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roads action at blackwood more info

alex | 03.02.2004 22:21

direct action at blackwood happening now. more background and details. camp being set up whilst others stop work- this is being effective but we need numbers. in order to get ancient woodland defended properly we need climbers tat and lots of nice sorted people NOW.
main text below has further background - eg road a PFI costain/ carillion scheme etcand a bit of a rant about roads oil war and that.

People needed to stop work on the “Blackwood Bypass” near Caerphilly. The site is accessible from the town centre of Blackwood where amazing ancient woodland is being cut down NOW for a two mile feeder road to an expanding MOD site (building hi tech bits for bombers etc).
Work has been stopped by a few people getting in the way of two or three chainsaws for several days running despite heavy rain. Only scrub has been cleared so far and if we move quickly we can slow/stop work down and build up defences quicker than they can trash the place. A camp is in the process of being set up to support people arriving to get in the way of our old enemies Carillion (the arseholes formerly known as Tarmac) and Costain. Resources are on the way but this needs support now.
Strong local support- this road is blasting through amazing woodland and right up against residential areas. Road was contested at public inquiry and has been campaigned against for ten years- currently awaiting verdict for European Court appeal- unsure of grounds but probably to do with SSSI status and two bat habitats on route. This is the usual sickening story… the trashing of yet another beautiful place, the ignoring of all existing environmental legislation and the environmental and social and even economic evidence about how destructive and counter- productive roads are on all levels.
The links from road building, via our oil- fuelled capitalist economy, to war and climate change are made even clearer by the fact that this road is being built for MOD expansion, to help our glorious leaders win the war on terror by bombing the crap out of the middle east- Argh! The proposed road (PFI) is costing the Welsh Taxpayer 56 million pounds (28 million per mile) and is a prime example of the sustainable development Wales has a constitutional commitment to- not!!!!!!!
Come on dust off your waterproofs and polish your harness, we know nine ladies needs ya too!
For info directions offers of cake etc phone 07708 420446 or 07952 774525.
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  1. Who needs the truth — Mark
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