The Brilliance of Michael Howard.
Meth, lifted from indycymru | 04.02.2004 13:54
The Brilliance of Michael Howard.
Posted by: Meth
I consider it to be in the best interests of the Conservative party to prolong the premiership of Tory B.liar. After all, he is the most right wing Tory PM since Thatcher. But prolonging B.liar's tenure is not easy for the Tory party - they have to maintain the pretence of opposition.
IDS's brilliant work in that field was an act seemingly impossible to follow. When Labour backbenchers were sarcastically shouting "Four more years!" as IDS's superb leadership was brought to a premature halt, real Tories must have been praying he could continue. Who could possibly stand in with as much skill? Then along came Michael Howard.
I often wondered just how Howard could possibly fill IDS's shoes, but Michael's performance in the wake of the release of the Hutton report was breathtaking. It was described by a writer, Alice Miles, in The Times on January 29th. Howard got off to a cracking start, 'quibbling over legalistic technicalities rather than graciously and briefly conceding that the Prime Minister was in the clear.'
In no time, Howard hits top gear, trying a 'diversionary tactic' and 'bemoaned the fact that the report had been leaked to The Sun overnight, implied that somebody in the Government had been responsible and demanded a leak inquiry.' Steering brilliantly towards a dramatic climax, Howard then 'demanded an inquiry into the reasons for going to war with Iraq and the failure to discover weapons of mass destruction.' In light of Tory support for the war, the writer describes the hypocrisy of this as 'like Bernard Matthews professing outrage that turkeys are not given a chance to vote against Christmas.'
In case I'm boring you, I'll stop there, we now have but a small dose of the brilliance of Howard executing his cunning plan to keep Tory B.liar in power for many years.
Posted by: Meth
I consider it to be in the best interests of the Conservative party to prolong the premiership of Tory B.liar. After all, he is the most right wing Tory PM since Thatcher. But prolonging B.liar's tenure is not easy for the Tory party - they have to maintain the pretence of opposition.
IDS's brilliant work in that field was an act seemingly impossible to follow. When Labour backbenchers were sarcastically shouting "Four more years!" as IDS's superb leadership was brought to a premature halt, real Tories must have been praying he could continue. Who could possibly stand in with as much skill? Then along came Michael Howard.
I often wondered just how Howard could possibly fill IDS's shoes, but Michael's performance in the wake of the release of the Hutton report was breathtaking. It was described by a writer, Alice Miles, in The Times on January 29th. Howard got off to a cracking start, 'quibbling over legalistic technicalities rather than graciously and briefly conceding that the Prime Minister was in the clear.'
In no time, Howard hits top gear, trying a 'diversionary tactic' and 'bemoaned the fact that the report had been leaked to The Sun overnight, implied that somebody in the Government had been responsible and demanded a leak inquiry.' Steering brilliantly towards a dramatic climax, Howard then 'demanded an inquiry into the reasons for going to war with Iraq and the failure to discover weapons of mass destruction.' In light of Tory support for the war, the writer describes the hypocrisy of this as 'like Bernard Matthews professing outrage that turkeys are not given a chance to vote against Christmas.'
In case I'm boring you, I'll stop there, we now have but a small dose of the brilliance of Howard executing his cunning plan to keep Tory B.liar in power for many years.
Meth, lifted from indycymru
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Re: The Brilliant Hoodwinkers
04.02.2004 14:29
It probably will not be necessary if enough welsh sheep vote for Labour Donkeys and all the English Tories switch to Blair.
Welsh working class people will find it hard to vote Lib Dem - they were the predicted engineered split in Labour (Funded by a Sainsbury- did he know how he was being used?) to enable Thatcher to take power. There is an easy socialist alternative option in Wales in Plaid Cymru. They do not call for the stupidity of Nationalization but go back to the roots of Welsh Socialism for their policies.
In England the alternative that is making headway is the BNP. Their progress up the polls is entirely the reponsibility of the Labour Party betraying its own principles. Despite the claims of racism and fascism, people look at their economic proposals and see more sense than in most other Parties' proposals. This is very alarming, not for this election, but for the election after whan the worst impacts of Labour's Uk betrayal Globalization policies will show the full scope of disaster inherent in them.
An American visitor in Britain was shocked last saturday to find how little money their US $ is now worth. Brits might soon find the same happening as Browns inflationary policies start to run away into the wide blue yonder.
Unfortunately I was unable to inform that American that the best way to survive in the UK until their flight home would be to join a protest camp outside an American Base in the UK. That would be the cheapest lodging, the most educational place, and be dirct action to help restore the US$. Last seen heading for Bath. Hope they are not reduced to Dumpster Diving without advice from experienced British Skippers.
(The last two paras are up in DC Indymedia newswire as "Close drains on US$" under commentary and miscellaneous.)
Unbelievably 'brilliant'
04.02.2004 16:38
As part of a reply to a constituent on gay rights. Howard wrote the following:
" More generally,the Conservative Party wish to see a society which values people
regardless of ethnicity,gender or sexual orientation and we will continue to
strive to achieve this end".
Erm, does anone,anywhere know of any examples in Howard's or indeed the Tory Party's
entire history when they have ever 'stiven' for any such thing !?