WMD - MASINT - keeping your eye on the ball [cw]
Captain wardribe | 03.02.2004 12:41
staying on the ball...
the following message was received Friday, August 29, 2003 03:21:11;
after making my spin genocide page
during the Hutton inquiry...
I suggest you look into the United States Defense Department's Central MASINT Organization and it's role in collecting and analyzing weapons intelligence in Iraq.
On February 9, 1993 Department of Defense Directive 5105.58 created an intelligence office for the purpose of locating, characterizing and tracking Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Smart Weapons and Conventional Weapons and associated facilities in Iraq and throughout the world through the use of spaceborn and airborne MASINT ( Measurement and Signature Intelligence) remote sensing technologies. This office is now known as the Central MASINT Oragnization.
In 1994 the CMO published a book with the provocative title "CENTRAL MASINT ORGANIZATION BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WARFARE INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION STRATEGIES BRIEFING" yet it has never been mentioned in any news media coverage of such weapons intelligence collection in Iraq. Why not? It certainly seems relevant.
In 1996 the House Intelligence Committee designated the CMO as the primary source of, and supreme authority on, Weapons of Mass Destruction intelligence.
It was also considered to be the agency most critical to the survival of the United States of America as a nation in the 21st century.
In 1996 the CMO created the Covered Lantern real time hyperspectral remote weapons detection system that can be deployed on unmanned aircraft.
In Febuary of 2001 FBI agent Robert Hanssen was arrested in the most catastrophic espionage case in American history. What made Hanssen's spying so damaging was that he sold secret CMO documents to the Russians. At the time the news media widely reported that the CMO could detect and track nuclear, biological and chemical weapons anywhere in the world.
Yet two years later, as we prepared for war with Iraq, the same news organizations apparently developed selective amnesia and completely forgot about the CMO and it's amazing remote weapons detection technologies.
In all the months we have been hearding endless debates about the claims that Iraq possessed and deployed weapons of mass destruction the news media, including journalists who reported the Robert Hanssen story, have never asked the Bush administration if the CMO confirmed, or ruled out, to a scientific certainty that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. The Bush administration itself, in all it's endless talk about weapons of mass destruction, has never once mentioned the existence of the CMO even though it plans to spend one hundred and forty-four billion dollars over the next four years for new tactical remote sensing technologies to enable the CMO and the Air Force's National Air Intelligence Center to conduct real time detection , analysis and tracking of individual weapons anywhere on the face of the earth as part of Rumsfeld's "military transformation" program that includes the Department of Defense HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE EXPLOITATION initiative.
Is it possible that President Bush and Tony Blair deliberately ignored exculpatory CMO data that inconveniently proved that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction? Did Iraq actually destroy it's old, and militarily useless, WMD stockpile as they claimed?
After all we never saId WE did not have proof they did, just that THEY did not provide documentation. MASINT would easily detect a weapons incinerator and it's 1500 degree plus temperatures anywhere in Iraq and could easily analyze the smoke to see exactly was was burned there and how much. The no fly zones place all of Iraq within easy reach of MASINT sensors on US remote sensing aircraft, not to mention the CMO's Covered Lantern unmanned aircraft designed to locate concealed and camoflaged weapons .
Why else would the Bush adminstration suppress the CMO's remote sensor "weapons inspections" intelligence?
Why was CMO intelligence never made available to United Nations Weapons Inspectors who distracted the news media on the ground in Iraq for years?
Does the news media censor all references to the CMO or are they just ignorant of it?
Why does the news media think the CIA and NSA are the ultimate source of "WMD intelligence" when the CMO reports to Donald Rumsfeld, not George Tenet or Condolezza Rice?
Both CIA and NSA have no MASINT capability of their own.
Why has the CMO been excluded from all discussions about Iraq and why is it virtually unknown to the public when it ought to be at the very center of the discussion on weapons of mass destruction and pre-emptive warfare?
With increasing violence in Iraq and no traces of WMDs yet found don't the people of America and Great Britain have a right to know the plain truth about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction or lack thereof?
The CMO is, according to the Congress of the United States, the ultimate authority on weapons of mass destruction intelligence. The budget for CMO technology over the past ten years has been vastly larger than the budget of the United Nations Weapons Inspections in Iraq.
Yet not one journalist has ever asked the obvious question.
What does the CMO know about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction?
XXX X Pasadena, CA USA
more interesting reading...
"As we work with policy makers to define USCENTCOM's approach in the AOR, we address our objectives and goals in light of the political-military dynamics of the region. "
"The Central Region is of vital interest to the United States. Sixty-eight percent of the world's proven oil reserves are found in the Gulf Region and 43 percent of the world's petroleum exports pass through the Strait of Hormuz. The developing energy sector of the Central Asian States, with the potential for discovery of additional oil reserves, further emphasizes the importance of the Central Region to America and the world. "
Tommy franks...
Naval intelligence [2001]:
intelligence issues for congree [ 2001]
US military transformation: bit scary!
IC21: The Intelligence Community in the 21st Century: clandestine services
UNSCON Journal from spring 2001
find more by googling US defense sites [ click below]
