Police Confront M&S Demonstrators
Sid Arthur | 05.03.2004 10:54 | Anti-racism | London
For those of you who don't view these pages regularly - a quick update.
There have been pickets of Marks and Spencer's every week for over the last 3 years on Oxford St, London as well as around the country from Manchester to Glasgow. The purpose of the demonstrations have been to highlight Marks and Spencers support of Israel and through that expose the racism and crimes of Zionism.
About 6 months ago a right wing Zionist group called Betar with a handful of British fascists started a counter demonstration against us. Their open and stated aim is to cause disruption under The Public Order Act which will give the police an excuse to close both pickets down. The police in theory are supposed to be unbias and treat each side equally but the reality is very different. Rather than moderate the provocation and thugish behaviour of the Zionists they stand aside while intimidating campaigners on the Palestinian demonstration. This should come as no surprise - for the police are a forceful tool of the state apparatus and they represent the interests of the British State (i.e the capitalist ruling class and the institutions which represent them, such as Marks and Spencer). The British State was fundamental in setting up Zionism and has supported Zionism historically, as a result it will allow a level of 'open democratic protest' of Zionism as long as that never gets too serious or threatening.
It is most likely that most individual police officers don't give a flying toss about the situation in the Middle East. It is quite probable a lot of the police see 'Jews and Arabs' as being as bad as one another and not really much of a problem if they decide to kill each other. But the Police as a body, an arm of the state apparatus does take a clear side - it takes the side of the ruling classes, a defender of capitalism, imperialism and ultimately of Zionism which is a result of British imperialist interests.
This allegiance was particularly exposed last night when the police came out in force with a very intimidating attitude towards the protestors. They begun to photograph many picketers and singled out a Palestinian regular on the picket who they surrounded and provoked to cheers by the Zionists.
They then issued us with a notice under The Public Order Act (Sec 14), laying down regulations for static demonstrations. Attached was a dubious regulation claiming that we could not use our megaphone as this would cause disruption.
Well, with all the Draconian legislation Blunket's been introducing of late it certainly seemed a plausable possibility, but after much frantic telephoning with lawyers we assertained that the police weren't in a position to impose such conditions on the demonstrations. Even so, they still threatened arrest and the picketers got together to discuss the situation between themselves and reach a democratic decision on how to proceed. A vote was taken and we decided to go ahead with the loudhailer. No arrests took place.
It is imperative we exercise our democratic right to protest and be resolute and united in the face of police intimidation. The atrocities against the Palestinian people are contiuing and the final Nakbar (expulsion of Palestinians from Palestine) looks likely to take place soon with the recent completion of the apartheid wall. Being in Britain it is imperative we fight the supporters of Zionism such as Marks and Spencer and help the Palestinian people in their struggle and show our support for the intifada.
The demonstrations we are holding are peaceful, anti-racist and law abiding. We have no intent on causing disruption to the public, our purpose is to inform the public about the atrocities of Israel and Marks and Spencers support for those atrocities. We will fight to protect and further our democratic right to do what we have been doing for the last 3 years and we urge all democratic humanitarian people to join us.
No to police harrassment!
Boycott M&S! Boycott Israeli Apartheid!
Victory to the Intifada!
The demonstrations of Marks and Spencers on Oxford St (Marble Arch end) continue every Thursday 6-8pm. Join us!
There have been pickets of Marks and Spencer's every week for over the last 3 years on Oxford St, London as well as around the country from Manchester to Glasgow. The purpose of the demonstrations have been to highlight Marks and Spencers support of Israel and through that expose the racism and crimes of Zionism.
