Bush the Deserter
Ken O'Keefe | 13.02.2004 19:47 | Social Struggles | London
For a good laugh now however (never lose your sense of humor), go to the following link and see/hear Bush�s press secretary tap dance like a man on a frying pan. It is one of those rarest of times that the US media actually does its job and asks highly relevant questions.

Aloha All,
Well I must say I am getting a kick out of seeing what is happening with Bush the Vietnam War deserter. I along with many others have been calling him just that for years; and all the while America�s sons and daughters have been ordered by this �Commander and Thief� to kill or be killed in what amounts to completely unlawful invasions and mass-murder (yes Afghanistan was unlawful and completely pre-9-11 planned as well).
But the current events with Dubya inspired me to share a little story; in 1990 while I was a US Marine (idiot), I spoke out (openly) about some very blatant abuse of power by �superiors� within my unit. From that point on I went from being a respected junior Marine with a high position of rank for time served to becoming �the biggest piece of shit I have ever known in my seventeen years in the Marine Corps;� as my Platoon Sergeant, Staff Sergeant Stanley was so honest to tell me. Of course he was one of the �superiors� I had openly reported for abuse of power.
Shortly after this incident in early 1991 the US poised itself for war with Iraq in the first Gulf Slaughter. As a Marine Infantryman facing a 500,000 strong war hardened Iraqi Army known to be armed with chemical weapons I along with all my fellow Marines had valid and great concern for our lives. But due to my speaking out I was denied a four day leave of absence to see my family on the other side of the country; for what might have been the last time before now certain deployment to the Gulf. I knew this was an unjust decision (made by Staff Sergeant Stanley) and I was unwilling to risk not seeing my family for perhaps the last time. So I decided to take a ten day vacation (unauthorized absence � UA) before deployment because I loved my family even more than I loved the idea of a clean military record. But the fact is, and I am in no way proud of this, I had volunteered to go to the Gulf previous to our deployment orders and I in no way intended to duck service; not at all, I actually wanted to go.
When I reported back to duty at Camp Lejeune I was told I would be charged with UA after my units arrival in the Gulf as we were too busy preparing for deployment at the moment. And indeed I was eventually charged with UA while in the Gulf just before the ground war (slaughter). I was during the charge against me ordered to stand before a Lieutenant Colonel whose words I shall never forget. As I stood at attention facing him he told me that I was nothing more than a �coward� and that I had attempted to avoid service by going UA and therefore I was to receive the maximum punishment of �reduction in rank,� �confinement� and �loss of pay.� I remember this event so vividly; it was the single hardest moment in my life to keep my mouth shut. I wanted so badly to burst out and tell this son of a bitch to fuck right the hell off and who the hell do you think you are to judge me without ever even speaking to me. Of course it was my �superiors� who had defined me as a person and a Marine to this dip shit Colonel.
Make no mistake about this, had I burst out at this Colonel I might still be in the brig (military prison); because ya see the military generally takes unauthorized absence during a time of war, disobeying a lawful order and contempt for superior officers very, very seriously indeed� unless your last name is Bush that is. There has always been a totally different set of rules altogether for the Bush family and other �elites� who literally rule us as subjects/citizens. Maybe now we can really wake up to this fact???
As many of you know, I recently traveled to Palestine and Iraq; and one of the many fulfilling moments I had on this journey was reading my statement in Baghdad before international media where I was able to say before the world exactly what George W. Bush really is, a �first class Constitutional traitor and Vietnam War deserter.� It felt good to say this, damn good. Well Michael Moore happened to use the �D� word recently as well and now it seems there is just a little bit of a problem brewing over Dubya�s cushy non-service in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. As there should be; ya see the fact is that 58, 000 American�s and 3-4 million Asians died during this slaughter and Dubya simply didn�t bother to show up for his bullshit job back home. Important to note; it was a cushy job insuring this Bush baby could avoid real Vietnam service, and all this was oh so obviously arranged by daddy Bush who was than a Texas Congressman.
