CyberMarxist Web Site is Back, New & Improved!
Carl Davidson | 26.02.2004 04:41 | Analysis | Social Struggles | Technology | World
The new cy.Rev website, and a new issue of its online eZine, is now up and running.
Cy.Rev is a journal of cybernetic revolution, sustainable socialism and radical democracy published by the Chicago Third Wave Study Group. Carl Davidson is the managing editor. First launched on May 1, 1993, the journal takes up a number of vital questions of theory and strategy growing out of the worldwide crises of socialism and globalization. The site's URL's are:
Featured on the current homepage are are article on Hegemonism and War by Jerry Harris, a professor of history at Devry and a former steelworker at Chicago's South Works, and Secretary of the Global Studies Association, North America.
The opening page also contains the widely circulated article on the Antiwar Movement and the 2004 US Elections by Carl Davidson and Marilyn Katz.
The current Issue, Numer 8, also has an article by Abdul Alkalimat on Inequality and the Information Society, as well as pieces on China, Korea, Software and Economic Theory and the Problems of Temp Workers.
Finally we feature a link to the upcoming April 23-25 conference at Brandeis University, 'Globalization, Empire and Resistance,' sponsored by the Global Studies Association, a worldwide network of progressive scholars and activistsd analyzing the impact of globalization and developing persectives for the resistance to it. The editors of cy.Rev have played a key role in developing the North American branch of the GSA.
Comments, contributed articles and criticisms are welcome.
Carl Davidson, Chicago
Cy.Rev is a journal of cybernetic revolution, sustainable socialism and radical democracy published by the Chicago Third Wave Study Group. Carl Davidson is the managing editor. First launched on May 1, 1993, the journal takes up a number of vital questions of theory and strategy growing out of the worldwide crises of socialism and globalization. The site's URL's are:
Featured on the current homepage are are article on Hegemonism and War by Jerry Harris, a professor of history at Devry and a former steelworker at Chicago's South Works, and Secretary of the Global Studies Association, North America.
The opening page also contains the widely circulated article on the Antiwar Movement and the 2004 US Elections by Carl Davidson and Marilyn Katz.
The current Issue, Numer 8, also has an article by Abdul Alkalimat on Inequality and the Information Society, as well as pieces on China, Korea, Software and Economic Theory and the Problems of Temp Workers.
Finally we feature a link to the upcoming April 23-25 conference at Brandeis University, 'Globalization, Empire and Resistance,' sponsored by the Global Studies Association, a worldwide network of progressive scholars and activistsd analyzing the impact of globalization and developing persectives for the resistance to it. The editors of cy.Rev have played a key role in developing the North American branch of the GSA.
Comments, contributed articles and criticisms are welcome.
Carl Davidson, Chicago
Carl Davidson