About 6 months ago a right wing Zionist group called Betar with a handful of British fascists started a counter demonstration against us. Their open and stated aim is to cause disruption under The Public Order Act which will give the police an excuse to close both pickets down. The police in theory are supposed to be unbias and treat each side equally but the reality is very different. Rather than moderate the provocation and thugish behaviour of the Zionists they stand aside while intimidating campaigners on the Palestinian demonstration. This should come as no surprise - for the police are a forceful tool of the state apparatus and they represent the interests of the British State (i.e the capitalist ruling class and the institutions which represent them, such as Marks and Spencer). The British State was fundamental in setting up Zionism and has supported Zionism historically, as a result it will allow a level of 'open democratic protest' of Zionism as long as that never gets too serious or threatening.
It is most likely that most individual police officers don't give a flying toss about the situation in the Middle East. It is quite probable a lot of the police see 'Jews and Arabs' as being as bad as one another and not really much of a problem if they decide to kill each other. But the Police as a body, an arm of the state apparatus does take a clear side - it takes the side of the ruling classes, a defender of capitalism, imperialism and ultimately of Zionism which is a result of British imperialist interests.
This allegiance was particularly exposed last night when the police came out in force with a very intimidating attitude towards the protestors. They begun to photograph many picketers and singled out a Palestinian regular on the picket who they surrounded and provoked to cheers by the Zionists.
They then issued us with a notice under The Public Order Act (Sec 14), laying down regulations for static demonstrations. Attached was a dubious regulation claiming that we could not use our megaphone as this would cause disruption.
Well, with all the Draconian legislation Blunket's been introducing of late it certainly seemed a plausable possibility, but after much frantic telephoning with lawyers we assertained that the police weren't in a position to impose such conditions on the demonstrations. Even so, they still threatened arrest and the picketers got together to discuss the situation between themselves and reach a democratic decision on how to proceed. A vote was taken and we decided to go ahead with the loudhailer. No arrests took place.
It is imperative we exercise our democratic right to protest and be resolute and united in the face of police intimidation. The atrocities against the Palestinian people are contiuing and the final Nakbar (expulsion of Palestinians from Palestine) looks likely to take place soon with the recent completion of the apartheid wall. Being in Britain it is imperative we fight the supporters of Zionism such as Marks and Spencer and help the Palestinian people in their struggle and show our support for the intifada.
The demonstrations we are holding are peaceful, anti-racist and law abiding. We have no intent on causing disruption to the public, our purpose is to inform the public about the atrocities of Israel and Marks and Spencers support for those atrocities. We will fight to protect and further our democratic right to do what we have been doing for the last 3 years and we urge all democratic humanitarian people to join us.
No to police harrassment!
Boycott M&S! Boycott Israeli Apartheid!
Victory to the Intifada!
The demonstrations of Marks and Spencers on Oxford St (Marble Arch end) continue every Thursday 6-8pm. Join us!
Sid Arthur
Hide the following 9 comments
VTI faces down the cops
05.03.2004 12:58
have become the standard problem, but by the police, who showed their true
In addition to the usual Marylebone police guard, we had some from the
Scotland Yard Public Order Division, in particular officer CO 2558 – quote
‘we are not here to discuss the legalities of public order, we are here to
enforce it’. He or they were accompanied by a camera man. While
Marylebone’s youngest officer (DM 161) and others in the same vein did the
‘nicey’ side of things – ‘excuse me sir, what kind of accent is that? You
don’t sound like you are from London?’
In short, the police were in ‘Mayday mode’ – so-called nice cop takes
leaflets, strikes up conversation, collects info. Meanwhile ‘nasty cop’
(Sgt DM61) hands out notice under section 14 of the 1986 Public Order Act.
We have been arguing about S14 orders for several weeks now. The standard
format that we get is headed ‘Metropolitain [sic] police’ and lists various
things we are not supposed to do. We have pointed out ad nauseam that s14
permits the police to impose conditions on a static demonstration which
restrict the demonstration’s duration, location and number of participants.
That is all. They do not have licence to put other restrictions on, for
example how loud our megaphone is, whether we collect money or not.
