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Britain's Elites Converting to Islam

Hakim Harrari | 04.03.2004 03:28 | Culture

According to a report by IslamOnLine, an Islamic website, 14,000 of England’s ‘elite’ have already converted to Islam, with more on the way.

Britain's Elites Converting to Islam

According to a report by IslamOnLine, an Islamic website, 14,000 of England’s ‘elite’ have already converted to Islam, with more on the way.

The report cites ‘the first authoritative study of the phenomenon’ carried out by the Sunday Times on February 22, reporting that “some of Britain’s top landowners, celebrities and the offspring of senior establishment figures” have converted to Islam in recent years.

The Times study was carried out by Yahya (formerly Jonathan) Birt, himself a Muslim convert, who is the son of Lord Birt, the former director-general of the BBC. He used a breakdown of the latest census figures to conclude that there is a major migration from Christianity to Islam taking place in England, with 14,200 converts to date.

Birt is quoted as arguing that an inspirational figure similar to the American Muslim convert Malcolm X, would first have to emerge before the next stage – a mass conversion among Britons – were to happen. “You need great transitional figures to translate something alien (like Islam) into the vernacular,” Birt was quoted by the Times as saying. Professor Birt received his doctorate at Oxford University on young British Muslims.

Emma Clark, the great-granddaughter of a British prime minister also converted to Islam.
Emma, whose ancestor Prime Minister Herbert Asquith, took Britain into the First World War, commented on her conversion saying, “We’re all the rage, I hope it’s not a passing fashion.”

According to the Times report, many converts have been inspired by the writings of Charles Le Gai Eaton, a former Foreign Office diplomat. “I have received letters from people who are put off by the wishy-washy standards of contemporary Christianity and they are looking for a religion which does not compromise too much with the modern world,” said Eaton, author of Islam and the Destiny of Man.

Hakim Harrari


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Get yer Yahyas out

04.03.2004 09:30

Explain to me please why we should give a toss that "Britain's elites" are converting to anything?



04.03.2004 11:05

I would like to convert them into stateless refugees



24.04.2004 21:52

I love my muslim friends, i have been raised among muslims, and enjoyed the feast of ramadan, I was obligated to study it, and it helped me tremendously. As a practicing Catholic Christian, I would like to say that not all christians are luke warm or compromise the faith. The reason why Islam is on the rise, is because of effective prosylatism, western secularism and unfortunetely bad example,scandals and we do not do effective catechisis, out of fear and cowardice. Many Catholic Apologists are afraid to debate because of our politically correct society and besides Muslim converts to Christianity are afraid too. I have been raised close to muslims and I have wonderful friends but just as many Christians protestants, many do not understand Catholic christianity and unfortunetely do not know how to take an apologetical responce, which we should, with respect and love. I hope that we can have a mutual understanding and respect for everyone,reguardless of their faith without compromising, and encourage anyone who is thinking of leaving the Catholic Church to have a second chance to rediscover there faith. To anyone else, check the Church out, and do not take a bias prejudice view but look at it and study it from within it. The Catholic Church is exciting when you understand it. And like Padre Pio said Pray, Hope and do not worry.



20.11.2005 02:11

After converting to True Submission (Islam), the worldly "elite" will find out that, in the sight of God, the elite are only those who believe they are worthless, nothing - and who wish only to behold the Divine, the Glorious.
Realising God is kowledge; realising other than God is ignorance.

Abulharith Al-Madani
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Cancer researcher converts(reverts) to Islam

08.11.2006 21:20

Hi, thanks for an enlightening article. It's a wonder why mainstream (Zionist) media don't publish such articles. I am an Oxbridge educated Oncologist and cancer researcher who came to know the truth (ie Islam) through Science. Modern Science is still coming up with facts that were stated by the Quran over 1400 years ago! Dr Richard Ali Asghar Niall.

Dr Richard ali asghar niall

wonderful to hear !

30.04.2007 09:16

I just read the article on conversions in the uk, i think its fantastic . As someone who was born into a Muslim family i think i took for granted Islam as a religion. I started practising at university where Islam was being discussed in an intellectual light. In the current climate of islamophobia it is amazing to muslims that non muslims are able to asses Islam on it's own merits. The last point is that converts to Islam do it all off thier own backs, so credit to these brothers and sisters. May Allah reward your efforts and make the path ahead easy for you . I know lots of sisters who are interested in marrying converts, so that is another added bonus !

mail e-mail: pervin
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wonderful to hear !

30.04.2007 09:16

I just read the article on conversions in the uk, i think its fantastic . As someone who was born into a Muslim family i think i took for granted Islam as a religion. I started practising at university where Islam was being discussed in an intellectual light. In the current climate of islamophobia it is amazing to muslims that non muslims are able to asses Islam on it's own merits. The last point is that converts to Islam do it all off thier own backs, so credit to these brothers and sisters. May Allah reward your efforts and make the path ahead easy for you . I know lots of sisters who are interested in marrying converts, so that is another added bonus !

mail e-mail: pervin
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