Bush gets Canada's PM to crush free speech for him, website alleges
Harper Fan (from Canada) | 11.02.2004 23:12 | Indymedia | World
For the original Globe and Mail article:
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Lenny Bloom, host of MOJO 640AM's "Cloak and Dagger" radio show alleges that Paul Martin, PM of Canada, had his show squashed upon Bush's request after Bloom aired a radio interview with German author Anreas Von Bulow. Von Bulow is the author of "The CIA and September 11" and alleges that the 9-11 attacks could not have occurred without the CIA's complicitness.
A press release from the cloak and dagger website says that: ". . . Tom Heneghan (Tom of Venice) who is very close to former VP Al Gore told me that President Bush, when he met in Mexico with Paul Martin, made it part of the oil concession contracts that they were negotiating. Bush said he wanted Martin to cancel the Cloak and Dagger Show."
"I have been in contact with Gore since then to learn that he guaranteed its authenticity. " Heneghan is quoted as saying.
Critics argue that if Bloom's accusations were true (which would include Blair taking a 16billion dollar bribe from Bush), then Bloom could have easily been tried under Canada's libel laws, which are similar in form to those in the UK. Bloom was not charged, but allowed to continue on with is allegations of corruption on high for 76 weeks in Canada.
The cloak and dagger website hosts various documents related to, as Bloom says "The Bushfraud Crimelords" and their banking relationships. Paul Martin has recently come under fire in Canada for government corruption, and Bloom's accusations only serve to fuel the fire aimed against Martin, Bush and Blair.
Reveal too many state secrets, Bloom argues, and you will be squashed.

For indymedia analysis and discussion:

Lenny Bloom, host of MOJO 640AM's "Cloak and Dagger" radio show alleges that Paul Martin, PM of Canada, had his show squashed upon Bush's request after Bloom aired a radio interview with German author Anreas Von Bulow. Von Bulow is the author of "The CIA and September 11" and alleges that the 9-11 attacks could not have occurred without the CIA's complicitness.
A press release from the cloak and dagger website says that: ". . . Tom Heneghan (Tom of Venice) who is very close to former VP Al Gore told me that President Bush, when he met in Mexico with Paul Martin, made it part of the oil concession contracts that they were negotiating. Bush said he wanted Martin to cancel the Cloak and Dagger Show."
"I have been in contact with Gore since then to learn that he guaranteed its authenticity. " Heneghan is quoted as saying.
Critics argue that if Bloom's accusations were true (which would include Blair taking a 16billion dollar bribe from Bush), then Bloom could have easily been tried under Canada's libel laws, which are similar in form to those in the UK. Bloom was not charged, but allowed to continue on with is allegations of corruption on high for 76 weeks in Canada.
The cloak and dagger website hosts various documents related to, as Bloom says "The Bushfraud Crimelords" and their banking relationships. Paul Martin has recently come under fire in Canada for government corruption, and Bloom's accusations only serve to fuel the fire aimed against Martin, Bush and Blair.
Reveal too many state secrets, Bloom argues, and you will be squashed.
Harper Fan (from Canada)