Proposal for action to switch off from proprietary software
a translator | 29.02.2004 05:07 | Technology
Every one must have heard of free software ([1] [2]) and of how magnificent it is. If someone says they haven't, do not tell them GNU because it won't say anything to them, but say the magic word: Linux, and you will see they 'have' heard.
The other side of the coin is that they also know how a bad thing is the proprietary software, the vira, the monopolies and the swindles, personalized in the figure of Bill Gates, the microsoft corporation and its blackmails ([1] [2] [3]).
This text is nothing more than a proposal for action so I will not waste time trying to convince you; I assume that you already know the stuff and you want to change, but you do not know how.
To use free software you don't necessarily have to install linux. You can use free software programs in operating systems like windows or macs.
down to business:
1. the browser. change your explorer for mozilla, you can download it here. It is easy to install and, more than an equivalent, it is better than explorer as it bears all the standars and, besides, it includes a composer (to make web pages) and a program to read email, so if you use outlook because your mail is smtp/pop/imap (if do not know what this is just move on to the following point, there's no point) can use the program that comes with mozilla, which is very similar.2. speaking of mail: your mail. Leave once and for all that disgusting account and get one on any another servant, even if it is commercial, but not hotmail!! For example,, or
3. yes of course, you've got that hotmail account to use that messenger... well, there are other message protocols (which by the way, were not invented by microsoft) which are more reliable than msn and are of course free, like jabber, and a program that you could use to talk with that protocol could be, for example, gaim, which is multi protocol, i.e, you can use jabber just like msn or yahoo or irc or icq. You can then change over to jabber and continue to keep contact with those lazy friends who can't be bothered to take 10 little seps to leave the empire (another consideration would be, can you still call those people your friend as they are making you use msn? but I will not enter in so deep matters...)
4. Then there is the piss-take - for every linux-er – to keep receiving .doc files, which need to be opened with word if one wants to see them properly (why not to use the doc format? [1] [2]). Another program exists that does the same thing (and a couple of things more, but you won't care will ya) and is called openoffice. . This allows you to save your files in various formats, doc among them, and some other that are free, like sxw or rtf (which can also be used with word). Besides, it allows you to export to pdf format (which word does not).
5. Another matter is the audio formats... the well-known one mp3 is patented, and although you can use it for free [of charge], at any moment its owners can charge for its use. The one that we use in free software is ogg-vorbis (.ogg), which is free [also as in freedom] and various reproductors use it. To be able to listen to these files this format and others, as well as video too, you can use VLC and throw away that windows media player.
6. To generate files in ogg format you can rip a cd with X-Tractor or edit audio with audacity.
7. If you work with graphics, you can test gimp... to see if it can do what photoshop does, or if you do 3D, stop pirating around and test blender.
8. Finally, to create web pages, better than dreamweaver, install amaya, which only works with standards and the webs that do will be seen by every one and not only explorer users.
Well, the plan is that you test these tools. There are many more, and you always need to begin with something. Searching with google (for example) you will find information about them, almost always in English. Besides, there are projects like gnuwin, or this that compile free software for windows.
The main thing, apart from taking these little steps, is that you infect your friends, and, in a second instance, better earlier than later, to take the final leap to GNU/Linux (for example, install yourself a knoppix, it is very easy) ... in this other side, there are people waiting for you. Like the song: "if you were here, the path would be easier, because together we would walk fighting the "son-of-bitches-ness" (although, it must be said, neither mothers nor prostitutes are to blame, are they).
this was translated from: indymedia estrecho
a translator
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Thats all very well but...
29.02.2004 11:43
However the problem with Linux etc is that (expecting loads of rants about this bit) at the moment you need to be a geek to use it - a few people I know have tried it & had more problems than with Microsith. Now please take note before ranting at me - this doesn't me I like MS products (who does?) but for the vast majority of us who aren't geeks & don't know the ins & outs of rewriting bits of code then its not a practical option just yet.
One day it may well be. But not at the moment.
Mozilla works very well- but not always with all web pages - because some folks write their web pages with MS front page & it won't let them be viewed properly expect with IE
I also use Eudora for email - simply because its better than anything else IMHO
For the vast majority who can't use Linux or can't afford to pay for multinationals products - there's (apparantly...) loads of places you can get them for free off the web - or from mates etc (of course I don't condone the free & unlawful distribution of vastly overpriced corporate software;-) How hould Bill Gates buy his 20th mansion if we didn't give loads of money to MS?)
Free Software: go for it
29.02.2004 15:02
But I would advise anyone to try a whole freeOS such as gnu/linux.
If you have used windows alot then it can be some trouble unlearning windows stuff.
For example rather than the floppy disk drive being A: and the harddisk being C: and cdrom D: or sometime E: if you have another harddisk partition and sometime name jumps when a zip drive is inserted or network drive comes online.
under linux the floppy files are found at:
and cdrom
/mnt/ comes from fact they are removeable.
Also with gnu/linux the applications often co-operates with each other and shares parts, so installing it means one uses a package manager to make sure one only needs to (download/)install the bits one needs. One just selects applications you want from a menu and install and the files are taken from Linux distro's cdrom set or a interent source for that distro that is configured once rather than one having to take applications from various cdroms and websites.
But this is best shown.
These things can throw one if coming from using windows. But if one went the other way the windows way would seem very odd.
In area I live people are so disempowered they often react aginst been consulted let alone given a real say so in what goes on. When one tries to build consenous decison making in groups I am involved with people often think it is a trick. Going again the way things can be tough but is worth it. I could give up and say let decisions be imposed that is said to be in peoples best interests of course.
Please don't give in and allow you to be dominated and control by the software you use. Use software that allows a community to form around it. Time invested in the software in time to build that community rather than prop up destructive competition between companies, our tasks turned against each other.
more links of ideas (politics) behind free software:
Also there may be a lot of complicated stuff one can do with gnu/linux but you don't have to do but fact others have freedom to do so helps you. Like fact someone can open bonnet of a car and check that all that is there is interests of driver (and change it if need be) helps the driver even if s/he even if they don't know how to do so themselves.
Space Bunny
Linux is usable
29.02.2004 19:18
Paul M