groups dont want peace they want to kill jews.
5)since the fence was put up less people have died(this is a good thing)
6)60 years ago there was no such person as a palestinian that is a fact.
7)if the arbs laid its weapons down there will be peace, if israel lays its weapons down there will be no israel.
8)palestine lost to hong kong 1-0 in a world cup match once which should not have counted as palesine is not a country.
9)neil and keith are not muslim
10) you have to admit we have totally ripped you at every demo we are better organised have more people and its only a matter of time before you give in (when we bring a massive hindu demo you wont have a cage anyway!!hahahahah)

rabbi kahane


16.03.2004 18:51

VTI call zionists racists. Ladies and gentlemen dont be fooled because according to them the following are also racists.

Tony Blair
david Blunkett (a "social fascist")
Jack Straw
The entire Labour party
Margaret Thatcher
George Bush
Bill Clinton
Ariel Sharon
Ehud Barak
Charles Kennedy MP

Please VTI, wake up and understand that the only people who are racist are you


i am wanting peace

17.03.2004 10:25

I am Palestinain,
I live in london i want peace for my children and my people at home, your way is not correct we do not want intifada.
You do not speak for my people.
I want to talk to jewish people not kill them.
You are very wrong do not fly my flag with communist this is not the way.
What gives you right to say victory to intifada you not liveing there?.
I am sorry to israelis for the dead their army is not very good people but we must talk not protest.
Stop this protest now it does not help arab peoples.


same writing

17.03.2004 11:15

Dear anon

It is a shame that 'rabbi kahane', who writes in a remarkably similar way to you, which is especially clever as he has been dead for 13 years, does not agree with your wish for peace. Nor do his followers. They would like you removed from Palestine, along with anyone else who interferes with their plan for a greater Israel.

friend of VTI

give a reply

17.03.2004 21:04

Friend of VTI,

you did not give an proper reply to Kahane or to Samson. Answer samson's remarks or keep quiet.

friend of betar

VTI Terror apologists

25.03.2004 23:51

It is rather ironic that people caling for Victory to the Intifada- ie expressing supporting for suicide bombers who target Jews in their homeland simply because they are Jews, can call people racist!
It is ironic that people who support the 22 Arab regimes, all Islamic supremacist states that opress women, minorties and in some cases eg Saudi Arabia ban all other religions can say that they speak out against racism. It is ironic that people who wish to ethnically 6 million Jews from their ancestral homeland and replace it with yet another Arab dictatorship- number 23 to be exact- can claim to be agianst Imperialism. Indeed these people support Arab Imperialism, they support Apartheid regimes in saudi Arabia, Syria and even Lebanon. They support the PLO a genocidal terrorist organisation that has killed more Arabs than the Israelis ever have. They support Osama bin Laden, Saddam and the recently departed arch-terrorist Yassin (may he rot in hell) and are the "National" socialists of our days. Tell me VTI, one question that comes to mind is- do you wish to remain loosers all your lives? The Arab fascists are being defeated, from the fall of Saddam and the Taliban to the death of Yassin (and the upcoming departure of Arafat) your fiendish friends days are numbered. After 70 years of failure the USSR and your stalinist (OK you guys are trotskyist, but the difference is negligible) dreams died too. George Bush is going to win the Election, the Arabs are going to loose the war sthey started with Israel and you will remain on the loosing side...


comments on views

07.09.2004 23:56

I am furious with some of these comments made about palestine. I am a british born muslim women and have lived here all my life. Yet what do i see? in this day and age where i think tolerence of all nationalities should be embraced we have these obvious silly comments. Yes i am a muslim, i watch television like everyone else and see what is happening around the world. The fact that the Un have time and time again given israels warnings to no avail is beyond me. The whole world watches and i am embarassed by the so called close states to israel, all be it so called muslim states, they are doing nothing whatso ever to help the situation. They are all sold to America and stand by idley while noone does anything. As far as the pictures we have seen on the tele they are probbably not all the real picture. All i see is thosuands of people sying for these impossible causes. The palestinians that are living the nightmare of the state of israel who have destroyed violated and left nothing of the state of palestine should be ashamed of themeselves. They are fighting against people who have no weopans but themselves and have no jobs or no living means. You know what idle people go out and do then they become terrorists. All the fault lies at the footstep of sharon and his government. Just because the jews were oppressed and the halocaust occured it does not mean the rest of the world have to let them get away with murder. The so called muslim states that have no human rights are tolerated why? oil. The us went rushing in to get rid of sadam but do not go rushing in to these undemocartic states to liberate them. They went into afghanistan to get rid of the strict muslim regime, why did they suddenly remember the strict regime? Gas whos next? only god knows what state is next? I see sharon and Russia great mates and what do they have in common? Chechniya and palestine. what lies in chechniya that the communists arnt letting go even when Russias split into so many states? guess yes oil. I am a muslmim women i am a moderate and have been educated in the british schools. Yes i do cover my body, but why am i oppressed? is it because In society all around the world it seems you are liberated if all parts of your body are on show, yet when you go towards decency and are fully clothed you are oppressed. This is a ridiculus and pathetic view of all the west. Go up to someone who is shrouded in veils ask why she wears them. You will be surprised to find an educated women who speaks, laughs crys , and is completely normal. All that is different are the clothes. Western women find it necessary to uncloth themselves to be liberated. Wake up people and learn to embrace and understands your neighbours be they muslim, christian and jew. And speak out to the impossible atrociaties that are happening in Zimbabwe, Chechniya, Kashmir and Palestine. The ugly wall they have put up is a blot on the beutiful country that once was.

kulsoom khan

Disgusted Goy

25.09.2004 22:46

You people have gone so far left, you've flipped round to the other side.

I am discusted with your anti-semitic campaign, I wonder how many of you have been to Israel/palestine and have seen what happens for yourselves. Instead, you prefer to live in a blissfully blinkered existence assured by the guardian, orla guerin and a misguided sense of PC loonyism that you are 'doing the right thing'.

I look forward to seeing you on oxford street next time, and confirming my view that you are a bunch of misguided moron's reminiscing about the poll tax riots.


Disgusted Goy.



14.12.2004 20:07

>>We also had a minutes silence for all those killed in Palestine and in Spain yesterday >>both of whom were direct or indirect victims of the imperialist state terrorism which >>Israel and western governments stand for and spread.

WTF? No, really. WTF?

Walter Theodore Franklin