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Palestine will be free! | 09.03.2004 11:25 | Repression | London

Activists last Friday performed a banner drop on the A40 to raise awareness about the injustice and illegality of Israel's Apartheid Wall and to promote the website

55 foot banner across the A40!
55 foot banner across the A40!

The 55 foot banner stretched across the footbridge read, '' and stayed up for at least two days over the busy A40 to London.

Palestine will be free!
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Stop the suicide bombers!

09.03.2004 16:16

How about putting up a massive banner saying "stop the suicide bombers". The blinkered fools who put up the stop the wall banner fail to see that there are two sides to the Middle East conflict. How come Palestinian terrorists never come in for any criticism?



09.03.2004 19:52

solo - you only have to read the posts on Palestine around here to realise that a huge number of people realise that suicide bombers are just as unpopular as the barrier. To suggest that they come in for no criticism is patently rubbish, the media is awash with people who deplore the acts of the bombers. Undoubtedly there are two sides to the story - but two of the things which seem pretty clear are 1) the wall is illegal, immoral, and is already trampling the basic rights of the Palestinian people, three things which the Israeli government have shown little concern for anyway, and 2) that, bearing in mind the conditions in which the population of the Occupied Territories live, it is not hard to empathise with those who choose to kill - sometimes, I would imagine, there simply seems like no alternative. I certainly wouldn't condone the actions of these people, but I can definitely see how and why it happens. As can Jenny Tonge, and look where it got her.


What are you waiting for?

09.03.2004 22:39

Go ahead: put up a massive banner saying "stop the suicide bombers".

Who are you expecting to do this for you? Is someone preventing you from doing it?

Or do you prefer to moan about it, and do nothing?


I smell the hand of.....

11.03.2004 01:13

Newswire: March 04. Israel deploys devastating new weapon in the fight against pro palestinian sympathysers. Code named Solo, thought to be a new version of "Dave" - the rumoured secret "AITWep" device (Autonomous Indymedia Troll Weapon). High casualties expected.


Solo? Isn't that another word for wanker?

11.03.2004 12:10


Mike Giggler, via email