Colchester Peace Campaign News
Colchester Peace Campaign | 07.03.2004 03:43 | Anti-militarism
Colchester Peace Campaign News
We are building up to the Sat 20th March Global day of Protest, marking the first anniversary of Bush and Blair’s Iraq invasion. In the UK, the main event will be a mass demonstration in London, called by the Stop the War Coalition. Help us maximise the turnout for this! (See item 5 below).
Upcoming events include:
1) Monday 8th March. Peace Campaign Organising Meeting and Video
‘Odd One Out’ Public House (bottom of Mersea Road), 8pm.
Video of the Colchester peace march and blockade of Goojerat Barracks, filmed exactly a year ago, (8/3/03) and the arrest of 25 peace campaigners. Also planning for the March 20th London Demo, Aldermaston Easter march and other events. Bring your enthusiasm and ideas for the next step in opposing Bush’s never-ending war.
2) Also on Monday 8th March, from 4pm to 6pm at Essex University. Room 5N.3.2.
‘Challenging Empires: The World Social Forum’ Roundtable talk and discussion:
Mike Marqusee, Writer and Activist;
Diane Elson, Professor of Sociology;
Oscar Reyes, Participant, 2004 World Social Forum (WSF), India.
The Global Anti-War Movement held a General Assembly at this recent WSF, taking up the call to make March 20th a worldwide protest. Come and hear more.
(To be preceded by an activists workshop at 2pm, PG Common rm. 5.401, discussing plans for action against neo-liberal attacks on education, especially in support of AUT action and against fees.)
3) Saturday 13th March. 12-2pm Colchester Peace Campaign Town Centre Stall. Outside the Co-op department store on Long Wyre St (up from Sainsbury's).
We will be promoting the national petition calling for politicians to be held to account for the lies over the war. Also distributing leaflets about and taking bookings for coach places for the London March 20th anniversary protests.
4) Friday 19th March Block the Base.
A major blockade of Menwith Hill, US National Security Agency base in Yorkshire. CND and other peace movement groups need as many people as possible to either join this non-violent direct action, or come along in support. 19th March marks the exact start of the Iraq invasion. Menwith Hill is the largest electronic monitoring station in the world, and is central to US global dominance and plans for the militarization of space. See:
5) Saturday 20th March
Global Day of Protest Against War and Occupation
UK National Demonstration "No more Lies" Central London. Called by Stop the War Coalition, with CND and MAB.
Assembles 12noon Hyde Park. March to rally in Trafalgar Sq.
Coaches from Colchester. More details in next e-mail bulletin.
e-mail for more information. Phone the Colchester Peace Campaign Mobile on 0796 343 7502 nearer the date to book coach places. Check for updates on:
More details of March 20th are available at:
6) Saturday 3rd April. Regional Peace and Disarmament Gathering in Haverhill, Suffolk.
Organised by Campaign Against the Arms Trade, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Pax Christi, Quaker Peace and Social Witness and the United Nations Association.
10.30 to 16.30hrs.Methodist Church Hall, Camps Road. Haverhill, Suffolk
Speakers to include Janet Bloomfield of Oxford Research Group and Atomic Mirror (also former CND Chair'), along with workshops on Arms Trade, Nuclear Issues and Effective Campaigning. There is no charge for the day, but booking is essential. Refreshments will be available but please bring lunch. Includes street presentation by ‘Theatre of War’. To book a place please contact Peace and Disarmament Gatherings, Fellowship of Reconciliation. email:
Hosted by Haverhill and District Peace Group:
7) Aldermaston March 2004. Easter weekend. 9th to 12th April.
Join the Colchester group on the march to the British nuclear bomb making factory to protest against the development of the new generation of ‘useable’ 'mini-nukes'. Called for by the Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and local peace groups. This march revives and old tradition not seen since the early1960’s, in order to highlight the sinister new generation of nuclear weapons being prepared.
Starting with a large rally in Trafalgar Square, the march will travel through Southall, Slough & Reading before finishing in Aldermaston with a day of action and a surrounding of the base. For more details, see:
8) And finally in a new section of our website: there will be a selection of articles and commentary, including:
A report back from the recent Stop the War Conference in London, a report on our recent general meeting in Colchester, and other events, such as peace campaign participation in local, European and World social forum initiatives.
The great meetings of the WSF in Brazil and India, and the ESF in Florence and Paris have gathered together hundreds of thousands of activists around idea that “Another World Is Possible”. Now many local campaigns in Essex and East Anglia are getting together, from pensioners protest groups to groups of sixth form students against war and fees.
At the recent 40 strong general meeting of the Colchester Peace Campaign it was agreed to make moves towards initiating/supporting a local social forum process.
There are many local campaigns ranging from protests in opposition to racism and fascism, against GM crops, and for the defence of education, the environment and public services. How can activists from different movements network together? What are the different effects of neo-liberal privatisation and corporate globalisation? Can we construct a space which brings our different ideas and movements together creatively? Can our shared voice become stronger? Can we unite in equality? What is the relationship between the movements and struggles for peace and for global justice? How can we encourage lasting and genuine social change? Can we move society’s priorities away from warfare and greed, and towards welfare and need? All this and more, on the online discussion!
Colchester Peace Campaign.