So I repeat now what was perhaps the main point I made to all American�s (and British) during my statement in Baghdad, a point that is duel purpose (meaning it is fully intended to benefit both American�s/British and Iraqi�s);
Regrettably, your sons and daughters who have served in Iraq have likely been exposed to Depleted Uranium (as I was) and were likely given experimental drugs and/or vaccines (as I was) that will undoubtedly kill many of them later in life (as I might yet); and all this for serving in a war that will ultimately be acknowledged for what it really is, an unlawful mass-murder. There can be no pride in that. It is time to bring your troops home and for the United States/Britain to pay serious reparations to the Iraqi people, people who never had any issue with the American�s or Brit�s. There problem was with your criminal Saddam supporting turned Saddam crucifying hypocritical governments; and that is where your/our problem is. Although no amount of money will bring the Iraqi�s loved ones back nor save many now toxic US/Brit servicemen, it is never too late to do the right thing, so let�s fucking do it, now! Bring them home.
One last note; John Kerry is a worthless servant to the establishment who will serve just like every other president since World War II. Noam Chomsky explains all of them including Kerry if he has the opportunity, very accurately.
"If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, then every Post-War American president would have to be hanged." � Noam Chomsky
So what America has (along with virtually every so-called �democracy� on this planet) is yet another clear cut case of choosing between �the lesser of two (or more) evils.� So my (former) fellow American�s, do not pat yourselves on the back too much for getting Kerry into the White House if indeed that happens; he will merely lull the rest of the planet, and many of you, into a collective state of stupidity and apathy that in my mind is even worse than Dubya. In Bush we have a world on notice and in particular a Western world finally awaking from its shameful slumber; a slumber that has caused immeasurable injustice, suffering and death around the globe; while we �prospered� no less. Let us all acknowledge that our so-called systems of democracy are a fucking cruel joke and if they cannot be converted to truly representative tools than they must be abolished and replaced with true representation.
On that note I cannot recommend World citizenship any more highly than I do (www.worldservice.org). I for one refuse to accept the lesser of two evils and I demand that we as people, the masses, fulfill our potential and create a world that we can all be proud of; and transcending the inherently divisive and violent nation/state system is imperative in achieving just that.
In the meantime let me go out on a limb and make a prediction; even though the heat is on about Bush the deserter, I see this eventually being suppressed by the corporate media whores (in America for sure). The issue will drop of all radar screens and Bush will �WIN� a second term in office with his bullshit electronic voting machines and Electoral College sham. Yes I am predicting that Bush will be selected as president once again because I am also of the belief that the real powers, the puppet masters who pull the strings of the puppets we call �Heads of State,� have very big plans for us all and Kerry does not reflect these plans. Therefore he cannot be appointed; Bush is the man to be in office when the next Hollywood fantasy 9-11 type production occurs and we officially enter World War III via the launch of nuclear weapons.
The tyrants who have been running our world from the beginning of so-called �civilization� know that the jig is nearly up, people are waking up like never before and communicating on a global level and that calls for desperate measures. So unless you have an invitation to one of the massive self-contained underground compounds that can protect you from nuclear attack and fallout for years I suggest you continue to increase your level of understanding and involvement in what will happen next in our highly volatile state of existence. If you have children I say to you that it is your duty to do so, nuclear war with Bush (or even Kerry) in office is highly possible; denial of this fact is stupidity beyond belief. We as human beings must acknowledge this very unpleasant fact, and act on it.
Whether I am right or wrong in my prediction and assessment, all of us who can see the potential coming disasters must remain vigilant. I see refusal to pay taxes, destruction of property used to destroy life, World citizenship registration and boycotts of all American and Israeli products as sensible and valid. I see breaking un-Constitutional Laws as completely noble. I see refusal to serve in any military as a conscientious objector as heroic. I see a better world for all of us if we continue to increase our ever growing strength and will for a better world. I see the alternative as no alternative at all.
For a good laugh now however (never lose your sense of humor), go to the following link and see/hear Bush�s press secretary tap dance like a man on a frying pan. It is one of those rarest of times that the US media actually does its job and asks highly relevant questions.
