LIVERPOOL WORLD CENTRE | 02.03.2004 13:14 | Anti-racism | Liverpool
Liverpool is just days away from being awarded Fairtrade City Status, but before this can happen a few more targets must be met. CAN YOU HELP? We need any information on any workplaces, shops or cafes that currently stock Fairtrade products.
Yes, on Friday the 5th March, Liverpool will (fingers crossed) have qualified as a Fairtrade City.
As part of the "ten cities project" - (the peoples initiative set up simultaneously award 10 towns and cities across the Fairtrade Status during Fairtrade Fortnight) Liverpool will join the long list of existing Fairtrade towns and cities who have already pledged to make a positive commitment and contribution to Fairtrade.
As a Fair Trade Town or city - set criteria must be met. Criteria amongst other things includes: mobilising support groups across Liverpool i.e. youth and community groups and targeting a number of retail and catering outlets, to stock and promote Fairtrade.
It is this last criteria that is proving the most challenging. The number of retail and catering outlets differ depending on the individual’s towns or cities population figures. In Liverpool's case we need to target no less than 46 and 35 outlets respectively.
This is where we need YOUR HELP,
As part of the "ten cities project" - (the peoples initiative set up simultaneously award 10 towns and cities across the Fairtrade Status during Fairtrade Fortnight) Liverpool will join the long list of existing Fairtrade towns and cities who have already pledged to make a positive commitment and contribution to Fairtrade.
As a Fair Trade Town or city - set criteria must be met. Criteria amongst other things includes: mobilising support groups across Liverpool i.e. youth and community groups and targeting a number of retail and catering outlets, to stock and promote Fairtrade.
It is this last criteria that is proving the most challenging. The number of retail and catering outlets differ depending on the individual’s towns or cities population figures. In Liverpool's case we need to target no less than 46 and 35 outlets respectively.
This is where we need YOUR HELP,