Obviously there may be other laws on these things but they do not come under
So tonight we were served with a s14 notice banning the use of megaphones
altogether, and when we challenged this were told that the 1986 Act was
updated by further legislation. Given the tenure of the present government
this seemed highly likely, but we wanted to know what it was and we were
still not convinced it gave the police the right to stop us using a
Between 6 and 6.30 we argued with the police, spoke to our lawyers on the
telephone and ensured that the picket chanted loudly without the megaphone.
We then got all the picketers together to have a collective (though
obviously not private) discussion about what we should do. We explained
that we were convinced that we were legally right but were waiting for
absolute legal confirmation and were worried that the police were in a mood
to arrest us whatever the lawyers said. We said that even if the new law
they were referring to did give them a power to impose whatever condition
they wanted, this would still only be if the officer on the scene thought
that we posed a threat to public order. So even if the parameters were
lawful, the exercise of discretion might not be.
The picket discussed the situation collectively but was split on what to
actually do and whether to challenge the police by using the megaphone or
not. While the discussion was taking place, the solicitors phoned back with
confirmation that the new law did exist but did not support the police’s
case. We therefore decided that we had every right to use the megaphone,
informed the police we would be doing so and went ahead.
The new law is the Public Assembly and Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003. The
relevant section is section 57. It came into force on 24 January 2004 and
reduces the number of people who need to be present for section 14
conditions to be implemented from 20 to 2! Nonetheless it does not add
extra conditions on to the 1986 Act, so the senior officer on the scene can
still only impose restrictions of number, location and duration.
Furthermore, in order to do so, he or she needs to be satisfied that the
demonstration poses a serious threat of public disorder, or to the life of
the community or is designed for the purpose of intimidating someone. We
stressed, both to the police via our stewards, and, using the megaphone (!)
to the assembled picketers, that of course our aim was nothing of the sort.
Our aim was to protest peacefully against Zionism and M&S’ support for it.
Ironically, of course, we won the Zionist Betar picket’s right to use the
megaphone for it too. They then used their megaphone to slag us off!
The unity forged by discussing what to do in this situation was very good
for the picket. The tactics of the police are worrying, not in their
attempt to lie about the law, but in the employment of the
intelligence-gathering ‘nice-cop, nasty-cop’ routine. We therefore used the
opportunity to reinforce the rules of our picket about not entering into
discussions with the police. Everyone who comes to the VTI events needs to
understand that they should not give the police personal information about
themselves or anyone else.
The best way to defend a democratic right is to exercise it.
Well done
05.03.2004 18:13
It is funny how only ahandful are ever at your picket
08.03.2004 09:00
Factually incorrect
08.03.2004 11:38
Could get into a political row with you about your contribution but can't be bothered as you wouldn't be convinced. So just wanted to straighten you out about the claim that we have never outnumbered Betar.
08.03.2004 23:08
Not an anti-semitic comment
09.03.2004 10:09
kids on picket
10.03.2004 00:23
the lies of VTI
11.03.2004 00:54
The fact is i have heard the chant 'palestine will be free from the river to the sea' this means one thing the total destruction of israel and death of the jews.
I have heard the arab on the megaphone saying 'jews are christ killers'
victory to the intifada in itself means kill jews and defend the palestinians with any means possible.
Please tell us why people there wear red armbands and have pictures of che guvara? what has that to do with israel, i thought communists did not stand for nationlisam.
Why do you not admit you hate jews its nothing to do with marks and spencer it is pure and simple nazi hatred of a tiny country no bigger then wales, also unless you want to face legal action you should retract the statements about betar being with the BNP.
Really you need to study the history of israel judia and samaria is holy land the holiest part of israel arabs have no right to this land you call the 'west bank'.
You support the disgusting men like the one on tv the other day the brit who went to tel aviv and blew himself up, how oppressed was he ,he had hatred in his eyes.
shame on all of you sid arthur you are a very evil man and you will answer to god .
Tony, You are the man
11.03.2004 01:41