Scots Tung Wittins, Issue 123
gap | 18.02.2004 12:19
"In raicent weeks upsteerers o baith the Welsh an the Breton languages
haes fund it necessar tae think o takin unlawfu actions tae git thair
consaits taen tent o. Is this gaun tae be the only gate left open for
Scots language upsteerers tae tak an aw?"
haes fund it necessar tae think o takin unlawfu actions tae git thair
consaits taen tent o. Is this gaun tae be the only gate left open for
Scots language upsteerers tae tak an aw?"
The month o Mey this year is special, in that a nummer o projecks an
Ploys is unner wey in Glesca. Mey hes been declared bi sindrie progressive
groups athort the UK as a month o actions, an in Glesca this will be
facilitatit wi the breirdin o the GAP centre, an action resoorce centre
for activists, an a drop-in centre for thaim that's interestit it
getting involved theirsels, or aiblins tae hae a swatch o whit's adae.
The Glesca Autonomous Projeck hes members that's interestit in, or that
hes been involved afore in Scots leid activism. The projeck taen
thegither is howpin tae dae its pairt tae forder the strauchle for
recogneetion o the leid, an plenish resoorces tae fordle it an hain the
knawledge o't. We howp durin Mey tae provide a puckle days in wir
centre devotit til't; we aim tae hae Scots language learner clesses, for thaim
that's no acquaint wi the leid or isna ower cantie speakin it, quorums
on whit gait tae tak gien the inlaik o forderment achieved ivnou regairdin
the recognition o the richts an provision for the leid an the inception
o a group dedicatit tae takin direck action for tae hae thae demands
Gin ye're interestit or kittelt bi this opportunity, whitwey no cry us
up on 07762261379, pit us an email at, or mebbes juist
gie wir website a swatch.
Glesca Autonomous Projeck
Ploys is unner wey in Glesca. Mey hes been declared bi sindrie progressive
groups athort the UK as a month o actions, an in Glesca this will be
facilitatit wi the breirdin o the GAP centre, an action resoorce centre
for activists, an a drop-in centre for thaim that's interestit it
getting involved theirsels, or aiblins tae hae a swatch o whit's adae.
The Glesca Autonomous Projeck hes members that's interestit in, or that
hes been involved afore in Scots leid activism. The projeck taen
thegither is howpin tae dae its pairt tae forder the strauchle for
recogneetion o the leid, an plenish resoorces tae fordle it an hain the
knawledge o't. We howp durin Mey tae provide a puckle days in wir
centre devotit til't; we aim tae hae Scots language learner clesses, for thaim
that's no acquaint wi the leid or isna ower cantie speakin it, quorums
on whit gait tae tak gien the inlaik o forderment achieved ivnou regairdin
the recognition o the richts an provision for the leid an the inception
o a group dedicatit tae takin direck action for tae hae thae demands
Gin ye're interestit or kittelt bi this opportunity, whitwey no cry us
up on 07762261379, pit us an email at
gie wir website a swatch.
Glesca Autonomous Projeck