Ken O�Keefe � World citizen #321831
www.uksociety.org � www.humanshields.org
Well I must say I am getting a kick out of seeing what is happening with Bush the Vietnam War deserter. I along with many others have been calling him just that for years; and all the while America�s sons and daughters have been ordered by this �Commander and Thief� to kill or be killed in what amounts to completely unlawful invasions and mass-murder (yes Afghanistan was unlawful and completely pre-9-11 planned as well).
But the current events with Dubya inspired me to share a little story; in 1990 while I was a US Marine (idiot), I spoke out (openly) about some very blatant abuse of power by �superiors� within my unit. From that point on I went from being a respected junior Marine with a high position of rank for time served to becoming �the biggest piece of shit I have ever known in my seventeen years in the Marine Corps;� as my Platoon Sergeant, Staff Sergeant Stanley was so honest to tell me. Of course he was one of the �superiors� I had openly reported for abuse of power.
Shortly after this incident in early 1991 the US poised itself for war with Iraq in the first Gulf Slaughter. As a Marine Infantryman facing a 500,000 strong war hardened Iraqi Army known to be armed with chemical weapons I along with all my fellow Marines had valid and great concern for our lives. But due to my speaking out I was denied a four day leave of absence to see my family on the other side of the country; for what might have been the last time before now certain deployment to the Gulf. I knew this was an unjust decision (made by Staff Sergeant Stanley) and I was unwilling to risk not seeing my family for perhaps the last time. So I decided to take a ten day vacation (unauthorized absence � UA) before deployment because I loved my family even more than I loved the idea of a clean military record. But the fact is, and I am in no way proud of this, I had volunteered to go to the Gulf previous to our deployment orders and I in no way intended to duck service; not at all, I actually wanted to go.
When I reported back to duty at Camp Lejeune I was told I would be charged with UA after my units arrival in the Gulf as we were too busy preparing for deployment at the moment. And indeed I was eventually charged with UA while in the Gulf just before the ground war (slaughter). I was during the charge against me ordered to stand before a Lieutenant Colonel whose words I shall never forget. As I stood at attention facing him he told me that I was nothing more than a �coward� and that I had attempted to avoid service by going UA and therefore I was to receive the maximum punishment of �reduction in rank,� �confinement� and �loss of pay.� I remember this event so vividly; it was the single hardest moment in my life to keep my mouth shut. I wanted so badly to burst out and tell this son of a bitch to fuck right the hell off and who the hell do you think you are to judge me without ever even speaking to me. Of course it was my �superiors� who had defined me as a person and a Marine to this dip shit Colonel.
Make no mistake about this, had I burst out at this Colonel I might still be in the brig (military prison); because ya see the military generally takes unauthorized absence during a time of war, disobeying a lawful order and contempt for superior officers very, very seriously indeed� unless your last name is Bush that is. There has always been a totally different set of rules altogether for the Bush family and other �elites� who literally rule us as subjects/citizens. Maybe now we can really wake up to this fact???
As many of you know, I recently traveled to Palestine and Iraq; and one of the many fulfilling moments I had on this journey was reading my statement in Baghdad before international media where I was able to say before the world exactly what George W. Bush really is, a �first class Constitutional traitor and Vietnam War deserter.� It felt good to say this, damn good. Well Michael Moore happened to use the �D� word recently as well and now it seems there is just a little bit of a problem brewing over Dubya�s cushy non-service in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. As there should be; ya see the fact is that 58, 000 American�s and 3-4 million Asians died during this slaughter and Dubya simply didn�t bother to show up for his bullshit job back home. Important to note; it was a cushy job insuring this Bush baby could avoid real Vietnam service, and all this was oh so obviously arranged by daddy Bush who was than a Texas Congressman.
