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War On Terrorism is a Ruse/Secret Pentagon Climate Report

Lloyd Hart | 24.02.2004 01:27 | Anti-militarism | Terror War | London

In other words the conservative elites are going after control the strategic oil supply throughout the world in order that they will have the fuel that their tanks, helicopters, fighter jets and troop transports will require to seaze control of what remains of the collapsing food and fresh water supply. The war on terrorism is simply just a ruse.

War On Terrorism is a Ruse/Secret Pentagon Climate Report

By Lloyd Hart

Over the last two and a half years I have been writing about how the theft of the U.S. general election in 2000, the Bush regime ordering the air guard stand down on the morning of September 11, 2001 allowing the attacks on U.S. citizens as a means to create a pretext to war, the invasion of Afghanistan, the national security strategy of pre-emption and the resulting invasion of Iraq have, in actuality, nothing to do with the war on terrorism but rather have everything to do with military preparation for the collapse of the food and fresh water supply due to climate change as a result of global warming.

In other words the conservative elites are going after control the strategic oil supply throughout the world in order that they will have the fuel that their tanks, helicopters, fighter jets and troop transports will require to seaze control of what remains of the collapsing food and fresh water supply. The war on terrorism is simply just a ruse.

Thanks to Observer reporters Mark Townshend and Paul Harris I've been proven absolutely correct in my analysis. An article that was published in The Observer on Sunday February 22, 2004,6903,1153513,00.html

surrounding a secret Pentagon report that has been "suppressed by U.S. defense chiefs" tells of dire warnings of the effects of climate change on the very near and near future. The report coins the term "Climate Wars." This report was prepared by a man with close ties to Donald Rumsfeld. The Observer article reports:

"The report was commissioned by influential Pentagon defence adviser Andrew Marshall, who has held considerable sway on US military thinking over the past three decades. He was the man behind a sweeping recent review aimed at transforming the American military under Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld."

The interesting thing though, is the way the Observer article around the secret Pentagon report is spun . There are comments from leading scientists and environmental activists stating that George Bush is completely out of touch with reality with his position that Global warming and climate change are a "hoax".

As I've written in the past I think it is very dangerous to demonize and underestimate Bush and the Bush regime as being out of touch with reality. The existence of this secret Pentagon report which was commissioned by Andrew Marshall proves that the Bush regime is absolutely in touch with reality and that their actions in the war on terrorism they have taken are exactly how you could expect the feudal gang that the Bush regime represents would react to such a report and the reality of our present human condition on this fragile planet. The article continues:

"The findings will prove humiliating to the Bush administration, which has repeatedly denied that climate change even exists. Experts said that they will also make unsettling reading for a President who has insisted national defence is a priority."

This secret Pentagon report which has yet to penetrate the U.S. corporate media and the consciousness of the American public indeed might be humiliating to George Bush but not because it exposes his position against Global Warming as wrong. But rather because it exposes the very reasons why the Bush regime and the Pentagon cooked up and are using the war on terrorism and the national security strategy of pre-emption (that they now have spun into a "Global revolution to bring democracy to the world") to reassert the ultraviolent U.S. global military dominance and hegemony that spread over the world in the19th and 20th. centuries. Military dominance as a means to ensure that no matter what happens as a result of climate change the Bush regime and its conservative elite allies throughout the world will control where and how the world's poor will starve to death as the food and fresh water supply radically collapse..

The inherent problem with the way this article was written is that it takes an explosive secret Pentagon report and paints the Bush regime, oil and energy companies as being loopy for all the wrong reasons instead of exposing the Bush regime for reacting exactly the wrong way to our collective global environmental crisis.

Scientists, social and environmental activists must also start framing the collapse of the global food and fresh water supply more honestly than they have instead of going for short-term political gains. For instance climate change would not be anywhere near as bad as it is under present day emissions if we had not knocked down all our forests as well. Deforestation is also a more direct reason why the freshwater supply is collapsing having an even more profound effect on the collapsing food supply and the global warming that is affecting climate change.

