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US intervention in Haiti is not as humanitarian as it seems

solo | 02.03.2004 09:19

On the surface the US military invention in Haiti looks like a straightford humanitarian intervention to stop bloodshed and disorder. But people should ask why is the US intervening in Haiti and not other trouble spots around the world, is the real motivation for this intervention more sinister.

The US intervention in Haiti is seen by many as a humanitarian intervention purely to help the people of Haiti. But America has some important trade agreements and investments in Haiti and its to protect these which is the real reason behind the intervention. See this link:

People should remember that America did nothing to help the people of Rwanda during the genocide there and allowed the slaughter in Liberia to continue for years.



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Cuba is just around the corner

02.03.2004 10:42

It's also no coincidence that Cuba is just next door to Haiti. This would provide the ideal base to launch some CIA drug money funded rebels in to Cuba to unstabilize the country. After Sadam, Fidel has long been a thorn in the American imperialist side. After all, Cuba is an axis of evil, and probably has weapons of mass destruction, and there would appear to be no Soviet Union to supply some missiles to balance things up. It's also near to Venezuela !
