munich noNATO overview + links to videos
imc germany | 08.02.2004 23:35 | Anti-militarism | Repression
It is the 40th time in sequence that Ministers of Defense, war strategists, arms manufacturers and other important or powerful people, somehow interested in making war, meet - as last year - in the hotel Bayerischer Hof, to think about the wars of the future.
+links to videos and short english descriptions
+links to videos and short english descriptions

NATO 'Security' Conference in Munich
von LinksRhein - 07.02.2004 15:38
It is the 40th time in sequence that Ministers of Defense, war strategists, arms manufacturers and other important or powerful people, somehow interested in making war, meet - as last year - in the hotel Bayerischer Hof, to think about the wars of the future.
ConAction, Indymedia Dispatch/München, 04.02.2004 02:30
all articles
At 12h the international main demo started on the Marienplatz (webcam). (Stay tuned for more infos).
Friday (Chronologie [english])
The first day of the Security Conference started relatively quiet. Police checkpoints all over Munich and around the manifestation dominated the scene. While the weather was perfect, people tried to block streets and a dinnerparty with Rumsfeld. Riot police often stopped peaceful actions in a brutal way. At least one person was severely wounded. There have been some 175 detentions alltogether and at least 3 police encirclements of protestors. Journalists were hindered from doing their work (Press declaration of the legal team).
Videos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Reports (in german): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
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(loads of articles, photos (*bilder*) and videos.
english coverage:

links to videos:
0. SiKo 04 - HipHop Live(soundsystem-truck)

1. saturdays demonstration. a police-helmet is set on fire.


2. massive police violence on friday at the *platz der opfer des nationalsozialismus* *pdodn* (plaza of the victims of national socialism)

3. police surround protesters at the *pdodn*


4. cops knocka young man unconcious at the *pdodn*. he´s´ still k.o. after 20 mins, but even the medics arent allowed to get near him.



5. friday´s actions against the nato-conference


more clips coming up on

imc germany