We are building up to the Sat 20th March Global day of Protest, marking the first anniversary of Bush and Blair’s Iraq invasion. In the UK, the main event will be a mass demonstration in London, called by the Stop the War Coalition. Help us maximise the turnout for this! (See item 5 below).
Upcoming events include:
1) Monday 8th March. Peace Campaign Organising Meeting and Video
‘Odd One Out’ Public House (bottom of Mersea Road), 8pm.
Video of the Colchester peace march and blockade of Goojerat Barracks, filmed exactly a year ago, (8/3/03) and the arrest of 25 peace campaigners. Also planning for the March 20th London Demo, Aldermaston Easter march and other events. Bring your enthusiasm and ideas for the next step in opposing Bush’s never-ending war.
2) Also on Monday 8th March, from 4pm to 6pm at Essex University. Room 5N.3.2.
‘Challenging Empires: The World Social Forum’ Roundtable talk and discussion:
Mike Marqusee, Writer and Activist;
Diane Elson, Professor of Sociology;
Oscar Reyes, Participant, 2004 World Social Forum (WSF), India.
The Global Anti-War Movement held a General Assembly at this recent WSF, taking up the call to make March 20th a worldwide protest. Come and hear more.
(To be preceded by an activists workshop at 2pm, PG Common rm. 5.401, discussing plans for action against neo-liberal attacks on education, especially in support of AUT action and against fees.)
3) Saturday 13th March. 12-2pm Colchester Peace Campaign Town Centre Stall. Outside the Co-op department store on Long Wyre St (up from Sainsbury's).
We will be promoting the national petition calling for politicians to be held to account for the lies over the war. Also distributing leaflets about and taking bookings for coach places for the London March 20th anniversary protests.
4) Friday 19th March Block the Base.
A major blockade of Menwith Hill, US National Security Agency base in Yorkshire. CND and other peace movement groups need as many people as possible to either join this non-violent direct action, or come along in support. 19th March marks the exact start of the Iraq invasion. Menwith Hill is the largest electronic monitoring station in the world, and is central to US global dominance and plans for the militarization of space. See:
5) Saturday 20th March
Global Day of Protest Against War and Occupation
UK National Demonstration "No more Lies" Central London. Called by Stop the War Coalition, with CND and MAB.
Assembles 12noon Hyde Park. March to rally in Trafalgar Sq.
Coaches from Colchester. More details in next e-mail bulletin.

More details of March 20th are available at:


6) Saturday 3rd April. Regional Peace and Disarmament Gathering in Haverhill, Suffolk.
Organised by Campaign Against the Arms Trade, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Pax Christi, Quaker Peace and Social Witness and the United Nations Association.
10.30 to 16.30hrs.Methodist Church Hall, Camps Road. Haverhill, Suffolk
Speakers to include Janet Bloomfield of Oxford Research Group and Atomic Mirror (also former CND Chair'), along with workshops on Arms Trade, Nuclear Issues and Effective Campaigning. There is no charge for the day, but booking is essential. Refreshments will be available but please bring lunch. Includes street presentation by ‘Theatre of War’. To book a place please contact Peace and Disarmament Gatherings, Fellowship of Reconciliation. email:

Hosted by Haverhill and District Peace Group:

7) Aldermaston March 2004. Easter weekend. 9th to 12th April.
Join the Colchester group on the march to the British nuclear bomb making factory to protest against the development of the new generation of ‘useable’ 'mini-nukes'. Called for by the Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and local peace groups. This march revives and old tradition not seen since the early1960’s, in order to highlight the sinister new generation of nuclear weapons being prepared.
Starting with a large rally in Trafalgar Square, the march will travel through Southall, Slough & Reading before finishing in Aldermaston with a day of action and a surrounding of the base. For more details, see:

8) And finally in a new section of our website: there will be a selection of articles and commentary, including:
A report back from the recent Stop the War Conference in London, a report on our recent general meeting in Colchester, and other events, such as peace campaign participation in local, European and World social forum initiatives.
The great meetings of the WSF in Brazil and India, and the ESF in Florence and Paris have gathered together hundreds of thousands of activists around idea that “Another World Is Possible”. Now many local campaigns in Essex and East Anglia are getting together, from pensioners protest groups to groups of sixth form students against war and fees.
At the recent 40 strong general meeting of the Colchester Peace Campaign it was agreed to make moves towards initiating/supporting a local social forum process.
There are many local campaigns ranging from protests in opposition to racism and fascism, against GM crops, and for the defence of education, the environment and public services. How can activists from different movements network together? What are the different effects of neo-liberal privatisation and corporate globalisation? Can we construct a space which brings our different ideas and movements together creatively? Can our shared voice become stronger? Can we unite in equality? What is the relationship between the movements and struggles for peace and for global justice? How can we encourage lasting and genuine social change? Can we move society’s priorities away from warfare and greed, and towards welfare and need? All this and more, on the online discussion!
Colchester Peace Campaign.
Colchester Peace Campaign