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stop the BNP on

proper Eastender | 04.03.2004 02:06 | Anti-racism | World

fuck over the BNP on AMAZON.COM

the BNP has done an operation on Amazon where their site gets reviewed. it is meant to make tem look a)normal b)popular in Britain
they really go for that "man on the street" crap.
check it out at
and write a true review to fuck em over eh?

proper Eastender


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stop the BNP off-line too!

04.03.2004 18:00

Unite Against Fascism:


Tell Amazon to keep their house clean

05.03.2004 08:51

I suggest contacting customer services via email from the site and telling Amazon to get this pile of filth removed (and i don't care if it is censorship). I just sent them the email below. Threatening them with a boycott of goods campaign might stir them up a bit.

"Would you please remove the bnp website from Amazon? I shop a lot with Amazon and I am amazed and disgusted that this site is on the link below.
with further links to The National Front, Bedford Bible and Crown Defenders,etc - these are all sites peddling thinly disguised racist ideology.
If the site is allowed to remain on Amazon, then I personally will not buy goods from your company again and I will start a campaign to encourage other people to do the same. I hope the site is there by accident and will be removed. Please contact me to let me know your decision".
Thank you


Amazon's Response

05.03.2004 09:53

I will check again tomorrow and if the links are still there, I will write again. Lets keep the pressure up..

"Thank you for writing to

I am sorry that you were upset to see these Sponsored Links on our
web site.

Please allow me to explain that Sponsored Links are generated by
Google's AdWords service, and not by editors.

However, we understand that certain links may be inappropriate, and
we are currently working to refine the process so that such pairings
do not occur.

I have also forwarded your message to the appropriate people in our
company. If after investigation we deem the link to be inappropriate
on that particular product detail page, it will be removed.

Thanks again for taking the time to bring this to our attention.
We always value this kind of feedback, as it helps us continue to
improve our store and provide better service to our customers. I
hope that we will see you again at"


No chance

05.03.2004 14:12

You will get no joy from Amazon. I wrote on numerous occasions recently to complain about some content on their site, about a top 100 reviewer. In his personal profile he made a number of accusations and claims which are completely false, and in fact could be classed as libel. I wrote and I re-wrote. They were not interested. In fact. They didn't even read my emails properly as they kept responding to say you can post your own review - I wasn't complaining about the content of a review. Amazon also 'lost' a review I did submit which challenged comments made by this particular top 100 reviewer in a book review. Funny that....


i'm not terribly hopeful

05.03.2004 14:42

and its not my usual style..
but its worth a try. after all, i don't suppose they'd be too chuffed at being hit in the pocket.


keep the reviews coming...

07.03.2004 12:26

the link is still there.. but the first time i looked there three reviews all praising it as basically brilliant site that tells the truth. now there are about another six putting an er..alternative viewpoint. i still want it taking down though..



07.03.2004 22:33

Heather you probably have a mixed-race child, and hence your hatred for white british people.


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08.03.2004 10:58

Your attitude towards the British National Party is disgusting and undemocratic. You're no better than Nazis.

Sharon Ebanks

You know me so well

08.03.2004 23:21

at least 15 children actually (at the last count) and we all live in a shoebox in the middle of the road, where we spend our days creating racist hate (except Tuesdays when we take the day off and go and do something less disgusting instead).
Oh and Sunday afternoons, where we all go for a picnic in the country and play hide and seek, looking for the brain of the BNP... (note to Jerry and the rest: thats the bit that thinks)

its a hard game to play, but it does keep the kids amused for hours..


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anti anti-fascist

22.12.2004 13:08

Newsflash!! Running around telling people not to be fascist is actually being fascist yourself. That also makes UAF hippocrites. If you want to stop fascism, start by shutting up.

BNP are the only ones who dare speak the truth. Blood and honour.

candi station

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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

How to join the BNP

02.03.2005 22:32

Please email
or ring 0870 757 6267/ 0870 751 5277
or send a cheque for £24 to PO box 841,Balsham cambs CB1 6WF

if you just want to send election donations, send these to PO box 907 HUll hu6 9wy, make cheques out to british national party/ british heritage

Come on peeps, start doing your bit for your country


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