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Open letter to Trevor Phillips at the CRE

aggrieved | 05.02.2004 01:11

Now that you have had time to settle into the job, I have a
few questions for you.

Mr Trevor Phillips
The Commission for Racial Equality
Elliott House,
10/12 Allington Street
London SW1E SEH

Dear Mr Phillips,

Now that you have had time to settle into the job, I have a
few questions for you.

1. How can a target for ethnic minority participation in an
activity be achieved without positive discrimination which is
illegal under the Race Relations Act (RRA)? Logic suggests
that ethnic numbers could only be seriously increased from
one level to another by deliberately choosing people on the
grounds of their ethnicity.

2. The CRE workforce has a racial split of approximately 60%
black, 20% Asian and 20% white. What steps are you taking to
ensure the CRE workforce is broadly in line with the racial
composition of the UK population: 92% white, 5% Asian and 3%
black? What targets have you set to achieve this?

3. The CRE has commissioners for Scotland and Wales but not
England. Thus approximately 83% of the UK population are
denied the special representation of their interests which
is granted to the remaining 17%.

4. The BBC has announced (Sunday Telegraph 1 2 2004) that ten
per cent of their staff are now from an ethnic minority and
that they intend to increase this to 12.5% As ethnic
minorities form only 7.8% of the population according to the
2001 census, action is clearly required by the CRE to ensure
that the white population are not under-represented. Please
let me know what action you will take to ensure this

5. Whites are seriously under-represented in the law and
medicine, both at the level of training and practice. Please
let me know what action you will take to increase the number
of whites in these professions.

6. There are approximately 80 housing associations in the UK
which restrict tenancies to blacks or Asians - see enclosed
list. There are none which restrict tenancies to whites.
Please let me know what steps you will be taking to ensure
that either the black and Asian housing associations are
disbanded or a number of white-only housing associations,
proportionate to the number of whites in the population,
are set up.

Your earliest reply please.
Yours sincerely,

National Housing Federation (NHF), 75 Grays Inn Road London
Tel:; 0!71 2786571 Fax: 0171 833 8323
DX: 124850 London (Grays Inn Rd) 2
Email: www.housing

The trade body for independent not-for-profit social housing providers

Patron HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, KG, KT
President The Rt Rev Richard Harries

Vice Presidents

The Baroness Hollis of Heigham
The Rt Hon The Baroness Seear
The Rt Hon The Lord Jenkin of Roding
Miss K Joan Bartlett OBE
Sir Christopher Benson
NHF members that are Black &Minority Ethnic associations
This is a list of those NHF members that fall within the
definition of Black & Minority Ethnic associations The
definition is as follows: the provision of housing for
people in ethnic minorities under the control of people of
ethnic minorities, This means an organisation where the
majority of board members are from black and minority ethnic communities, and which aims to meet the housing needs of these groups.

Aashyana HA Ltd
Agudas Israel HA Ltd
Aksa HA Ltd
An Viet HA Ltd
An Teach Irish Ltd
Apna Ghar HA Ltd
Amcway H Co-op Ltd
Arawak Walton HA Ltd
Ash-Shahada HA
Ltd Ashiana HA Ltd
Ashram HA Ltd
Asian HA Ltd
Asian HA Ltd
Asra Coventry' HA Ltd
Asra Greater London HA Ltd
Aston Widows Ltd

Bahay Kubo HA Ltd
Bangla HA Ltd
Bhavan Ltd
Black Roof Community HA
Black Star HA Ltd

Cara Irish HA Ltd
Core Area Self Build Group Ltd
Gharana HA Ltd
Grange HA Ltd

Dorcas HA Ltd

Ebonita HA [Ltd
Ebony Sistren HA Ltd
Ekaya HA Ltd
Eritrean Support Group HA Ltd

Foundation HA Ltd
Fujaltu HA Lid
Fullah Jamatt HA Ltd

Hallmark Community HA Ltd
Home From Home HA Ltd

Inquilab HA Ltd
Irish Centre Housing Ltd

Karibu HA Ltd Kush HA Ltd

La Gaitana H Co-op Ltd
Labo HA Ltd
London Chinatown HA Ltd

Manningham HA Ltd
Mary Seacole HA Ltd
Millat Asian I HA Ltd
Mitali Housing Co-operative Ltd

Nashayman HA Ltd
Nehemiah (C.of G.of Prophecy)
New World HA Ltd
North London Muslim HA Ltd

Odu-Dua HA Ltd
Omid HA Ltd
Oscar [Housing Association Ltd
Osmani HA Ltd
Oxford Spectrum HA Ltd

Pan African Housing Co-op Ltd
Pathway HA Ltd
Pine Court HA Ltd
Polish Retired persons HA Ltd
Presentation HA [Ltd

Rafidain HA lid

Sadeh Lok HA Ltd
Sandwell &Dudley HA
Ca&As HA Ltd
Shaha Jalal (Hyde) HA Ltd
Shian HA Ltd
Simba (Greenwich) HA Ltd
Spitalfields C.H.A Ltd
St Mauritius HA Ltd
Steve Biko HA Ltd

Tamil Refugee HA Ltd
The Great Wall Society Ltd
Tung Sing (Orient) HA Ltd
Tuntum HA Ltd

Ujima HA Ltd
United Churches (Birmingham)
United HA Ltd
Unity HA Ltd

Walter Rodney HA Sheffield)
Westway HA Ltd
Women's Roof (Leicester) Ltd
