Guardian Supports Pre-Emptive War
Brian B | 10.03.2004 21:33 | Anti-militarism
The Guardian - Leading article supports His Majesty the War Monger Prime
Minister Tony Bliar and says 'critics should listen to and assimilate'
It also says 'The threat of terrorism, he argued, requires the international
community to be able to use pre-emptive force. Again, we support this view.'
That's an actual quote from the article.,12956,1163905,00.html
Say NO to Blair - NO to the Guardian warmonger newspaper, and boycott it.
Minister Tony Bliar and says 'critics should listen to and assimilate'
It also says 'The threat of terrorism, he argued, requires the international
community to be able to use pre-emptive force. Again, we support this view.'
That's an actual quote from the article.

Say NO to Blair - NO to the Guardian warmonger newspaper, and boycott it.
Brian B
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more new labour bullshit from the observer
10.03.2004 21:44
The guardian gunboat
11.03.2004 09:28
Since our rulers have decided to reinvent the victorian gunboat
style of conquest ,that it would take the form of the mouth piece
of the modern day equivelant of the victorian liberal party (that is bliars mob)
what with liberal war supporters like nick cohen .
you get far better real news on this interslice world web thingy.
larry tait
11.03.2004 11:02
A breif note
11.03.2004 13:38
Tom A
Brief note
11.03.2004 19:08
Brian B
Capitalist supplement
11.03.2004 23:55
There u have the target audience!!
The Guardian lifestyle promoted in these ads certainly aint my lifestyle
enforcing democracy!?!
12.03.2004 03:05
How can anyone use this sickening putrid language?
Democracy is something created in the ways we work and interact together, not something that can ever be 'enforced' over somebody. grrrrrr.