Bush/Kerry Like v. Like contest
dh | 17.02.2004 00:48
Many disasters await both 'contestants', but if these are avoided, then the contest is no contest. Either side winning will ensure the true Ruling Class win
The important thing is that Kerry is a Skull and Bonesman - part of the same lifelong club as Bush, and can therefore be entrusted with the agenda
It's like vs like. That's why he's moved centre stage
Bush and Kerry say it’s a secret on TV
The establishment press catch up:
Revelations that leading candidates for the US presidency were "Skull and Bones" members have provoked claims of elitism. Charles Laurence reports from New York
The "tomb" stands dark and hulking at the heart of the Yale University campus, almost windowless, and shuttered and padlocked in the thick snow of winter storms.
Rest of article:
History of Skull and Bones:
Skull and Bones in education:
That’s if everything doesn’t go pear=shaped, like Kerry’s extramarital affair is proven, Bush’s engineering of 9/11 is proven or this:
Major London paper sitting on firestorm, while insisting key Intel official allow use of his name. He confirms P.M. Tony Blair ordered assassination of MI-6 top scientist, Dr. David Kelly, about to finger Blair on phony data instigating Bush/Blair attack seizing Iraq oil.
Lord Hutton Inquiry, finding of Kelly "suicide" a fraud, Intel official also says.
Story release, Editor says, would oust Bush/Blair. “
It's like vs like. That's why he's moved centre stage
Bush and Kerry say it’s a secret on TV


The establishment press catch up:
Revelations that leading candidates for the US presidency were "Skull and Bones" members have provoked claims of elitism. Charles Laurence reports from New York
The "tomb" stands dark and hulking at the heart of the Yale University campus, almost windowless, and shuttered and padlocked in the thick snow of winter storms.
Rest of article:

History of Skull and Bones:

Skull and Bones in education:

That’s if everything doesn’t go pear=shaped, like Kerry’s extramarital affair is proven, Bush’s engineering of 9/11 is proven or this:
Major London paper sitting on firestorm, while insisting key Intel official allow use of his name. He confirms P.M. Tony Blair ordered assassination of MI-6 top scientist, Dr. David Kelly, about to finger Blair on phony data instigating Bush/Blair attack seizing Iraq oil.
Lord Hutton Inquiry, finding of Kelly "suicide" a fraud, Intel official also says.
Story release, Editor says, would oust Bush/Blair. “

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