So I repeat now what was perhaps the main point I made to all American�s (and British) during my statement in Baghdad, a point that is duel purpose (meaning it is fully intended to benefit both American�s/British and Iraqi�s);
Regrettably, your sons and daughters who have served in Iraq have likely been exposed to Depleted Uranium (as I was) and were likely given experimental drugs and/or vaccines (as I was) that will undoubtedly kill many of them later in life (as I might yet); and all this for serving in a war that will ultimately be acknowledged for what it really is, an unlawful mass-murder. There can be no pride in that. It is time to bring your troops home and for the United States/Britain to pay serious reparations to the Iraqi people, people who never had any issue with the American�s or Brit�s. There problem was with your criminal Saddam supporting turned Saddam crucifying hypocritical governments; and that is where your/our problem is. Although no amount of money will bring the Iraqi�s loved ones back nor save many now toxic US/Brit servicemen, it is never too late to do the right thing, so let�s fucking do it, now! Bring them home.
One last note; John Kerry is a worthless servant to the establishment who will serve just like every other president since World War II. Noam Chomsky explains all of them including Kerry if he has the opportunity, very accurately.
"If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, then every Post-War American president would have to be hanged." � Noam Chomsky
So what America has (along with virtually every so-called �democracy� on this planet) is yet another clear cut case of choosing between �the lesser of two (or more) evils.� So my (former) fellow American�s, do not pat yourselves on the back too much for getting Kerry into the White House if indeed that happens; he will merely lull the rest of the planet, and many of you, into a collective state of stupidity and apathy that in my mind is even worse than Dubya. In Bush we have a world on notice and in particular a Western world finally awaking from its shameful slumber; a slumber that has caused immeasurable injustice, suffering and death around the globe; while we �prospered� no less. Let us all acknowledge that our so-called systems of democracy are a fucking cruel joke and if they cannot be converted to truly representative tools than they must be abolished and replaced with true representation.
On that note I cannot recommend World citizenship any more highly than I do (www.worldservice.org). I for one refuse to accept the lesser of two evils and I demand that we as people, the masses, fulfill our potential and create a world that we can all be proud of; and transcending the inherently divisive and violent nation/state system is imperative in achieving just that.
In the meantime let me go out on a limb and make a prediction; even though the heat is on about Bush the deserter, I see this eventually being suppressed by the corporate media whores (in America for sure). The issue will drop of all radar screens and Bush will �WIN� a second term in office with his bullshit electronic voting machines and Electoral College sham. Yes I am predicting that Bush will be selected as president once again because I am also of the belief that the real powers, the puppet masters who pull the strings of the puppets we call �Heads of State,� have very big plans for us all and Kerry does not reflect these plans. Therefore he cannot be appointed; Bush is the man to be in office when the next Hollywood fantasy 9-11 type production occurs and we officially enter World War III via the launch of nuclear weapons.
The tyrants who have been running our world from the beginning of so-called �civilization� know that the jig is nearly up, people are waking up like never before and communicating on a global level and that calls for desperate measures. So unless you have an invitation to one of the massive self-contained underground compounds that can protect you from nuclear attack and fallout for years I suggest you continue to increase your level of understanding and involvement in what will happen next in our highly volatile state of existence. If you have children I say to you that it is your duty to do so, nuclear war with Bush (or even Kerry) in office is highly possible; denial of this fact is stupidity beyond belief. We as human beings must acknowledge this very unpleasant fact, and act on it.
Whether I am right or wrong in my prediction and assessment, all of us who can see the potential coming disasters must remain vigilant. I see refusal to pay taxes, destruction of property used to destroy life, World citizenship registration and boycotts of all American and Israeli products as sensible and valid. I see breaking un-Constitutional Laws as completely noble. I see refusal to serve in any military as a conscientious objector as heroic. I see a better world for all of us if we continue to increase our ever growing strength and will for a better world. I see the alternative as no alternative at all.
For a good laugh now however (never lose your sense of humor), go to the following link and see/hear Bush�s press secretary tap dance like a man on a frying pan. It is one of those rarest of times that the US media actually does its job and asks highly relevant questions.

Ken O�Keefe � World citizen #321831
www.uksociety.org � www.humanshields.org
Ken O'Keefe
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