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CPS switches charge at court on resist-bush protestor

Barney Laurance | 24.02.2004 01:23 | Bush 2003 | Repression | London

cops arrested me on 19/11/03 at small demo heading for Buckingham Palace; prosecutor today switched charge from assaulting a cop in the course of his duty to common assault; case adjurned to 19/4/04.

I was arrested on 19th November 2003 in Victoria St, en route to the Resist Bush tea party at Buckingham Palace - see my original witness apeal at

I arived at court this afternoon expecting to be tried for asaulting a police officer in the execution of his duty, with an advocate ready to argue that the cop wasn't acting in the course of his duty, as he had no legal power to detain me, or the whole group of demonstrators.

Four cops turned up as witnesses, but before the trial could begin the prosecutor, perhaps sensing a possible defeat, switched the charge to common assault.
This new charge requires a new and more subtle defence from me, as the prosecution no longer has to show that officer U3332 Fitzgibbon was acting lawfully at the time. My advocate therefore asked for an adjurnment, and as the cops had loads of forign holidays, no date could be found until 10am on Monday 19 April 2004. The venue is Court 5, Horseferry Road Magistrates' Court, London SW1.

No new information has emerged to justify the CPS suddenly moving the goalposts at the last minute, making me repeat all the preparations with my solicitor.

Any witnesses may now be even more important, so if you were around on that day, have a look at the appeal linked above, and get in contact if you may have seen anything.


Barney Laurance


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01.03.2004 03:32

Above date should have been Wednesday 14th, not Monday 19th. Apologies.
