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Documents Link Iraq to Al Qaeda

Fox News | 06.02.2004 10:02

Here is conclusive proof of a link between the ousted Iraqi regime and Al Qaeda. Something which anti-war campaigners had strongly denied for a long time.

Documents have been found in the rubble of Iraq's intelligence service headquarters reportedly linking Saddam Hussein's regime and Usama bin Laden's Al Qaeda terrorist network. Journalists from the British Sunday Telegraph newspaper found documents revealing a meeting between an Al Qaeda (search) envoy and officials in Baghdad in March 1998. The newspaper reports that the meeting was set to establish a relationship between Baghdad and Al Qaeda based on their mutual hatred for the United States and Saudi Arabia (search). Bin Laden's name had been covered over in white correcting fluid, but the markings were removed. The envoy was described as a trusted confidante of bin Laden (search). The documents don't mention any meeting between bin Laden and Iraqi officials. The newspaper quotes an unidentified Western intelligence official as saying the find was "sensational.",2933,85256,00.html

Fox News


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Oh go away will you

06.02.2004 10:29

Like yesterday's contribution from The Sun, this is a pointless comment and should be removed.


The Moon

Yawn Yawn You What

06.02.2004 10:30

Erm, where have you been for best part of a year?

This is an old story about a dialy torygraph 'Journo' who found these really scarey documents........which turned out to be a load of bollocks.

This all happened in April last year

Did you have a point?

And I would hardly call fox news a reliable source!!!!
