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Global Elites Attempting to Establish Totalitarian Oligarchy!

STOP NYC Inc. | 16.02.2004 17:04

Chaim Kupferburg reveals the ultimate motive for 9/11 and the so called "war on terror"
which is really a very thin disguise for a global war of conquest! To what end? In addition to estending the (primarily) U.S racialist "manifest destiny" to rule the world, more importantly it is to establish a TOTALITARIAN OLIGARCHY of the global wealthy elite-global fascism!

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, as it is the merging of corporations and government."-Benito Mussolini

Chaim Kupferburg has revealed compelling evidence of who were the real masterminds of 9/11! Saudi Arabia(hijackers) and Pakistan(financiers of 9/11) were mere "proxies" in the attacks of 09/11/01. All you really need to do to find the real perpetrators, says Mr. Kupferburg, is follow the propaganda!

This reveals far more than who is ultimately responsible for the mass-murder of 3,000 people(and hundreds of thousands more in subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq) -something far greater and far more evil-they want to impose a global totalitarian oligarchy: global fascism! The vast majority of us will become desperately impoverished and under endless surveillance(as in Orwell)with absolutely no dissent or rebelling or escape possible from this worldwide slave-plantation! This is their "New World Order"! This is where globalization and neo-liberalism is taking us! We must fight back while we still can!

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return to neo-feudalism

17.02.2004 14:19

One of the ideas that I'm ruminating upon is that we are on the path to a new form of feudalism. Old feudalism was a social and economic system whereby the few held monopoly rights over the main resource - land - and the many were landless day laborers who lived on the estates of the few. The latter exchanged their labor to produce food and fibre for the profit of the land owner with just enough for their own subsistence.

New feudalism would be the ownership by the few of the all productive enterprises that produce food, fibre, water, minerals, and all the other services such as communications, health and education. The ownership of these productive enterprises would be internationally global.

This is consistent with the hollowing out of the middle classes, the increase of the poor and mostly unwaged underclasses, and the gross enrichment of the tiny overclass. The same pyramid in the social and economic system that was old feudalism.

Of course the orwellian world of thought crimes, memory holes, newspeak, 2-minute hates, perpetual war for perpetual peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, Big Brother is watching you, and so on would be needed to eradicate any tendencies by errant individuals to make their own small independent life.

Who said history is bunk? It sure isn't. But the so-called 'history' we have all been told about most things is certainly bunk. It could have all been so different.
