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kastor | 11.03.2004 13:11 | London

An amazing workshop on making our meetings better is coming!

- 7.00 pm Sunday March 14th

Consensus Decision Making and Facilitation workshop

Meetings or Assemblies are the main form our discussions and organising
takes place - so why don't we take more time making these
gatherings less shit! This workshop is about how making these meetings
more dynamic, clear and participatory.

-Workshop and discussion starts at 7.00pm! Food will be served at 6.30pm!Handouts will be given!



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More time wasting

11.03.2004 13:29

So now we are going to have a meeting about how to run meetings !!!!!

Stop talking and get on the streets.

Revolution Now !!!!!

Joe Stalin

where is it?

11.03.2004 14:28

we know when - but where?

ps if you cannot see the use in learning different
and better ways of discussing and debating, then
you will only ever stay in the streets.

learning how to improve communication is essential

most meetings and discussions could produce better
results if only people understood better the issues
around communication and consensus etc

first off, don't be so bloody negative ;-)


Made me laugh (in a hollow sad way)

11.03.2004 14:30

Step one for organising meetings

Advertise location of the meeting, with a map preferably.



11.03.2004 20:18

Where is it?!


Address and apologies

12.03.2004 12:17

I'm really sorry about that but I faced a problem with my Internet connection..
The workshop will take place this Sunday (14th March) at the New Occupied Social Centre, 156-158 Fortess Road, Grand Banks building, opposite Tufnell Park tube station. You can come by tube or by bus (134 from Tottenham Court Road). It's 2 minutes from the Old Occupied Social Centre (if you know it). Food will be served at 18:30. Please bring paper and pen.

Thank you for your patience.
