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Foolish of IMC to Water Down its radicalness

unbridled artist network | 06.02.2004 07:23 | Analysis | World

Allegations are arising that the IMC momentum is already slowing down due to too much administrative handiwork. An anarchist discussion points out possible reasons and solutions. Points to consider: the meta of control desires, pros/cons of restrictive protection vs enriching protection

we don't have to let others' expedient interests tool us
we don't have to let others' expedient interests tool us

There is an interesting discussion happening on (a place where such happen regularly). See the link at bottom or top and go check it out.

Down below an interesting article about activating ourselves, you can see a few people are talking about the pros and cons of the IMC project and how its numbers are allegedly dwindling--at least on some IMC sites. I don't know where they get their info, but I for one can imagine such happening as more IMC admins believe they must introduce more "protective" restrictions due to "off-topic" and troll-like postings.

Following is a reply I made to infoshop which goes over various possibilities to be aware of for individuals who wish to keep the authenticity of the IMC project at least minimally excellent.

People (minus various forms of Vanguards, single and in groups) ARE in a psycholgical place where venting and chaos are NEEDED--as an authentic processing point of departure from a world in which they are COMPLETELY ENCOURAGED to be AT WAR with each other (thus, do not spend time on contexts, empathy, or the like, and just VENT AT). i'll go into this more below.

For now, i want to point out that there are probably various metas at work here which should be discussed by anarchists (and all others who want serious evolution/"revolution", not more facades) if we are to avoid those pitfalls (i assume anarchists wish to avoid such pitfalls, tho figure that those more ideologically inclined wish to mask over this kind of discussion).

For instance, the meta value system of saying on the one hand that one has "an alternative" (or "The alternative") to the giant corporate media, but on the other, plays the same old game of propaganda/hype, i.e.: the needs of ideology first and foremost. (the fortress of those subordinated to Is over those they are purporting to serve and free)

The situation of the Vanguard (usually the admin of the project) *over* the not articulate/semi-articulate (usually the general posters). For various reasons, the Vanguard deems it necessary to dam the chaotic flow of those who reflect the insanity/inanity of their experience.

To dam the flow and "protect" by restriction,,,,

They do not see the value of just letting that flow go wherever it goes. And actually playing out their stated values WHEN IT MOST COUNTS!

I've seen the pattern time and again; situations are more and more restricted until the original momentum begins to lose steam. Like a few people [in the discussion] are pointing out.

(Then, of course, the Vanguard throws up its hands and figures "radical" change is "impossible" and a new generation of "sell-outs" takes its Place with the older generations (i'm not saying to "sell-out" is completely 'bad'; there are grey areas to this which should be looked into for decisive value))

The trick is to promote this venting, and to out-wit the ways in which liberation momentums have, up to now, always been led to the dead ends of superficial reform. To realize the value of this venting as something to CELEBRATE.

Bear with me before you dismiss this out of hand!

i would promote such a chaos, such an inarticulate, semi-articulate (or, even a possibly *more articulate*--as having gifts in ways we may not perceive) chaos of free-flowing posters/publishers on projects like the IMCs as a type of ceremonial processing, a "dance" that MUST be done, BEFORE serious evolution can take place.

Take a step away for awhile and look at the bigger picture.

This project is like no other so-called "mature" project because it STILL mostly adheres to its preachings of inclusion and independence. Okay. Now, a lot of "right-wingers" have been spending a lot of time there (what is it to be "right-wing" anyway? i say to be "right-wing" is to be MORE conditioned, have more wool pulled over ones eyes, and in dire need of MORE critical thinking!!!!).

People are spending a lot of time and a kind of momentum was building (before the Vanguard began curtailing it behind-the-scenes). Despite the alleged "badness" of Left/anarchist information not getting 'cleanly' to the followers, a lot of people were starting to take a LOT of time to try to get a hand in influencing and being influenced. There was (and may well still be some) a real liberating effect--if only in its infancy.

Cynics and the most ideologically conscious might point out that there is a hieararchy of groups who are more valued than others. This brings up hard questions; questions that challenge the basis for our allegations of wishing to have a different kind of world than the one we are programmed to consume and subordinate to. Some of those questions are masked over by hype that we have not caught onto, by persons with interests we are not always keen to.

Persons who many would call trolls (i.e. the guy who used to post from Ithica, NY until major pressure came down on him directly via the strange behavior of some) are swept into a kind of ghetto. THOSE people are not "valuable" participants, categorically. For many reasons that many can accept. But then the thing broadens out, and pretty soon, people like ChuckO (main infoshop admin) find themselves treated similarly.

So these are hard questions. And as long as we let others make decisions on these, we give away more of our power to create the kind of realities we desire.

same old ideologically-challenged games
BECAUSE the same old ideologically-challenged games were being subordinated to, one couldn't easily expose the meta propaganda/hype and MOVE ON/evolve.

