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Abdul Hadi Palazzi - Manipulating Muslims V

Abdul Rahman T. | 08.02.2004 18:25 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Migration

Fifth part - This text on Abdul Hadi Palazzi is taken from a website ( which shows how the Muslim community is being manipulated by some quite surprising characters, for political reasons.
I am putting this article up in several instalments, as it is quite long - bear with me and skip if you find it boring.

I can say nothing as to the reliability of the information provided here, but there are a lot of footnotes and links, and it certainly appears to be extremely well documented: very little comments or rants. Unfortunately I don't know Italian, which most of the site is in.

I am putting this article up in several instalments, as it is quite long - bear with me and skip if you find it boring.

Abdul Rahman T.


A Short Biography of Palazzi: Mormons and Pyramids on Mars

Nor does one need a Syrian mother to be a Muslim: Massimo "Abdul Hadi" Palazzi in fact claims with journalists that his mother is a Syrian Muslim. A good many people in Rome who knew Palazzi's mother find it unlikely, to say the least, that the nice Catholic lady with a very Italian name - Marcella Elisa Pizzolito - and esoteric interests that they met was secretly a Muslim from Syria. And even more so to hear that Palazzi's father "became a Muslim".

However that may be, one thing is certain. Palazzi at age fifteen was a Mormon, and used to go around wearing the obligatory white shirt and black tag: ELDER MASSIMO PALAZZI CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. Oddly enough, "Shaykh", one of Palazzi's favourite titles today, also means "Elder". The nickname by which many Romans still call Palazzi, "The Mormon", dates back to those days.

According to Lucio Tancredi [1], Palazzi then entered the Roman milieu of admirers of Julius Evola. Evola, the ideologue of "spiritual racism", had developed a unique combination of esoteric thinking, magic practices and extreme right wing political views, which owed a good deal to certain currents of thought in pre-war Germany. Evola, though culturally far above the level of "neo-Nazis", definitely preferred Nazi Germany to Fascist Italy during the war period.

Apparently, this was not just a youthful infatuation: over twenty years later, Palazzi's mailing list loudly proclaimed that "L'Unità [a left wing daily] is racist, not Evola!".[2]

This of course does not mean that Palazzi should be held to blame for his past; but it does help to understand something of his highly flexible mindset. And it also explains why he tends to call everybody he dislikes a "Nazi", presumably before they call him one. Not that he is: Palazzi's role model is certainly more Cagliostro than Goering.


Palazzi later joined Moses Berg's cheerfully promiscuous Children of God cult, then the Osho/Rajneesh movement, before becoming a Muslim.

Some Muslims have criticised Palazzi because of his membership in a Masonic lodge. Actually, his full title is "Grand Chancellor and Preceptor for the Italian Language of the Supreme Solomonic Order of the Princes of Shekal". This accusation is somehat unfair: even according to his most active critics, he never went beyond the degree of "Perfect Master", collecting fees in a small Roman lodge. Nor can Palazzi be accused of hypocrisy. On one of his own websites he states that a Muslim may be a freemason:

"In any case, in my humble opinion, nothing in the Shari'ah forbids a Muslim from becoming a Mason. It is not a religious organization, and does not support any religon against another."

For this reason, we believe that this accusation is basically irrelevant. For the same reasons, the fact that he is a member of the Brotherhood of Myriam - a secretive para-Masonic group devoted to achieving immortality through certain rather unusual practices - is not of great interest, since these practices apparently always take place among consenting adults.

Despite his many conversions, Palazzi has kept his interest in what we may call the occult - first planted during his Evola days - intact. In fact, he claims that there may have been a "super-evolved civilization, older than the Egypt of the pharaohs". Palazzi has made some interesting comments on a supposed "post-Noahide, pre-Abrahamic civilization, using unknown technology", about magic formulae which are able to melt metals, and the supposed faces and pyramids on Mars - he suggests these might have been created by Adam accidentally banging his head against the planet while doing somersaults - and also offers a quite peculiar theory according to which "water is the basis of all life; everything that exists comes from water, and everything that exists is alive. Present day science says water is only H2O, and calls everything living which is organic, and non living which is inorganic".[3]

Palazzi's mailing list, "", has a pretty UFO logo, with the words, "Islamsunnita, the mailing list which is near the stars" and a verse from the Qur'an apparently used to hint that ours is not the only world:

After all, as we shall see, Palazzi is a man of many worlds himself.


[1] "Chierici vaganti: Netanyahu raschia il fondo del barile?," Orion, Dec. 1996. Orion is a right wing publication, close to Palazzi's milieux and presumably well informed.

[2] Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:52:21 +0200 To:
From: Istituto Culturale della Comunità Islamica Italiana
Subject: News: (Libero) L'Unità è razzista, Julius Evola no!

[3] This information is taken from the first chapter of the book L'altra faccia degli UFO (2nd edition) by Alfredo Lissoni. You will find the full text in the Italian version of this site (






Abdul Rahman T.