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Nick Cohen debates Workers' Liberty on Iraq war

Alliance for Workers' Liberty | 11.03.2004 17:18 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | London

Alliance for Workers' Liberty London forum - Nick Cohen debates the AWL on Iraq

"War and occupation in Iraq - a balance sheet"

Alliance for Workers' Liberty London forum

Speakers: Clive Bradley (AWL), Nick Cohen (Observer journalist)

Wednesday 24th March
University of London Union
Malet Street
(nearest tubes Euston, Goodge Street, Russell Square)

During the Iraq war, Nick Cohen argued that the left could only discharge its obligations of solidarity to the Iraqi working class by supporting military action; the AWL opposed the war while trying to build direct links with the Iraqi left. Which strategy was the right one for socialists? Come and hear the debate.

All welcome

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Muslims welcome?

11.03.2004 17:48

I bet...


awl: extremely secterian in the anti-war camp

11.03.2004 22:08

i am sorry to say that the AWL tried to hampered the anti-war movement at every twist and turn.

i remember their comrades at anti-war meetings insisting that the muslim community should not be involved in the building the movement because they accused some of them of being fundamentalists. thankfully nobody listened to them and we continued without them. they have done jack shit for the anti war movement in britain, they really shown themselves as the secterians they are.

red letter

Zionists too!

13.03.2004 20:29

The leader of the AWL took to calling himself a Zionist shortly after the Jenin massacres.
There position on Palestine is extremely dodgy - they refuse to support the Palestinian right of return, even though the UN (not know for it's radicalism) has passed resolutions affirming this right 130 times.


Utter nonsense

12.04.2004 17:21

I'm a bit tired of having to deal with nonsensical, offensive and utterly false criticisms like "the AWL hates Muslims."

Anyone who actually believes such trash can visit the website - - and if they can think for themselves they will see that it is just that: trash.

Dany Boy