Example: Rightwingism couldn't be exposed BECAUSE to do so in any serious way would be to teach people intellectual self-defense--teach them how rightwingers play their games; this would be TOO MUCH simply BECAUSE the Left/conscious leftwingers play this game as well!!!!!!!!!!!!

And one "simply could not risk" going so radical (much much too radical) as to pull the whole game right from underneath the rightwingers' feet. bEcause to do THAT would be to unplug/scuttle the Left while scuttling the Right!

And to the "pragmatic" strategists of the Left (older activists dominating younger, "less skilled" "less experienced" "greenhorn" activists who "don't really know what they're doing"****see bottom note) that would simply be TOO RISKY.

Why? BECAUSE these older Vanguardists have dibs in the status quo. THEY are not (yet) being affected. THEY do not REALLY want to have a "revolution" or evolution. THEY simply do not BELIEVE in such things. But they do WANT to feel like they're doing something.

Maybe it's the kind of hardline cynicism so many of us see in our own parents. Or maybe there *is* wisdom in not allowing true radical momentums to build without bloodshed and without more involvement by the courts. Or maybe it's something like Chomsky has shed light on: internalized values. People who have internalized the value system of their society in a way that they are being tooled, and do not see it.

Whatever the reason, the question comes down to: do you/we have the NERVE to go ahead with our dreams and desires anyway?

It's then easy for these "greenhorn" activists to fall for the meta situation where the bottom line interest of the Vanguard/"wise leaders" is to integrate with the more "established" and "reputable" community. Thus the IMC project as "politically immature" in the eyes of older activist types. And thus the older activist types not telling their followers about the IMC project, and thus adding to the allegedly growing "disinterest". A "Catch-22" if i ever heard one.

My final statement:
We may have to break completely from this old way of doing things and create a new place for committed resistance consciousness to grow and flower and reproduce, and pioneer a kind of progress that we can taste and be nourished by, and have reason to remain on this planet seeking the excellence of our original visions--the DESIRE that first brought us to this work!

unbridled artist network
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An important debate

06.02.2004 11:11

But one which (it must be stressed) has been played out both in local imc collectives and the global network ever since it started. There are well way over one hundred imcs so the same discussions and arguements are now amplified.

These are issues critical to society as a whole, and activist societies in particular (look at some of the debates and just substitute another big campaign group or activist movement and you'll see exactly what I mean). That there is discussion of differences is a healthy state of affairs. Yet the point is still a serious one requiring attention. That indymedia has been open enough to allow such discussion is also useful - see it as a laboratoty for experiments in how to deal with such challenges.

There was a big conflict with chucko from infoshop this is true, and sad for many imcs to see it played out over in the states - indeed there has since the very start of indymedia been a tension between many of the american imc activists and those in europe or the rest of the world - the basic disagrement was either US activists being totally pro-free speech while others wanted a stronger better defined political project, or US activists wanting to appeal to as wide an audience as possible.

This is still an issue. Of course projects ebb and flow. Some of the entire cohesive momentum of the anti-capitalist movement suffered over the last year or so, but much of the effort was going into the anti-war movement - this was one of the most important achievements of the indymedia network - it was the only place you could find in depth coverage of the global resistance to the war - from the massive street demos to small acts of local sabotage againstthe war machine - I'd say this was indymedia's finest hour thus far.

The issues chucko raises are key, but he has an american bias in his experience. How we deal with these challenges is real politics.

How indymedia develops is very important, but not the be all and end all of the story. Indymedia was an idea in the right place with the right technology at the right time, and took off like a virus - because people all over the world saw a need for such open media collaborative projects (to be honest I never thought it would last as long as it has, or that it would stay operational for so long before it collapsed under its ambitious goals of open participation).

Indymedia is an engine. Its not just a website, and that is often forgotten, especially when people compare it to other websites. For there are so many projects that are made in its name - from film screenings and radio shows, from local access spaces to actions around media issues, from training events to prisoner solidarity campaigns.

Indymedia is also an engine because it powered a rethink about media in activist circles. As a result many more initiatives are up off the ground, from new activist news websites to campaign groups supporting open source and free communication - it continues to spin off new projects and collaborations all over the place - and this is key for this shows that it really is _not_ about preserving some status quo which has been reached.

Finaly be very careful about talking about the indymedia network as a whole, because it contains so many diverse views, approches and politics, that it is just as meaningless as tags like the 'anti-war movement' or the 'anti-globalisation movement' when people use them to generalise.


Yeah, and what do you want?

