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Fascism and anti-fascism discussion

antifa | 26.02.2004 15:11 | London

Today (Thursday) from 7pm @ Freedom Bookshop
'What is fascism and how do we combat it'
an open discussion meeting hosted by Freedom and London Anarchist Federation.

Discussing questions like
'is the BNP fascist?'
'is militant direct action enough to halt the spread of fascism?'
etc. etc. All welcome! (Except fash of course)

Freedom Bookshop, is at 84b Whitechapel High St, E1 7QX. Nearest underground station: Aldgate East. Leave Aldagte East station at the Whitechapel Art Gallery exit and it's in Angel Alley directly to the right of you, next to the KFC.



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for people who can't make the meeting

26.02.2004 16:36

there are 2 discussions about the fash on enrager:

are the bnp fascist?

building an alternative to the fascists?


smash the nazis

26.02.2004 17:44

the bnp have learnt a lot from their comrades in france the NF. most of the bnp activist are made up of ex-NF, C18 members,many with racial hatred criminal records. in private deny the holocaust had happened and worship hitler ect.

the membership of the bnp are racist, the voters are also racist but most are not nazis.

in the 70s,80s and early 90s the NF and bnp wore nazi insignia and used to march giving nazi salutes as they passed. they were easily identified as nazis and when the anti nazi league called them nazis nobody disagreed.

today, they pose respectable, brutes in suits, they rarely march and have tamed down their violence for now. they will use the democratic process for their own means, gain councillors, euro MPs , get oxygen from the BBC, ect But just like the nazis will rid of any form of democrarcy and nutralise opponnents.

lets be clear the bnp stand to gain votes from dissulsional voters, in the past people oppossing the bnp/nf said vote labour its the tories to blame. this time round its different, labour has let working class people down. when we go round oppossing the nazis who are they expected to vote for.bnp historically do well on wards when turn out is low.

alternative working class parties are deperately needed, capitalism does not provide to all, when the middle ground fails, people look to extremes. first we need to expose the bnp as nazis and stop them marching. secondly we need to build an alternative which the left forces can unite against. there are organisations out there. on the back of the anti-war movement we have united black, white,christians, jews, muslims together. this force can be built on. fortunately trade unions have come together to form unite against facism.

as good old marx said in the manifesto. either socialism or barbarism.make a difference. Get organised join respect and unite against facism

red letter