all the best
the following message was received Friday, August 29, 2003 03:21:11;
after making my spin genocide page
during the Hutton inquiry...
I suggest you look into the United States Defense Department's Central MASINT Organization and it's role in collecting and analyzing weapons intelligence in Iraq.
On February 9, 1993 Department of Defense Directive 5105.58 created an intelligence office for the purpose of locating, characterizing and tracking Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Smart Weapons and Conventional Weapons and associated facilities in Iraq and throughout the world through the use of spaceborn and airborne MASINT ( Measurement and Signature Intelligence) remote sensing technologies. This office is now known as the Central MASINT Oragnization.
In 1994 the CMO published a book with the provocative title "CENTRAL MASINT ORGANIZATION BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WARFARE INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION STRATEGIES BRIEFING" yet it has never been mentioned in any news media coverage of such weapons intelligence collection in Iraq. Why not? It certainly seems relevant.
In 1996 the House Intelligence Committee designated the CMO as the primary source of, and supreme authority on, Weapons of Mass Destruction intelligence.
It was also considered to be the agency most critical to the survival of the United States of America as a nation in the 21st century.
In 1996 the CMO created the Covered Lantern real time hyperspectral remote weapons detection system that can be deployed on unmanned aircraft.
In Febuary of 2001 FBI agent Robert Hanssen was arrested in the most catastrophic espionage case in American history. What made Hanssen's spying so damaging was that he sold secret CMO documents to the Russians. At the time the news media widely reported that the CMO could detect and track nuclear, biological and chemical weapons anywhere in the world.
Yet two years later, as we prepared for war with Iraq, the same news organizations apparently developed selective amnesia and completely forgot about the CMO and it's amazing remote weapons detection technologies.
In all the months we have been hearding endless debates about the claims that Iraq possessed and deployed weapons of mass destruction the news media, including journalists who reported the Robert Hanssen story, have never asked the Bush administration if the CMO confirmed, or ruled out, to a scientific certainty that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. The Bush administration itself, in all it's endless talk about weapons of mass destruction, has never once mentioned the existence of the CMO even though it plans to spend one hundred and forty-four billion dollars over the next four years for new tactical remote sensing technologies to enable the CMO and the Air Force's National Air Intelligence Center to conduct real time detection , analysis and tracking of individual weapons anywhere on the face of the earth as part of Rumsfeld's "military transformation" program that includes the Department of Defense HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE EXPLOITATION initiative.
Is it possible that President Bush and Tony Blair deliberately ignored exculpatory CMO data that inconveniently proved that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction? Did Iraq actually destroy it's old, and militarily useless, WMD stockpile as they claimed?
After all we never saId WE did not have proof they did, just that THEY did not provide documentation. MASINT would easily detect a weapons incinerator and it's 1500 degree plus temperatures anywhere in Iraq and could easily analyze the smoke to see exactly was was burned there and how much. The no fly zones place all of Iraq within easy reach of MASINT sensors on US remote sensing aircraft, not to mention the CMO's Covered Lantern unmanned aircraft designed to locate concealed and camoflaged weapons .
Why else would the Bush adminstration suppress the CMO's remote sensor "weapons inspections" intelligence?
Why was CMO intelligence never made available to United Nations Weapons Inspectors who distracted the news media on the ground in Iraq for years?
Does the news media censor all references to the CMO or are they just ignorant of it?
Why does the news media think the CIA and NSA are the ultimate source of "WMD intelligence" when the CMO reports to Donald Rumsfeld, not George Tenet or Condolezza Rice?
Both CIA and NSA have no MASINT capability of their own.
Why has the CMO been excluded from all discussions about Iraq and why is it virtually unknown to the public when it ought to be at the very center of the discussion on weapons of mass destruction and pre-emptive warfare?
With increasing violence in Iraq and no traces of WMDs yet found don't the people of America and Great Britain have a right to know the plain truth about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction or lack thereof?
The CMO is, according to the Congress of the United States, the ultimate authority on weapons of mass destruction intelligence. The budget for CMO technology over the past ten years has been vastly larger than the budget of the United Nations Weapons Inspections in Iraq.
Yet not one journalist has ever asked the obvious question.
What does the CMO know about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction?
XXX X Pasadena, CA USA
more interesting reading...
"As we work with policy makers to define USCENTCOM's approach in the AOR, we address our objectives and goals in light of the political-military dynamics of the region. "
"The Central Region is of vital interest to the United States. Sixty-eight percent of the world's proven oil reserves are found in the Gulf Region and 43 percent of the world's petroleum exports pass through the Strait of Hormuz. The developing energy sector of the Central Asian States, with the potential for discovery of additional oil reserves, further emphasizes the importance of the Central Region to America and the world. "
Tommy franks...

Naval intelligence [2001]:

intelligence issues for congree [ 2001]

US military transformation: bit scary!

IC21: The Intelligence Community in the 21st Century: clandestine services

UNSCON Journal from spring 2001

find more by googling US defense sites [ click below]

all the best

Captain wardribe
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