06.02.2004 13:25

Personally I'd remove this thread from the newswire as it is not news and falls outside the editorial guidelines for the site. But doing so would attract cries of censorship and claims that the acts of admin proved the posters point. However, as the person who replied above points out, this issue is continously descussed by IMC groups on IRC and mailing lists all over the world and anyone is welcome to take an active role in such discussions so why do we need it here on the newswire? why do people feel the need to turn the newswire into a discussion forum when that is not what it was designed to achieve despite it not being well equiped for the task? And why do people feel the need to criticise instead of getting involved?

I'd like to know what the orginal poster would like to see? Should the porn links, commercial adverts, nigerian con artist letters etc be allowed to clog up the newswire or should they be removed? Should the newswire have no guidelines about what kind of posts are to be expected? Do those of us using indymedia want to wade through spam after spam to find something that interests us? Do those that fund or supply hardware, diskspace, bandwidth etc for Indymedia want it clogged up with crap?

Pragmatically I doubt you'll find anyone that seriously argues that open publishing on indymedia should mean anything goes - if for no other reasons than local laws would close down sites that allowed child porn, incitement to racial hatred etc to be published.

This means that somebody (or an exceptionally smart filtering program) has to moderate the newswire in some way. Different Indymedia projects handle the problem in different ways but all would claim to do so in a transparent and open way, using a system based on consensus and open to people to join.

Obviously people will make 'wrong' calls, and different admin groups will act in different ways but the orginal poster here does nothing to suggest alternative or say specifically what is wrong with the system or indicate any positive suggestion as to how we can move on, evolve.

The debate over what should be removed from the newswire or not continues to rage everyday on admin mailing list around the world. You are welcome to join ...

If you think nothing should ever be removed, I'd love to hear you justify that position.



06.02.2004 16:52

See discussions here:

Personally I would like to move towards a rating system or somesuch; we need to find ways of giving users more control of content so that moderators are unneccessary.


heated discussion here (reply 1 of 3)

09.02.2004 07:23

This is where a lot of people have been getting in on the discussion. Most of it appears quite cynical, but there are some gems in there as well. Including some of my ideas for ways we could do this project better. (but i'll go over my latest formulation in my reply to "bn")

Seems to me that a lot of people in the IMC crowd could use thinking over this gem from Noam Chomsky's point on being *for* free speech.

To be for free speech means that you defend the views you despise, or you're not for free speech. To not defend the right of views you despise to have equal footing in speech is to have company with Goebbles and such nazis.

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c_merengo, thanks! (reply 2 of 3)

09.02.2004 07:48

Yep, i totally agree on the idea of giving users more freedom directly. And i thank you for that interesting link!!!!!!

i'd like to see something done along the lines of Wikipedia. They have a system where people can edit pages at will. They have various people who also volunteer to watch for legal problems (i.e. copyright violations), and it seems to work very well.

The problem with IMCs of course is that this project is much more "in the face" of many interests. And so barrages of shit come at IMCs all the time. By shit i mean ads and legally problematic stuff.

As well, there's many many people who have been misled and buy hook, line, and sinker into the dominant paradigm. And are hyped up by their ministers and other social and cultural managers to attack. So they do seem to come in droves, in full attack mode (not to mention the off-duty cop types and formal provacateurs...

So this seems to make the case for the policy that many IMCs have adopted. To simply "hide" spam, troll-posts, and views moderators despise (re: "Rightwing" articles).

I'm saying "we" should set up a system where moderators and IMC members get direct control (via trackable and verifyable means). And participants (who post stuff that isn't going to result in legal attack, i.e. posting child porn) whose views and positions are usually hidden, put into notable sections labeled "Right-wing" or whatever other label each IMC consenses on.

(i'm going to cross-post this to the link you provided, btw, if i can)

Because, look, the bottom line is that the IMCs of the world have an OPPORTUNITY in the participation in the extreme diversity of people posting articles and commentary. The situation APPEARS to be an *ugly duckling*, but I say there is a potential *beautiful swan* POTENTIAL.

The Right-wing cannot and will not allow anything like this forum (complete with the freedom to post legal media uploads). If the Left could "exploit" this weakness of the Right, it could do a type of jiu-jitsu as it practiced the most open forum in the world. A forum of LIBERATING potential; a place where "average" people would have a chance to *possibly* find connections where ideology does not allow in every other place.

The road appears hard and long and tedious at this juncture. But that is a reflection of the propaganda we have all been conditioned by. Once we can begin to *see* how we are systematically manipulated (via the liberating speak of informal interactions which automatically subordinate to *no* ideology), people will begin to escape the traps and strings that play them like puppets and soldiers in any army at war.

For myself, I have grown cynical that the Left can allow such a pioneering effort. Perhaps only the post-left anarchists will have the audacity to impliment such a wild vision. Count me in!

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