Deforestation is Single Most Important Component of Global Warming!

Indeed we must reduce our emissions radically but more importantly we must aggressively replant our forests and reestablish our wetlands. The public however, unfortunately has not had deforestation directly linked to global warming and climate change in their minds and this must change.

Maybe now that this secret Pentagon report has been leaked we can start discussing the proper way to react to the collapse of the food and fresh water supply that aerosol particulates, greenhouse gases, deforestation, the destruction of wetlands, Global warming and climate change have resulted in, in direct reaction to human activities on our planet.

Maybe now that the secret Pentagon report has been leaked we can pull back of the ultra violence the Bush regime has unleashed on the world and get to the business of behaving like a community that cares about each other and the very planet that gives us the life we live.

Lloyd Hart
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geo engineering - deleiberate climate warfare and fake natural disaster

24.02.2004 18:00


"The publication on the internet in 2003 of an interview with an alleged "insider" of the sunscreen programme (this is not its official name) working at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory cast further light on the difficulties involved in trying to promote a favourable image of geoengineering.
Starting from the question of why polymer threads embedded with "biological material" have been found in residues from aerosol spraying, the insider (given the pseudonym Deep Shield) explained that "since the suspended particles eventually do settle into the lowest part of the atmosphere and are inhaled by all life forms on the surface, there is an attempt to counter the growth of mould by adding to the mixture mould growth suppressants, some of which may be of biological material."

Deep Shield acknowledged the potential of the aerosol spaying to cause sickness: "Some people are more sensitive to the metals, while others are sensitive to the polymer chemicals. It is true that people will get sick, and some will die.

The World Health Organization has carried out most of the relevant studies. Some have said the ill effects will be minimal, along the lines of a million or so, while others have found the numbers to be far higher - 3 or 4 billion. The Accepted Estimated Casualties (from the World Health Organization) is 2 billion over the course of six decades. The majority will be either the elderly or those who are prone to respiratory problems."

"Although there is no visible stack of bodies, as Stewart puts it, of people killed by the aerosol spraying, there is growing evidence of people dying from diseases plausibly traceable to the project. One black spot for casualties is in East Texas, where the initial tests for the spraying materials were carried out in the mid-90s. Projections of 1000% increases in Alzheimer's disease, one of the side-effects of excessive exposure to aluminium, over the next decades, have emerged in the media in the last year or so. "

"The sunscreen project is not the only reason for which aerosol spraying is taking place in the atmosphere. Spraying is also being carried out to increase electrical conductivity in the atmosphere, facilitating the operations of HAARP, the High Frequency Active Aural Research Program, in Alaska.

Also, some reports of the presence of disease bacteria in aerosol spaying do not fit in with Deep Shield's explanation of biological materials being spayed to combat the growth of mould. This suggests that black operations are also in progress, parasitic on the pseudo-public-interest applications of geoengineering technology and on personnel who believe that the purpose of their work is the mitigation of climate change. If the sunscreen project is being used as a cover for other even more illegal and apparently criminal purposes, this is another argument for opposing its secrecy."

Chemtrail Secrets: Strategies Against Climate Change? By Wayne Hall


The Chemtrail Smoking Gun

geo engineering at stanford univesity

MRI and memory managemeny
a potential for global brainwashing...
now populations are considered part of the global environment management process

joining the dots: HAARP / Environmental control / TESLA / Chemtrails/ future energy

Captain Wardrobe

cia knew of terrorist threat

25.02.2004 10:42

CIA Knew Of September 11 Hijacker In Advance

plus katherine Gun free!!!

look at how they spied on the UN to go to a
war that according to spock was justified by 911
Bush tried over and over to link saddam to 911


Ex-GCHQ officer's trial collapses

Kill Kontrol


25.02.2004 19:40

"Deaths from war and famine run into the millions until the planet's population is reduced by such an extent the Earth can cope.",12374,1153547,00.html

sounds like a cull to me...
and a moneyspinning one at that...

i am not cheryl seal
her writing can be found here

i however live here

Captain Wardrobe