Powell Snaps - Can't Hide From Lies and Treachery
spartacus | 12.02.2004 15:29
Powell has tried playing "good cop" to Dick Cheney's "bad cop," but they are all rotten to core and have to be stopped.
Although he was often lauded for being a "moderate" influence among the hardline right-wing cabinet members of the Bush administration, Colin Powell continues to spout lies and engage in the Bush-Cheney cover-up.
Yesterday, he lost his cool when a staff member to one of the Congressmen shook his head in disbelief over Powell's defense of prewar statements on Iraq's WMD. "Are you shaking your head for something, young man, back there?" Powell snapped. "Are you part of these proceedings?"
Rep. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), a 12-year veteran of the House, objected, "Mr. Chairman, I've never heard a witness reprimand a staff person in the middle of a question."
As the level of animosity rose Rep. Ackerman of NY said "Truth is the first casualty of war. I would contend truth was murdered before a shot was fired."
see full article on Powell's outburst:
How on earth can Powell defend his BULLSHIT testimony to the United Nations? At that time he said that all of his statements were based on evidence, "NOT ASSERTIONS." And yet, if you analyze what he did say, it was all a load of BULLSHIT, cooked up by Rumsfeld and Cheney's "special" intel pipeline.
here's some line by line analysis of Powell's "testimony" to the UN:
and here's a chart showing the "cherry-picking" intel operation set up by Cheney, Libby, Feith, Perle, Chalabi, and their gang of theiving traitors:
the operation is detailed in a long article published by Mother Jones (Jan-Feb 2004) issue, "The Lie Factory."
However, if you think Powell should be "given a break," what about his appearance at the mass gravesite in Halabja?? This was the place where thousands slaughtered by Saddam Hussein in a chemical weapons attack in the late 80s. At that time, the Reagan Bush administration were firmly supporting Saddam. When sanctions were proposed in the US senate is was Dick CHeney and Colin Powell who rallied to defend Saddam Hussein as an "ally!" So while Saddam was murdering thousands of innocent civilians, Powell was arguing in Washington that we leave him alone!
And then he has the NERVE to visit the gravesites of those innocent victims and say that Saddam was a dictator, that it was right to overthrow him, and that such a massacre could never happen again!! CROCODILE TEARS, Powell!! You shameful rotten traitor!
more on Halabja:
Powell is just as much an operative of the Cheney secret fascist state as anyone else. All of them must be indicted for treason and held accountable for endless acts of treachery!
Yesterday, he lost his cool when a staff member to one of the Congressmen shook his head in disbelief over Powell's defense of prewar statements on Iraq's WMD. "Are you shaking your head for something, young man, back there?" Powell snapped. "Are you part of these proceedings?"
Rep. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), a 12-year veteran of the House, objected, "Mr. Chairman, I've never heard a witness reprimand a staff person in the middle of a question."
As the level of animosity rose Rep. Ackerman of NY said "Truth is the first casualty of war. I would contend truth was murdered before a shot was fired."
see full article on Powell's outburst:

How on earth can Powell defend his BULLSHIT testimony to the United Nations? At that time he said that all of his statements were based on evidence, "NOT ASSERTIONS." And yet, if you analyze what he did say, it was all a load of BULLSHIT, cooked up by Rumsfeld and Cheney's "special" intel pipeline.
here's some line by line analysis of Powell's "testimony" to the UN:

and here's a chart showing the "cherry-picking" intel operation set up by Cheney, Libby, Feith, Perle, Chalabi, and their gang of theiving traitors:

the operation is detailed in a long article published by Mother Jones (Jan-Feb 2004) issue, "The Lie Factory."
However, if you think Powell should be "given a break," what about his appearance at the mass gravesite in Halabja?? This was the place where thousands slaughtered by Saddam Hussein in a chemical weapons attack in the late 80s. At that time, the Reagan Bush administration were firmly supporting Saddam. When sanctions were proposed in the US senate is was Dick CHeney and Colin Powell who rallied to defend Saddam Hussein as an "ally!" So while Saddam was murdering thousands of innocent civilians, Powell was arguing in Washington that we leave him alone!
And then he has the NERVE to visit the gravesites of those innocent victims and say that Saddam was a dictator, that it was right to overthrow him, and that such a massacre could never happen again!! CROCODILE TEARS, Powell!! You shameful rotten traitor!
more on Halabja:

Powell is just as much an operative of the Cheney secret fascist state as anyone else. All of them must be indicted for treason and held accountable for endless acts of treachery!
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